I noticed that on WP 4.9 the “+” icons on widget title bar not appear.
That happens because the CSS rules of you plugin:
.oomph-cloneable a.clone-widget::after {
content: "\f132";
The following change should fix it:
.oomph-cloneable a.clone-widget::after {
content: "\f132"; font-family: dashicons;
That’s it.
]]>Downloaded the must current version and it’s having problems in Chrome, but works like a charm in Firefox.
Thought you should be aware.
]]>Not sure if this is an issue with WP 4.3 or something else, since I’ve only just now installed it, but it’s not working. I get the + button, but all it does is expand the widget and doesn’t clone anything.
]]>Hi, plugin seems to be having problem dragging from widget to widget issue after CMS upgraded to 4.2. Any solution?
I tried the plugin but it caused problems with my widgets: some text widgets became empty, the settings of other widgets got messed up (blog excerpts…). It seems to be incompatible with widget logic (which I am using for my bilingual blog). Once I deactivated the plugin, the problems remained and I now I need to set up all my widgets manually again (so not a time saver for me…). Too bad, it would have been so useful.
I am the author of Black Studio TinyMCE Widget plugin and I would like to provide compatibility between our plugins. Actually cloning a BSTW widget doesn’t work because of the nature of TinyMCE editor, which does not “like” DOM cloning or drag & drop operations. In order to let it work it is necessary to temporary disable the tinymce instance before cloning, and re-enable it after.
On your side it would be sufficient to trigger two js events before and after the cloning operation, I could take care of the rest. By the way, for the event triggered after cloning you may use the same event use by WP core when widgets are created (widget-added
– take a look at WP widgets.js).
Thank you.
]]>I noticed that on WP 4.0 the “+” icons on widget title bar becomes a “^” arrow when the widgets are expanded.
That happens because the CSS rules of you plugin:
.oomph-cloneable a.clone-widget::after {
content: "\f132";
is overridden by a WP core rule (in wp-admin/css/common.css):
.control-section.open .accordion-section-title:after, #customize-info.open .accordion-section-title:after, .nav-menus-php .menu-item-edit-active .item-edit:before, .widget.open .widget-top a.widget-action:after {
content: '\f142';
The following change should fix it:
.widget.open.oomph-cloneable a.clone-widget::after, .oomph-cloneable a.clone-widget::after {
content: "\f132";
When I add a new widget in WP4 while Oomph Clone Widgets is activated, I get a 2nd shadow widget as well. There seem to be scoping issues and my custom loop within new widgets doesn’t work correctly. I resolved problem by deactivating Oomph Clone Widgets.
This widget is a nice idea. The capability was requested by a client and they had no trouble using the feature (until I upgraded to 4.0!).
]]>With WP_DEBUG enabled the plugin does not work as expected. After hitting the “+” the cloned widget is created but it suddenly shows the following error instead of the widget fields:
Notice: Undefined index: text-11 in /home/.../public_html/wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php on line 1580
This happens for all the kinds of widgets.
]]>I have to try it later, because it might be perfect solution for multilingual site, where often you must create as may same widgets for as many langs you have on site.
If this works, that would be awesome.
]]>Not valid pack ;-((