Dear developer, if possible please update your widget.
I’m getting: Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in PageExcerptWidget is deprecated since version 4.3.0!
thank you
the plugin works fine even with wp Globus but i have at the beginning a ….{:de}AGB{:}{:en}AGB{:}{:de}
See an example her on the right side of the page:
]]>This is a nice little widget that will even pull images from a page.
One issue I had is that if there is text formatting on the page (Eg. bold or italic) the excerpt will not close the tag if the closing tag comes after the end of the excerpt, so everything that follows is affected.
In my case the text from the page is bold and when the excerpt finishes it does not close the bold tag so all my footer goes bold as well.
I notice that shortcodes are not evaluated, which is useful for contact forms, etc. Temporary fix:
In jmh_pew.php line 65:
echo $this->pew_trim(do_shortcode($page_data->post_content), $instance['excerpt_length']);
This widget works very well !
Could be great if I could strip the html of excerpts…
Is it possible to do this ?
]]>Pages with Visibility: Private are not displayed in the “Page to display” dropdown list.
I’m using the One Pager Theme from Woothemes. The problem of that theme is that we can add only one page on the home page, but your plugin solves this gracefully :).
I’ve added some new features to your plugin also:
<p><p>some text</p></p>
), and when it doesn’t, it may or may not be useful depending on the theme and the admin interests.<p>excerpt text</p><a href="#">read more</a>
<p>excerpt text</p><p><a href="#">read more</a></p>
You can find the new code here: (save it as jmh_pew.php and replace the file with the same name in the “page-excerpt-widget” folder).
IMPORTANT: first of all, backup all your data!!! I’m using this code on my own, but code is always out of warranty ;).
Hopefully we can see all these changes in the next release ^-^.
]]>Just as a head’s up I’m getting some notices when using your plugin
Notice: Undefined variable: field_id in /home/michover/public_html/uat/chingfordelectrical/wp-content/plugins/page-excerpt-widget/jmh_pew.php on line 134
Notice: Undefined index: link_title in /home/michover/public_html/uat/chingfordelectrical/wp-content/plugins/page-excerpt-widget/jmh_pew.php on line 194
Thanks for your work!
]]>Unfortunately, the default WP function of killing nearly all formatting (such as line breaks) makes it unusable. No idea why the WP gurus think that formatting should be stripped out of excerpts. ??
]]>hey there,
thanks for plugin! wondering if it can grab blog excerpt? i have asked it to, but it only brings in title and …
if i knew more about the mechanics of all of this mb i’d know the answer.
]]>Is there a way in which to add or use the featured image? This is ideal as well.
]]>This plugin really looks like it can gain me a lot of time in setting up websites. However, the possibility to use multiple instances is a definite must for me. I keep this one on my to watch list.