Plugin does NOT work on “SHOP” Site generated by woocommerce. Any Idea?
on other sites it works good. but on shop site, when i select menu items to deactivate on that specific site it does NOT deactivate! on shop site it showes everything. can anybody help?
]]>Notice: Undefined index: psmi-menu-items in /var/www/u0427490/data/www/ on line 333
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my wish is to make a custom menu only on the shop page including product categories.
First I’ve added all the items on the main menu.
Secondly, I’ve hidden product categories items on each page.
Then I’ve hidden all the items but product categories on the shop page.
But the shop page shows all the items, while with other pages the plug in works perfectly. I guess there’s a special function to block such kind of customisation from woocommerce.
Can you help me?
Emilio LC
It sure appears that this plug in is abandoned. Does anyone know of alternatives?
]]>I have some menu items hidden but they are showing up on the category pages of the website also
]]>So I understand in your description that in some themes the default (hide menu items) for your plugin does not work. That seems to be the case for me. As when I use the hide default all the menu items show anyway.
Is there a way I can hire you to fix this bug for my particular site?
]]>This plugin is no longer working with WordPress. Needs to be updated or removed from the WP Plugins.
]]>Hi there, I’ve problems with my server, it is falling down continually. I’ve cheked my error log, I can see this Apache warning error:
AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: Declaration of Pgm_Walker::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $id = 0) in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 0\n’, referer:
I need to create a web site with two locations. Every location needs its own set of pages witch are basicly the same, but contain different content. I have created one menu that contains all pages, pages for one location, and pages for the other. In my case your plugin was ideal for me ’cause on the pages of the 1st location I needed to hide all pages from second location, and contrary, and it works fine.
The problem happens when I switch to tablet or/and mobile view mode. When i switch to different mode or resize browser all menu items that were hidden are now visible.
Thank you for help.
Great plugin, by the way!
I need to create a web site with two locations. Every location needs its own set of pages witch are basicly the same, but contain different content. I have created one menu that contains all pages, pages for one location, and pages for the other. In my case your plugin was ideal for me ’cause on the pages of the 1st location I needed to hide all pages from second location, and contrary, and it works fine.
The problem happens when I switch to tablet or/and mobile view mode. When i switch to different mode or resize browser all menu items that were hidden are now visible
]]>Solved this problem so thought I share the how to fix it.
Open up the plugin file page-specific-menu-items.php
DELETE line 25, “//define some constant”, save and presto… it works.
]]>I am getting the impression that this plug in is not being supported. I see posts here going unanswered. I cannot tell from this page- – who the developer is. Am I wrong? If not – what other plugins are available to do what it does?
]]>When trying to activate the plug-in I get the message that the plug-in has no valid header.
]]>Hello party peeps!
I have a small problem with the plugin, it works fine on every page now, except the woocommerce shop page. Overthere, all menu items are shown. Do you have any idea how to fix this? Thank you so much!!!
]]>If I make a change to my custom menu master by adding a new top level menu item, it automatically adds it to every single page of my site. The only fix I can find is to open every page and put a check in the box. This is a major flaw to this plug-in.
]]>When I tick menu items to be removed on bbpress forums, topics and comments the ticks are removed when updating.
I installed and am using your plugin and it working great – thanks!
My main pain point is when adding a new page/item to menu. After adding it it appears on all pages on my site and I have to edit every single page where I want it removed. That takes a lot of time ??
My suggestion would be –
Unless of course you or other users know something I don’t. Is that already a feature that I missed? Is there another similar WP Plugin that would make my life easier?
The menu which I created it’ s decentralized. How Can I center it?
Thank you
]]>From the FAQ: “It does not work on WordPress archives, 404, etc for now. I’ll support them as soon as I get time.”
Is this actually going to be happening?
The plugin is working on every page but my blog/news page for some reason. Here are the links:
Where it works:
Where it doesn’t work:
Thanks for the awesome plugin and thanks for your help!
~ Daniel Villamizar
i cannot hide the menu items in the translated menu. Only in the original one. Can you provide help with how i can hide menu items on the translated menu (which is technically the same menu).
Otherwise it’s a great Plugin for single language pages.
Thank you.
]]>This plugin mostly works great, and does exactly what I need. I have, though, one page on which I want NO menu items at all to be shown. When I unchecked all the items, instead of getting no menu items I get *all* the menu items.
Checking the code, this appears to be a deliberate choice. In the “psmi_add_menu_class” function, the code checks !empty($currentpage_items). If $currentpage_items is empty it then skips the remaining code in the function — and leaves the menu showing every possible menu item.
This doesn’t seem like the right outcome to me. I would expect all the menu items to be hidden. If there is some problem or ambiguity in this case, I would expect all the menu items to either show or hide depending on the ‘default’ option chosen in the settings.
A fix would seem obvious — the if test that checks !empty($currentpage_items) could simply be removed. However, I don’t know what the other consequences of that would be. Presumably this test was added for some reason. Over to you.
NB I have a workaround for my own needs: I’ve added a hook that hides the entire menu on that particular page. However, this was exactly the kind of code I was hoping to avoid by using this plugin :-/ Still, it means I’m not waiting urgently for a fix. Just raising this to help improve what is already a very useful plugin.
]]>Hi, first of all I want to thank You for this plugin. I need to create a restaurant web site with two locations. Every location needs its own set of pages witch are basicly the same, but contain different content. I have created one menu that contains all pages, pages for one location, and pages for the other. In my case your plugin was ideal for me ’cause on the pages of the 1st location I needed to hide all pages from second location, and contrary, and it works fine.
The problem happens when I switch to tablet or/and mobile view mode. When i switch to different mode or resize browser all menu items that were hidden are now visible, like the .hide_this_item gets overwritten. Can someone please help me with this problem, I would be most grateful.
Sorry for bad grammar :,).
]]>I am using this Page Specific Menu plugin with the Events Manager Pro plugin. All works well together except for single event and single location posts.
For new posts of type ‘event’ and ‘location’ something prevents the Page Specific Menu Items settings from creating the postmeta table entry ‘page-specific-menu-items_currentpage_items’ it requires. If I insert the required row then PS Menu behaves correctly. If the event or location post is edited then updating the post updates the postmeta row incorrectly and PS Menu no longer works.
So as long as I manually insert the PS Menu postmeta row for new events and locations and manually update it for edits, all is OK.
Kind of clumsy but maybe this will help somebody else. Or maybe the author will investigate why the postmeta row is not being inserted/updated correctly.
]]>Hi and thanks for the plugin. I am having issues getting it to work though. I see the CSS is being added to the page with the rule for .hide_this_item, but any item I put a checkmark on, with the expected result of the class “hide_this_item” being added to the actual element, never gets added. So it’s not working over here. Anything I should check out or change to fix it?
]]>I have been using the plugin perfectly for all the required pages except for one. My one page I did everything that I did with all the other pages, but all the menu items that I don’t want to be displayed are showing.
Please help.
]]>Hi Dharmapoudel,
First off let me start by thanking you for this awesome plugin!
I’ve tried looking for answers to the question i’m about to ask, because i’m sure it’s been asked before. However wordpress support forums don’t have a proper search function (WTF RIGHT?!) and google didn’t help me as much as i had hope. (Sorry!)
I’m using your plugin in combination with WooCommerce, the problem i’m having is that ALL menu items show up on my store pages (account,product pages,product overview,checkout etc.)
I’m looking for a way to pick specific menu items i want to show on these pages, but i’ve not been able to come up with a way.
I’m hoping you can help me!
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’ve got Page Specific menus working just fine on the pages of the site I’m building for someone here:
but if you go to the “Blog” page which I have designated as the posts page, all the possible menus items are showing as soon as you click a post. I only want the menu items that are present on the Blog page to show when viewing posts.
Help please ?? !
]]>I have installed your plugin and want the phone number to disappear on this page:
Screen Captures of my setup:
It is not working. Phone number still appears.
Can you suggest what I may be doing wrong?
Thank You!
(A Great plugin idea otherwise)
]]>When I try to activate the plugin, I receive an error message like ‘the plugin does not have a valid header’
How can I activate the plugin ?