It would be really handy to have ACF support for your plugin. It’s working great when working with the media modal and editor, but having an ACF integration along the line of the image field type (but for Ooyala) that would store the video information (in whatever form it needs to be) as post meta.
]]>– Can this plugin serve VAST pre- and post-rolls from DFP on YouTube embedded videos?
– Does the video autoplay after the pre-roll on mobile?
Last night, the html.min.js file threw the following js error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘availableLanguageFile’ of undefined
We made the necessary modification within the plugin in order for this to work, by changing the base url from // to // Could you add an admin setting, allowing a wp admin to change this url, in case breaking changes get introduced in future versions?
]]>Hi Guys
I am trying to load post content via AJAX / rest api into a page and the way you have code your shortcode this doesn’t work
The problem is that you assume that page content is loaded as single stream and in the first call to the shortcode on a page you inject the needed script call to load the JS from your servers. These calls are not run if the rendered shortcode is add into the DOM via JS.
So before I fork your plugin I thought I would ask you if you can help. I understand why you loaded the code.
I think that best way to fix this would be to add a filter to stop loading the need JS inline script call as part of the first shortcode and then loads in the page head/( footer if passable ).
With that filter I can force the script to be pre-loaded in a page ready for me to insert content with the video tags.
while you are added this filter please add one the target div so I can override the ID as ooyalaplayer-(number of shortcode run) ends up with ooyalaplayer-1 being loaded more than once on a page
I suspect that a more and more site start to use the Rest API to load content this will become a bigger and bigger problem with the way you have code the plugin.
I am happy to work with you on this and this all makes sense if not reach out and I will demo the issues
]]>HI there,
You’re plugin seems really great. The one thing is that it looks like it’s hard to modify some of the functionality. How open are you to adding hooks (actions/filters) for modifying things like the shortcode output? Or, on the JavaScript side, firing some events when key actions are taken like selecting a video?
We would go in and do it ourselves but it would be great to not have to modify the plugin in case there are breaking updates in the future.
]]>Hi, it would be great if we could assign a label to videos loaded from WordPress. Right now they drop in alone and its a bit of an administration nightmare.
]]>While it’s great to see this being developed again, version 2.0 of the plugin breaks backwards-compatibility with the 1.x strain in that:
Any one of these will cause websites to be defaced at time of upgrade. While the secret/key can be easily re-entered, modifying dozens of shortcodes to include a default player and/or width is problematic and less flexible than the previous version of the plugin.
Here is a diff/patch for ooyala.php that corrects all of the above issues, porting all v1.x settings and defaults to the v2.x format.
< Version: 2.0
> Version: 2.1
< const settings_key = 'ooyala';
> const settings_key = 'ooyala2';
> 'player_id' => '' //the default player id to use
< 'secret' => ''
> 'secret' => '',
> 'player_id' => '',
> 'video_width' => '',
> // Back-port all API settings from v1.x
> add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'ooyala_backport_api_secret' ) );
> // Load player defaults from WordPress media settings
> $ooyala2 = get_option( Ooyala::settings_key, $this->settings_default );
> if (isset($ooyala2['video_width']) && !empty($ooyala2['video_width'])) {
> $this->playerDefaults['width'] = $ooyala2['video_width'];
> }
> if (isset($ooyala2['player_id']) && !empty($ooyala2['player_id'])) {
> $this->playerDefaults['player_id'] = $ooyala2['player_id'];
> }
< <td scope="row"><input type="text" name="ooyala[key]" class="widefat" id="ooyala-apikey" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $option['key'] ); ?>" /></td>
> <td scope="row"><input type="text" name="<?php echo Ooyala::settings_key; ?>[key]" class="widefat" id="ooyala-apikey" value="<?php if (isset($option['key'])) echo esc_attr( $option['key'] ); ?>" /></td>
< <td scope="row"><input type="text" name="ooyala[secret]" class="widefat" id="ooyala-apisecret" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $option['secret'] ); ?>" /></td>
> <td scope="row"><input type="text" name="<?php echo Ooyala::settings_key; ?>[secret]" class="widefat" id="ooyala-apisecret" value="<?php if (isset($option['secret'])) echo esc_attr( $option['secret'] ); ?>" /></td>
> <tr>
> <th scope="row"><label for="ooyala-playerid"><?php esc_html_e( "Default Player ID", 'ooyala' ); ?></label></th>
> <td scope="row"><input type="text" name="<?php echo Ooyala::settings_key; ?>[player_id]" class="widefat" id="ooyala-playerid" value="<?php if (isset($option['player_id'])) echo esc_attr( $option['player_id'] ); ?>" /></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <th scope="row"><label for="ooyala-videowidth"><?php esc_html_e( "Default Video Width", 'ooyala' ); ?></label></th>
> <td scope="row"><input type="text" name="<?php echo Ooyala::settings_key; ?>[video_width]" class="widefat" id="ooyala-video_width" value="<?php if (isset($option['video_width'])) echo esc_attr( $option['video_width'] ); ?>" /></td>
> </tr>
> if( isset( $settings['player_id'] ) && is_string( $settings['player_id'] ) ) {
> $validated['player_id'] = sanitize_text_field( $settings['player_id'] );
> }
> if( isset( $settings['video_width'] ) && is_string( $settings['video_width'] ) ) {
> $validated['video_width'] = sanitize_text_field( $settings['video_width'] );
> }
< if ( !$atts['code'] || !$atts['player_id'] ) {
> if ( !isset($atts['code']) ) {
< }
> }
> //fill in default player_id if not present in shortcode
> $atts['player_id'] = isset( $atts['player_id'] ) ? $atts['player_id'] : $this->playerDefaults['player_id'];
> <?php if (isset($atts['player_id'])): ?>
> <?php endif; ?>
> function ooyala_backport_api_secret() {
> $modified = false;
> $ooyala = get_option('ooyala', array('api_key' => '', 'api_secret' => '', 'player_id' => '', 'video_width' => ''));
> $ooyala2 = get_option( Ooyala::settings_key, $this->settings_default );
> if (empty($ooyala2['key']) && !empty($ooyala['api_key'])) {
> $ooyala2['key'] = $ooyala['api_key'];
> $modified = true;
> }
> if (empty($ooyala2['secret']) && !empty($ooyala['api_secret'])) {
> $ooyala2['secret'] = $ooyala['api_secret'];
> $modified = true;
> }
> if (empty($ooyala2['player_id']) && !empty($ooyala['player_id'])) {
> $ooyala2['player_id'] = $ooyala['player_id'];
> $modified = true;
> }
> if (empty($ooyala2['video_width']) && !empty($ooyala['video_width'])) {
> $ooyala2['video_width'] = $ooyala['video_width'];
> $modified = true;
> }
> if ($modified) {
> update_option(Ooyala::settings_key, $ooyala2);
> }
> }
Using a featured image generates the following warning and does not work :
Warning: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given in /home/-/-/-/wp-content/plugins/ooyala-video-browser/ooyala.php on line 321
Please updated Ooyala Plugin, thanks.
]]>Would this plugin work to just embed Ooyala videos on pages and posts?
Currently, wordpress strips all scripts from Ooyala. Would this plugin stop WP from doing that and keep the script in the post/page content?
]]>When changing the player ID on the options page, the value does not appear to get updated.
It actually is, but no selected attribute is used to indicate this. This also means that when the page is updated again, the saved setting may be lost.
The following code should be added
line 69 of ooyala-options.php should be updated to:
<option <?php selected( $player, $options['player_id'] ); ?> value="<?php echo esc_attr( $player ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $player ); ?></option>
When trying to upload a video through the popup, nothing happens.
A JS error also shows up in the console:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
I dug through the code a little and noticed this error at the top of the api_proxy.php file
Also, I get the following JS error in my local dev environment (once I fixed the above issue)
POST 500 (Internal Server Error)
This is caused by an expired request because my system time is incorrect. Whilst I understand this issue is on my end, it would be nice to handle this error a little better.
]]>I updated to WordPress 3.9 from the previous version and updated all my plugins. My dashboard would no longer load. I contacted support from my hosting provider and here’s what they told me:
]]>Hi thank you for contacting support.
My apologies for the inconvenience, it seems that the issue was being caused by one of your plug ins:
0.000088 open(“/home3/origscty/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ooyala-video-browser/__DIR__/OoyalaApi.php”, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
I went ahead and disable it for you and at this point the admin page is loading up:
Seriously. You’ve taken my site offline by not doing so. Disappointing performance, to say the least.
Epic. Fail.
(Don’t know what I mean by “handle your exceptions”? Either Google it, or find new work.)
In the videozoom theme ( Latest Version), we are facing an issue with ooyaala video. When we use the HTML embedded code of the Ooyaala video, we have get alignment issue in this page. We have noticed that it adds an extra parameter “&wmode=transparent” with the script. So please let us know how can we fix this issue?
Also our dropdown on our menu shows behind the video player and this obscure/blocked by the video
I hope to get a response from you
Uncaught exception ‘OoyalaRequestErrorException’ with message ‘cURL Error SSL: certificate subject name ‘’ does not match target host name ‘” in D:\AppServ\www\wp35\wp-content\plugins\ooyala-video-browser\OoyalaApi.php:422 Stack trace: #0 D:\AppServ\www\wp35\wp-content\plugins\ooyala-video-browser\OoyalaApi.php(319): OoyalaHttpRequest->execute(‘GET’, ‘https://cdn.api…’, Array) #1 D:\AppServ\www\wp35\wp-content\plugins\ooyala-video-browser\OoyalaApi.php(154): OoyalaApi->sendRequest(‘GET’, ‘players’, Array) #2 D:\AppServ\www\wp35\wp-content\plugins\ooyala-video-browser\ooyala.php(73): OoyalaApi->get(‘players’) #3 D:\AppServ\www\wp35\wp-content\plugins\ooyala-video-browser\ooyala.php(31): Ooyala_Video->__construct() #4 [internal function]: Ooyala_Video::init(”) #5 D:\AppServ\www\wp35\wp-includes\plugin.php(406): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #6 D:\AppServ\www\wp35\wp-settings.php(306): do_action(‘init’) #7 D:\AppServ\www\wp35\wp-config.php(90): require_once(‘D:\AppServ in D:\AppServ\www\wp35\wp-content\plugins\ooyala-video-browser\OoyalaApi.php on line 422
after installed the plugin, i tried to set the keys, when submitted, i got these errors, please have a check, thx!!!!!!
I have error after update to the newest update (1.7)
this is the msg
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘OoyalaRequestErrorException’ with message ‘HTTP Error (401), Response: {“message”:”Invalid API key.”}.’ in /home/q8italk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ooyala-video-browser/OoyalaApi.php:435 Stack trace: #0 /home/q8italk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ooyala-video-browser/OoyalaApi.php(319): OoyalaHttpRequest->execute(‘GET’, ‘https://cdn.api…’, Array) #1 /home/q8italk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ooyala-video-browser/OoyalaApi.php(154): OoyalaApi->sendRequest(‘GET’, ‘players’, Array) #2 /home/q8italk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ooyala-video-browser/ooyala.php(72): OoyalaApi->get(‘players’) #3 /home/q8italk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ooyala-video-browser/ooyala.php(31): Ooyala_Video->__construct() #4 /home/q8italk/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(406): Ooyala_Video::init(”) #5 /home/q8italk/public_html/wp-settings.php(306): do_action(Array, Array) #6 /home/q8italk/public_html/wp-config.php(90): require_once(‘/home/q8italk/p…’) #7 /home/q8italk/public_html/wp-load.php(29): re in /home/q8italk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ooyala-video-browser/OoyalaApi.php on line 435
how I can solve this problem?
]]>Dear dsearle,
I can not access to Ooyala through APIs. I have tried to many time but fails. I always receive message from plugin: “Error: No videos found”. I have detected inside your source code and get message from API:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<result code=”400 Bad Request” message=”Invalid pcode.”/>
Please help me soon. I need to work many thing base on your plugin.
My email: [email protected]
Skype: surishop