I managed to get a calendar in a list view to my website, however, when I click chosen event the url changes [from: website.name/calendar/calendar.name to: website.name/agenda/calendar.name/event name], and therefore the individual event page won’t open. How can I solve it?
I saw simillar thread closed over a year ago, but the reply there doesn’t solve my issue.
Additionally, I am unable to display filters on my website, like they are displayed on the agenda site [example].
I need to show filters of “city” AND categories. It’s only showing when i use “additional_field” but I can’t have both. How can I do that?
And I see check boxes. How to change that for a select dropdown ?
Thanks for your help.
Je souhaite afficher un open agenda sur la page d’accueil de mon site, j’ai bien vu qu’il fallait utiliser le shortcode suivant pour que ?a fonctionne : [openagenda_filter_preview uid=”52340672″ size=”6″ https://openagenda.com/fr/ccba?patrimoine-tourisme%5B0%5D=13%5D, cependant je constate que les évènements qui remontent ne sont pas les bons et sont déjà passé, savez-vous pourquoi ?
We’ve noticed on our sites that use the OpenAgenda extension that the events preview modules seem to have a problem displaying the date. The large date actually displays today’s date, while the small date displays the event date. The link above shows the problematic rendering. Can you find out what’s causing the problem?
Thank you for your help
Hi everyone,
I did manage to get the agenda on a page using a block (and a specific agenda page ). The events appear in a list. However, when I try to click on an event, it does not open a event page on our website. Is it normal?
If so, can I make the event point towards the openagenda event’s URL or another URL?
Even after reading the documentation, I’m not sure how to make the plug-in work properly so it fits our needs.
I want to display 3 different agendas on our WP site (on 3 different pages).
Here is the first OpenAgenda I created (the link provided).
I understand that the plugin imports all the events found in the agenda on the same page in a list or mosaic, which is great. This way, our audience knows when and where our events will take place.
However, when we try to click on the event to get details, the website takes us to an error page. In fact, the event doesn’t exist on the site.
Maybe I’ve misunderstood what to expect with the plug-in, or I haven’t found the right setting, I thought the plugin would also create a specific page for each event.
Is it possible to have the plugin automatically create a new event on the website for each event created on the OpenAgenda website?
Or would it be possible to create a tracking function so that the user is directed to the OpenAgenda website event page (in a new tab preferably?) when clicking in the event list.
Thanks a lot
Thanks for your work @vincentdubroeucq
Hello, I tried to use your plugin to integrate the openagenda calendar to the static home page of our website before contents with no success. It keeps asking for the UID to be filled which already is in the agenda. I get the message “Veuillez fournir un UID d’agenda valide à afficher dans les réglages de l’agenda.”
When i click on the agenda itself everything works fine and events appear (meaning API and UID keys are correct). Although when using the shortcode [openagenda] before the contents I get the error message. What’s wrong ? thanks for any inputs that make this work;
I would like to use a builder (like Divi) on my Openagenda page. Currently, my openagenda event list is on a basic wordpress page and not build with my divi template (so do not meet my design guidelines).
I tried to force divi to enrole the agenda page, but it’s not fine because the event list is not placed where I want.
The best solution can be to add the shortcode [openagenda] wherever we want (by passing the uid in parameters), in any page ?
Thanks for your help
My agenda doesn’t display events anymore after the last update (2.0.0).
It come back when I rollback to version 1.1.0 though.
Any idea how I could fix it ? Or maybe is there something to fix for the next update ?