I would like to display all the tasks for the selected user on one page. How can this be done? If I put the widget it does what you need. But inconvenient for site visitors.
]]>While adding the projects, the “Clients” dropdown is not working as it does not show any search results even for existing companies.
I’m using latest version of WP and I guess there has been some change in the latest version. I checked all the previous forum messages and few of the other users have faced this issue.
Also, in the “Connection Status” under TOOLS menu, there are only 2 connections shown > Projects to Persons and Persons to Companies.
]]>Hi Guys!
Great code but I can only access Orbit when I switch to Orbis theme. Is there a way to display Orbis on a page within my current theme using a shortcode or via my WordPress dashboard for logged in users.
]]>I can create projects, persons involved and companies. What I cannot do is to delete projects and companies.
I have installed the required members plugin via the Orbis plugin page, ticked every single checkbox, so that a WP user has every possible authorization, but still: Projects and companies cannot be deleted.
Plus: When using the members plugin to restrict access of certain WP users to just the Orbis project management, the menu item “Persons” is not visible. It is only visible if a WP user is listed as administrator.
Can someone please help me here?
Best regards,
]]>How can I delete Companies and Projects created?
]]>Hi, i just wonder if i can change the time field option for a exact number, disable the parse time function and just show the exact number.
because i just want the project budget in money no in time
I’m trying to make this work with Advanced Custom Fields but I got stuck. I need to change the person related to a project from the front-end. I have a custom field that is getting the list of persons but can’t figure what to do next.
It’s the last field on this page (Op.): https://goo.gl/0AIyNa
]]>Hi! First of all thank you for the plugin.
Is it possible to create default status instead of having just complete or incomplete?
how do i add clients? when i add a new person, he doesn’t show up as a
when i do it through the members plugin, it doesnt give me the option to
define him as a client.
also, when i create a new project, it gets saved as a blog page. i want it
to be visible only to that client.
how would i go about it?
please answer me as soon as possible, as my client is really pressuring
]]>Hi, Is this plugin is compatible with Buddypress?
]]>I just want to give you a hint that the reason why maybe a lot of users do NOT use this plugin is the missing documentation. I spend one hour trying to find out how this works and that I have to install extra plugins and even a theme. But there is (as far as I have seen) no readme file, no documentation, no manual explaining that in an easy way.
The plugin looks nice, but I removed it due to this. I don’t want to spend some hours trying to find out how everything works by myself.
I am trying to set up Orbis (looks great so far). I have a couple of questions.
1. Is there a way to limit access to projects to just that project’s clients? Right now all projects are visible to the public.
2. Can I set it up to access Orbis as a menu item instead of from the home page so I can combine it with my website, or would I need to use something like Multisite?
could you please provide a code snipped or could tell me how i can save the kvk-number and other meta data in the related company database?
currently i only find these data in the postmeta database.
Thank you!
]]>Hello again,
please have a look at this screenshot:
Every time after editing a new connection, making a change to the time etc. orbis posts the same comment. Also the comment is wrong, because the project is not completed.
I think the intention was to log the changes in comments but as you can see it doesn’t work.
How can I fix that?
first of all i’d like to thank you for your excellent work! Your plugin is exactly what i was looking for. We run a small company in Germany and want to switch from a static wiki to a dynamic CMS. So thanks again for this helpful tool!
My question:
We are supporting large business groups with several associated companies. We call these groups “Clients” and the companies “CBUs” (Client Business Units).
Is there a possibility to create an additional menu for “Client”, “Customer” or “Company Group”?
Client/Group: Apple > Company: Itunes S.A.R.L. (of course they should be linked to each other)
After installation of the template and after done 1 person 1 project and 1 compny, clicking on the link I cannot open any page because of a ” No input file specified. ” error.
Pls help me to know why.
Thx in advance
]]>Dear Orbis
Your plugin help me a lot for my website and project.
But I have a small problem which I found way to resolve yet.
I’d like to add Due time and Assignee person for ‘Project’ as well filter like with Task, is there anyway to do this ?
Thank you for help me a lot.
Your plugin seems interesting.
Is there a demo of the plugin someplace? Or a guide on how to use it. There is only a getting started guide and a tour on your site.
How do we set up menus to show ALL companies, All projects, Or active projects, finished project?
Persons are just persons… which are not linked to companies or am I missing something?
]]>We are using the Orbis plug-in and are able to define both projects and companies, as well as select a company on a project (defaults to a number after selecting) but when clicking on a company we receive a note that there are no active projects. How do you tie the company and the project together? We also noticed that some of the project details weren’t translating as well – in particular the ‘Project Status’ and ‘Project Budget’ – these can be populated but don’t carry over on the front end.
]]>Hey guys,
Great plugin!
I’m just wondering if you can make it Buddypress compatible?
I’d like to test Orbis Tasks and Orbis Timesheets but the links are broken. Could you please make these available ?
I was wondering if it is possible to create a task for uploading documents, that changes to 100% afer the document has been uploaded.
Is it possible to use it with WPML?
This plugin has gotten such rave reviews we have decided to use it. We installed it and activated the two plugins. There is no dashboard, no way to add projects or tasks…. What are we missing? Is this a compatibility issue with WP 4?
]]>There are Project and Person categories within your modules, but I can’t find a way to have them show up in the frontend using the widget areas. When I try to add a category widget in one of the widget areas, it replaces the theme content. Is there a certain way to make everything work together or have I overlooked something?
]]>Greetings – one feature that you should consider for the next update is enabling tasks to be assigned to multiple projects. That way, the user wouldn’t have to duplicate a post and assign it to a different project. Great work!
]]>Hi, I’ve been looking around and I cannot find the blue ‘Add Post’, ‘Add Person, ‘Add Task’, etc.. buttons on the front end, nor can I find them in the theme files of the orbis theme (tried with both 1.1.1 and current versions).
The buttons I’m talking about are the blue buttons in the top-right corner of your screenshots page her: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/orbis/screenshots/
Do the missing buttons allow you to add from the front-end, or are they simple shortcuts to the admin?
]]>First of all, I just want to say that this really is a great plugin, it has many of the features I’ve been looking for, although I am still testing it to see if it will work for my project.
I see you can add companies and persons as ‘clients’, that can later be added to a project. Is there a way to use existing registered users as clients? I’m using a plugin to allow users to register as members or clients, and would like for registered clients to be able to be selected as ‘clients’ in orbis without having to re-add them as persons or companies myself. Is this possible?
first of all I would like to thank you for the amazing plugin, it’s really useful and unique ??
I encountered just one issue: I can’t get to show the “add project” or “add task” functionality in the front end as shown on the plugin screenshots.
I’ve installed the Members plug-in, and checked if the roles where rightly set, and everything seems ok.
Any clue?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, please forgive my ignorance. But is this plugin compatible with multisite. I installed and activated on home site and when I go to settings for the plugin it says “Settings” but it’s a blank page.
I am presuming that there is nothing showing because this plugin isn’t compatible with multisite. Am I correct?
]]>Hello – the plugin sounds great – I’ve been looking for a project mgmt / crm solution for WordPress for a while, and this looks the slickest.
My main concern after initial install is to see that its asking me to install the following plugins:
– members
– posts 2 posts
I don’t have a problem with members, but posts 2 posts is no longer supported by the author. Best practices avoid using plugins which are not supported – is this plugin fundamental to the system – i.e. will I lose core functionality for not installing it – or is it just suggested?