Hi There,
I am just looking at Installing your Plugin, it seems ideal for what i need, I have been looking for a Plugin, which Users can make Support Requests, as a Post, where other Users can relate to them too, With this Plugin, if a Visitor asks a support request. Can other Visitors see it? As a lot of my Users, ask the same questions, so it would be perfect, if other Visitors, can also read the previous support posts.
Also, is there a Documentation, on how to set up the Plugin please? I am a total novice, with WordPress, and am new to all of this, and want to Install, and set it up correctly.
Many Thanks
]]>Hi, I love your plugin and want to use it on one of my P2 project, is there any possibility change the words Resolved and Unresolved to some thing like Open or Closed.
Please let me know. Thanks
first of all: Thank you for the great plugin! i think it will be very useful to us.
But I wanted to know if it is possible to remove the plugin with the resolved/unresolved-options on static pages?
Thank you in advance and best regards,
I think it would be great to be see an author dropdown option included in the P2 Filter Posts widget.
Left blank it will function as it does now…add an author and just see their resolved, unresolved threads.
]]>1) Is there a way to change the text in the button links? I.e. from “Flag Unresolved” to “Approved!”
2) Is it possible to only allow admin to change posts from resolved to unresolved?
Thank you!
Plugin does not save. Or am I doing something wrong?
I’m liking this plugin at lot so far. The filter to set new posts as unresolved is really helpful.
One thing I am looking for is a way to view only unresolved or only resolved entries. I tried naming the taxonomy and appending the tax name and each slug to the main URL for the site. Got 404s.
Any ideas?
]]>Is this possible?
https://github.com/Automattic/P2-Resolved-Posts/issues/5 is still open though the other post in the WP forums about this is resolved.
First of all, great plugin! I have combined the P2 Theme, P2 Resolved Posts plugin and Buddypress plugin for a ‘intranet’ site for my company. Everything works as it should, but it gives some errors on the BuddyPress pages (Activity, Groups, Members).
Warning: array_reverse() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in ***/wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php on line 410
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ***/wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php on line 413
Both errors obviously related to line 408 with code:
$audit_logs = get_post_meta( get_the_id(), self::audit_log_key );
My wild guess is that P2 Resolved Posts is probably trying to load the post meta for the Buddypress custom post types, and it expects an array back.
My current workaround is just a simple if(is_array())
before the array_reverse on line 409 and ending after echo $output
on line 417
But maybe there’s a better fix for this? Maybe something to prevent P2 Resolved posts from trying to load the post meta for BuddyPress post types?
]]>Hey would it be possible to limit the automatically marking as unresolved to one category?
This would be particularly useful for my category ‘tasks’ which need to be marked as unresolved when published (and then marked as resolved when completed).
]]>This plugin is simply awesome. Really great stuff. I’m using it for our non-profit to coordinate activities amongst volunteers.
There is one pretty big challenge though. Right now our site is set to require registration to comment and open registration. But, any visitor is able to flag an item as unresolved and we keep having people showing up and flagging items.
At first I thought it might be great to have flagging follow the same rule as commenting, but I actually think it would be better to limit flagging to certain WordPress roles. That way you could limit who can flag things one way or another with a bit more granularity.
Thanks for listening. I’m really hopeful the addition I highlighted can make it in.
]]>Here’s the error log entry:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in …/wp-content/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/p2-resolved-posts.php on line 754
Anything I can do to further debug this error?
]]>Anyone else having issues with the plugin not activating on WP v3.4.1 and P2 v1.4.2?
I had it working on 1.4.0 and an earlier version of WP (can’t recall the number) just fine, but now it refuses to activate the plugin/widgets.
]]>There’s a very useful filter to automatically mark new posts as unresolved by adding add_filter( 'p2_resolved_posts_mark_new_as_unresolved', '__return_true' );
to the theme’s functions.php and that works perfectly.
But how about excluding some post formats? Say for example that I only want to automatically mark standard posts as unresolved? And not quotes, links, and status updates.
Has anyone successfully used the p2_resolved_posts_maybe_mark_new_as_unresolved
filter? If so how exactly?
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
]]>Is there a way to have the post default to Unresolved?
I’m still trying to figure out how to make P2 default to Blog Post as well…
Fantastici plugin. Thanks for sharing! VERY useful…
]]>I’ve got WordPress set up on a Bitnami stack on my laptop – using to test out P2 (latest version). When I activated the “Resolved Posts” plugin, nothing happened. No link or button for resolved/unresolved, no widget listed in the admin widgets panel, etc.
Is this a problem with Bitnami, or something else that I might be doing wrong?
]]>The plugin does not appear to be working on WordPress 3.4-alpha-20291with P2 1.3.3. No Resolved/Unresolved and widget option loading.