So, I installed this plugin 1-2 months ago and the few posts we’re made since then have been working fine with og;image being populated with the image from the post and not with the website logo.. until today when I made a new post, where the og:image is again populated with the website logo and not the image from the post.
Any ideas? The post image is a png, and so is the website logo.
the plugin works perfectly with Facebook and Mastodon but not with Bluesky…
Anything special with Bluesky og usage ?
Thanks for your plugin, your work and any help
Eric Collart
I am using bbpress that comes with a feed feature where a user can post something like facebook.
After a user posts on the feed with an image, I tried to share the post link to facebook. but facebook doesnt take the image from the post but the featured image of the ‘feed’ page.
Is there a way to assign an img metadata to each post whenever a post is made with an image in order for facebook to crawl the image when sharing the post link on the fb?
Please advise.
Thank you
]]>Open Graph tags appear twice in the site’s code.
В коде сайта теги Open Grag отображаются дважды
]]>I realize there are no settings, so if I my WP generates 10 different image sizes how does your plugin choose one for og:image ? is it always the original uploaded image url?
My problem: I upload larger images and my current og:image implementation sends the original large image, and seems Facebook’s compression of the image size results in a poor quality image in facebook. I’d rather choose one of my already generated image sizes for the og:image URL
]]>I’ve installed the OpenGraph plugin, activated it, what do I do now? How do I use it?
What I am trying to do is include og:image in the Mastodon Autopost plugin which I’ve been told will include the featured image on a post in WordPress’s image format.
The Autopost message can be configured with these metas: [title], [excerpt], [permalink] and [tags]. I just added [og:image] and merely the text is copied.
]]>By default the plugin reveals the author URL for articles, but some sites have these disabled for privacy or they are not needed. I tried filtering on opengraph_metadata but it doesn’t appear to contain the article:author data.
I also tried this:
function my_opengraph_metadata( $metadata ) {
unset( $metadata['article:author'] );
return $metadata;
add_filter( 'opengraph_metadata', 'my_opengraph_metadata' );
Hi there,
I’ve been doing research on how to produce a link preview, and have been using the VLP plugin thus far, but due to some shortcomings I am considering alternative approaches.
From my understanding OG plays quite a big role in enabling the generation of link previews, so I wonder if this plugin can already or is planned to offer the ability to do so?
I am using the Pods plugin to create custom post types, each of which can have their own custom style template. My ideal link preview solution would be to add a code snippet to the template that would take a URL and render a link preview.
How and can this plugin be used for link previews?
]]>On a Discourse platform, they auto-preview generation says…
> Sorry, we were unable to generate a preview for this web page, because the following oEmbed / OpenGraph tags could not be found: description, image
Can I troubleshoot this? How do I verify OG plugin is working as expected? …I think I’m missing something obvious. ??
I installed this Open Graph plugin and All In One SEO plugin, then the All In One SEO reporting that my website have double Open Graph entries.
Please advice.
Thank you
]]>When I set some default values and I left all the fields blank on a page, the default value don’t appear.
If I force the default value, it works but I expect to use that only for pages where I don’t specify any open graph data.
]]>I use Borlabs Cookie which adds og:image for a cached version of the screen of a youtube-video. So now I have 2 og:image on the page (Open Graph just uses the standard image). Is it possible, to get the image from a video by Open Graph and insert it as og:image?
]]>I installed it.
Whilst it adds OG tags to posts, all of their content
is blank.
Hello all
I get no open graph for my magazine mainpage.
Is there a way to solve this problem and where can i set the image for the mainpage?
Problema Jetpack!!!
Buen día a todos/as!
Al publicar un post nuevo de mi page, en LinkedIn me está saliendo de portada la foto interna. Y a veces ni siquiera nada y sale solo el link. Ya sea todo publicado desde Jetpack o manual. En Face no pasa. Y quisiera mostrarle a quien sepa si es que necesita verlo y dejar de ayuda por si le pasa a otros también. Tutoriales en Youtube o expertos/as tampoco encontré.
My homepage is getting the following warning at the top, which I assume is related to Opengraph.
Does anyone have any suggested solutions?
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given in /homepages/19/d781759244/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wonderm00ns-simple-facebook-open-graph-tags/public/class-webdados-fb-open-graph-public.php on line 953
I just intstalled the plugin and wanted to share a post, but the facebook said:
“User opted out of platform: The action attempted is disallowed, because the user has opted out of Facebook platform.”
What does it mean?
Thank you for your help,
PHP 7.2 compatibility. Cannot count NULL
PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in…httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/opengraph/opengraph.php on line 358
I installed the plug in and i disabled the YOAST SEO option. I am using SUMO for sharing. Images are still not appearing when i share especially on Twitter.
What can i do?
On single posts or pages everything is fine. OpenGraph tags are added, but on main page ( – there are no OpenGraph tags.
]]>How can I fix this:
<meta property=”og:image” content=”” />
…curious why an image with an external WordPress url shows up? I never put this in my page anywhere and expect it to use either the featured image of the post or let me select from the many images on my home page. I’m wondering if jetpack is breaking my site.
]]>Would it be possible to add in an apply_filter callback for the opengraph_article_metadata function? I’m trying to filter some of the metadata fields that get set here and it currently doesn’t look possible without making code changes to the plugin itself.
Thanks / let me know if you’d like me to just make a PR ??
]]>Hi there
I installed the OpenGraph and now it looks like it’s sharing with a picture and description, however my picture appears to be cropped.
Please have a look and test with
and try to use the faceboook share to see the cropped image.
Can you please advise.
Kind regards
Luiza Varovici
I activated this plugin because I always get this error message when I test the Facebook Share button on my site: “Site Not Configured-404 Not Found.” THis OPen Graph plugin isn’t making any difference. Any way I can fix this issue and get Facebook to recognize my site?
My website URL:
]]>This plugin unfortunately breaks the functionality of the Related Posts Slider –
Particularly, the shortcode in RPS – [RPS] ceases to work. Whilst this may be an issue with RPS, I still believe it strange that this plugin would break the functionality of RPS. Would there be any hope of a fix for this?
]]>og:image is empty on all pages.
Any ideas how to deal with this?
]]>Errors That Must Be Fixed
Meta Tags In Body: Your page has meta tags in the body instead of the head. This may be because your HTML was malformed and they fell lower in the parse tree.
Please fix this in order for the tags to be usable.
Open Graph Warnings That Should Be Fixed
Inferred Property: The ‘og:url’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Inferred Property: The ‘og:title’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Inferred Property: The ‘og:description’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Inferred Property: The ‘og:image’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
og:image should be larger: Provided og:image is not big enough. Please use an image that’s at least 200×200 px. Image ‘’ will be used instead.
I am using open graph and all in one seo plugin.
]]>Facebook seems to choke on a couple of posts I’ve made recently:
These are fairly typical of my posts, with the exception that they contain some unusual characters (? and ±) in their titles. When pasting one of the problematic links above into Facebook, a preview of the link is not generated. Twitter doesn’t have the same problem. I’ve tried transforming the OG title with htmlspecialchars()
(without any special arguments) but it didn’t seem to help. (Incidentally, I’ve been using the numero character [№] for a while now with no ill effects.)
Any ideas?
I installed this plugin today. Initially, it was populating (meta property=”og:description” content=””) with the blog tagline instead of the page description. So I deleted the blog tagline altogether and now the og:description property is blank – so it is only looking at the tagline.
The page description is begin generated by All in One SEO, if it matters and is declared a few lines above, in the code.
This plugin is listing out all featured images on my site when viewing a 404 page. Which creates a lot of page bloat. Seems like a bug. Thanks!