I’ve been seeing a site that uses this plugin randomly throw an unrecoverable error.
I managed to capture the error today and it appears to be the result of the plugin calling home but the server it’s trying to reach throws an error.
Fatal error: Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException: Server error: GET <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://dash.accessibly.app/api/get-domain-id" target="_blank">https://dash.accessibly.app/api/get-domain-id</a>
resulted in a 500 Internal Server Error
Hi there,
I am testing this plugin on my wordpress site and I noticed a few issues with the plugin on Chrome and Firefox (testing from my macbook air). The same issues are showing up when visiting your website accessiblyapp.com so I know the problem is from the plugin itself (not from my website)
I would love to use this plugin on our website because I really like to other features. Can you please advise on when these issues above might be fixed with a plugin update?
Thanks so much!
Being one of the translation editors for Swedish, I noted some pending strings for this plugin from you (as in @onthemapmarketing )
As I tried to understand how one of the strings is used, I happened to look at https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/otm-accessibly/trunk/accessibly-plugin.php and noted a couple of problems.
1. In order for translations made at https://translate.www.ads-software.com/ to work with your plugin, you need to declare (and use) your plugin slug (otm-accessibly) as text-domain.
Here you’re declaring “accessibly”, but in the code you either don’t include any text-domain, as in $settings_link?=?"<a href='$url'>"?.?__('Settings')?.?'</a>';
or change the element order of the textdomain, as in add_menu_page(__('Accessibly App',?'accessibly-otm'),?__('Accessibly App',?'accessibly-otm'),?'manage_options',?'accessibly-otm',?'accessibly_otm_admin_page',?'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'?.?base64_encode($accessiblyIcon),?100);
It also looks as if several strings aren’t made available for translation, for instance in
Hello, I love the plugin but when I turn it on, my WordPress admin pages doesn’t let me scroll through my pages. if I want to see a certain page or see all the pages, I have to zoom out to see them or search in the search bar. Please fix this issue.
I’ve tried changing the settings to #000000 and the word ‘black’ but nothing seems to change the color of the icon.
Can you reply with some css?
I’ve also tried this to no avail:
.accessibility-menu-btn {
color: #000000;
background: #000000;
Hello, this plugin shows as installed successfully but the icon is not showing on the site, help please?