Hi, on Mac (any MacOs browser, not on Windows) it shows a very weird gray box when hovering on Blog Post titles of this theme: https://gillion.shufflehound.com/.
belated happy new year.
Working fine on everywhere but on single product pages like this
Could please you have a look?
the plugin works perfectly fine in the first page but when in the other paginated links it is not opening the links on a new tab. the plugin i used for displaying the links in a paginable way is Posts table pro…can you help me please?
]]>I have links in my sidebar… none are opening in a new window
]]>My PDF and Word docs aren’t opening in a new window – this is a new site I just built.
Is this plugin still supported?
]]>Nearly all of my links go to other pages within my site. So does that mean this plug-in is pointless/won’t work for me?
THanks for the plugin. The target blank is added for all the external links, but all the links are still being opened in the same window.
The problem appeared here — https://freesmi.by/politika/210454
Can you pleaase advise how to resolve the problem?
]]>PDF’s and other documents do not open in a new window. It always used to work so not sure if the latest WordPress has changed something? External links open in a new window fine it is just local links such as pdf’s??
]]>Plugin is opening home page links in new window.
I’ve used this plugin many times and I really love it. Unfortunately, I installed it in a site with the OneUp theme and immediately afterward the js to “load more” in a portfolio broke. I immediately deactivated and deleted it, but it’s still not working (the “load more”). I tried using this script that I found on another thread:
<script>function kpg_oinw_action(event) {return false;}</script>
it seemed to work but then this morning got message saying script not responding and crashed firefox.
Is there residue from the plugin somewhere in the WP install that I need to remove? Any help would appreciated!!
]]>Hi, I love your plugin and I use it on many sites. However I am running into a small issue. I am using Mega Main Menu plugin for my menus and the developer helped me remove the alt or title tags from the menu items because they were covering some of the menu choices. Your plugin seems to be reinserting the tags and I was wondering if you could tell me how to edit them out or provide me with an updated file to FTP.
Here are two sites as examples of what I am talking about:
https://mydesertpatio.com/ – plugin deactivated
https://webdesigntime.org/ – plugin activated
Thank you,
[email protected]
I am sure that this is a great plugin but it doesn’t work with PayPal buttons. Thank you for your time.
]]>I’ve typically hand coded sites.
My new site is beautiful but is a maintenance and building nightmare.
I cannot figure out how to make an image link open in a new window.
I thought I figured it out only to have it stop working.
]]>how to set the plugin to work everywhere else , except one page?
]]>When I add single keyword in ignore field it works. How to add multiple more than once in that field? When adding several keywords/domains with comma sepreated it doesn’t works. I tried also with space instead of comma.
Please help
]]>I used this plugin with the Suffusion theme, version 4.2.8, and it caused title attributes to display when you hover the mouse over the navigation bar. Also, the title attributes included html code snippets in addition to the page titles themselved. Suffusion includes an option to hide title attributes, but this plugin seemed to override that setting. I resolved the issue by deactivating this plugin and going with a different one that does the same thing (by Kristen Larsen). The other plugin works great and doesn’t cause the title attributes to display.
I wonder if it would be possible to set it to open all external links in iframe with PageView olugin or any other iframe plugin?
I believe this would be a great solution to many users…
]]>fyi…the plugin didn’t seem to be working for PDFs on my site. I wanted them, as well as external links, to open in a new window. I made the following modifications to the files to get it working:
var kpg_oinw_list=[".pdf",".mp3",".jpg",".gif",".tiff",".png",".doc",".rtf",".docx",".xls",".wmv",".mov",".avi",".zip",".rar",".7z",".arc"];
// check to see if target is on this domain.
if (b[i].hostname && location.hostname) {
if (b[i].hostname.toLowerCase() != location.hostname.toLowerCase()) {
} else if (kpg_oinw_checktypes) {
// list of types to check here
for (k=0;k<kpg_oinw_list.length;k++) {
if (khref.indexOf(kpg_oinw_list[k])!=-1) {
} else if (khref.indexOf(ksrv)==-1) {
The header in admin panel disappeared after update. I deactivated all plugins except Open in New Window Plugin and header was still missing. Then I deactivated Open in New Window Plugin and header appeared again.
I like this plugin but don’t know how to fix this issue.
Appreciate any help
]]>I’ve installed the open-in-new-window-plugin, which works perfectly except one tiny detail. It doesn’t open PDF documenents in a new tab/window. Any ideas how to fix this?
Plug-in was installed on this page: https://test.gobt.nl/wp-admin
Thank you!