While uploading a new image of the same filename, it does delete the existing image in media library. But it also adds a ‘-1’ on the end of the newly uploaded image. So it doesn’t preserve the filename. WP version 6.2.2
]]>Would be happy to pay if the plugin could be made compatible with WP 5.2 and above as there is no alternative for it available.
Kind regards
]]>Seems like the PNG images arent getting overwritten. Does the plugin not support the PNG?
]]>Seems the plugin isn’t properly handling -scaled
suffixed images introduced by WP recently.
I’m uploading a new version of the same image named like this:
but in the db that image exists like: name-scaled.jpg
because the aforementioned is larger than a threshold and WP renames it automatically.
The new upload just generates a new image. Expectation would be name.jpg
and name-scaled.jpg
to be treated like the same image and handle that case seamlessly.
]]>Hi, @iandunn How can I update this plugin to work with PHP 7?
Thank you so much for your time
I have tried to upload file with same name, it kept both of them with same name, just one has been uploaded in august (8) and one in october (10)…
]]>A client called for help on their site with a list of issues. One of them was that this plugin was not working on their site. After some investigation, I noted that wordpress (before it calculates the unique file name) converts the extension to all lower case.
So the client was uploading images with extension of JPG, which wasn’t matching the existing because WP converted the initial to jpg. This resulted in the new file getting it’s extension changed, then getting the numbers appended.
Is there a way to support this case? (If not, can I file a bug somewhere, or maybe even submit my own patch?)
We use your plugin in combination with Postie. Every day we send an e-mail to the Postie mailadress with a PDF as attachment. De PDF is named attachment.pdf. Every day the same name. We use your plugin to overwrite the old attachment.pdf. It used to work very good, until 15th august.
Now the name in the media library stays the same “attachment.pdf” instead of “attachment-1.pdf” (that’s fine), but when we use the link to the PDF the old PDF is showing, instead of the new one. I hope you get what I mean to say. It looks like the name in the media library is fine, but in the FTP the nummering is different: still attachment.pdf.
This is the page we use with your plugin: https://www.vliegschool-hilversum.nl/notam/
Every day a new PDF needs to be uploaded here (automatically).
I hope you can help us with this problem!
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Lisa Schoonderbeek
]]>Why hasn’t this been baked into WP Core yet?! I think a Feature fork is in order!
This, combined with Replace Media, is a very nice combo.
I was getting ready to throw this in as an MU plugin til I saw it was updated 4 weeks ago. Are you aware of ways this can be updated, be it remotely or by some other update UI, while allowing it to live inside the MU directory?
I’m considering forking it, uploading to GitHub, then git fetch/pull every now and then. Or something along those lines.
]]>The plugin doesn’t appear to be overwriting files since v3.4.1 including v4.6.1.
As previously reported by jhdean about 10 months ago, I just verified that it’s also not working (by overwriting files) in the current version as of today in v4.6.1.
Is the plugin being updated and supported. If so, can the developer please look at this and correct it?
Gary Gordon
Recently it seems that files are not being overwritten. I haven’t changed my folder structure. Does the plugin still work with WordPress 4.3.1? What should I check?
I have media organized by month/year so if I wan to replace a media that I have uploaded not in the current month, the plugin does not replaces the media.
I see that the description says that files uploaded will automatically overwrite existing files. And I see that it will work automatically, but it would be helpful if there was a basic explanation.
]]>Great plugin but is there anyway to keep the media id number? its causing my galleries to breaks since they reference the media id #.
]]>Actually I’m using WP 3.8.4. This plugin has been a lifesaver for me for years, but it’s stopped working. Any ideas what’s going on?
this plugin almost does what I’m searching for, that is skipping the upload of duplicated files.
It would be great to include an option for choosing the behaviour when a filename already exists when uploading. Either to overwrite the file or to skip that upload.
]]>I just wanted to say this is a great update. It’s wonderful that changes no longer need to be made to WordPress core every time WordPress is updated. Thanks for the change!!
]]>Hello –
I’ve uploaded the Overwrite Uploads dir into my plugin dir and changed the code in file.php, but when I go into the plugin section of WP admin to activate the plugin it’s nowhere to be seen.
I’m running WordPress 3.7.1.
This forum is pretty dormant so I hope someone is still out there!
]]>I am running WP version 3.5.2. I installed version 1.0.2,
Now I can’t log into WP. Getting
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/content/42/8895242/html/brightstar/wp-admin/includes/file.php:1) in /home/content/42/8895242/html/brightstar/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-core/wpsc-constants.php on line 19.
HELP!! Any ideas?
]]>Hi all I follow the instructions to add new filter but on upload i get this error?
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/stamabgc/public_html/develop/wp-includes/cache.php on line 113
Whats happen?
And it will be a great idea on page Upload New Media (wp-admin/media-new.php) under the text “Maximum upload file size: 50MB.” to have a checkbox “Replace/Overwrite existing files. (Otherwise will create a copy with xxx number after filename)”.
I’ve just run across your plugin via a wpquetions.com issue. The developer suggested your plugin as a fix for a Woocommerce issue of duplicating images. I too am having that same problem although would love to know if you are still maintaining this plugin before I start relying on it.
Do you have plans for an update? Did you get any feedback from WordPress as far as installing the hook into the core?
Thank you for your time and expertise. Guys like myself need guys like you ??
]]>I think you should move this line:
define('OVUP_FILTER_ADDED', true); // custom modification for Overwrite Uploads plugin
to wp-config.php.
This would simplify your install process and would make it so only one line needs to be maintained through upgrades. Is there any reason not to? I just did it and it seems to be working.
]]>I just uploaded the plugin. Changed file.php just like the instructions and activated the plugin and it’s not doing anything different. I used the visual form builder to upload the files that I want to overwrite the old ones. Could this be the problem?
]]>It would help a great deal if there was a warning before a user overwrote a file — just like in most operating systems. Even if I was the only one using a site, I’d eventually probably overwrite something I didn’t mean to.
Otherwise, this plugin really helps.
]]>Does require about 5 minutes of file editing, but totally worth it.
One thing, my file.php string that the readme file says to paste the code prior to, was different near the end than the string in the readme file indicated. I searched for just the beginning of the string, pasted the code you provided in the readme file, and it works absolutely perfectly.
This is a huge help when you have images attached to featured posts and you need to edit and re-upload the image. No more going back to the post to paste the new file URL in, and no more wasted space on the server with multiple versions of similar images. Very nice!
]]>Hello iandunn,
Will u please add an option for Multisite Network to enable Overwrite Uploads for entire Network!?
I think this will save more disk space on hosting and reduce total upload size when backup the whole network sites!
Thank in Advance!
]]>I’m just creating a post for this plugin so that the ‘subscribe to emails for this tag’ link will be available and I can get updates if anyone every posts under it.
Everyone can ignore this.