We are using your plugin:- Page Meta
we want to know if your plugin is compatible with PHP 8.1 or not.
We would love to know ASAP.
]]>see this note: https://wptavern.com/wordpress-4-4-to-deprecate-the-wp_title-function
]]>Hi I am using that plugin but i want to know that in which table the meta description and keywords are saved? Anyone can help me?
Isn’t there a way to avoid this plugin works in homepage? It will be useful to have more configuration for avoid this plugin working in categories, homepage, pages, etc.
The problem i have is that description and keywords meta are appearing in the frontpage of the blog. In the homepage appears the description and keywords meta of my recent post, the first one that appears in my homepage.
I want to avoid this, so i don’t know if there’s a way to fix.
Thanks in advance, cheers.
]]>My site is https://legendofthemantamaji.com/
I have installed the plugin and selected “Portfolio” from the settings.
But the only way I can see the portfolio item name in the page title is if I:
Go to the page:
and then click REFRESH. Shouldn’t it show up without me having to click refresh?
]]>I have a WordPress site built using the Pages (not Posts) functionality.
The meta Title and meta Description I’ve entered works for all pages, but it doesn’t work for the Home Page.
The home page is showing the Site Title and Tagline from Settings > General instead of what I entered in the fields the plugin provides.
How can I fix this?
Also, although of less importance, the Site Title is appended to all meta Titles on the other pages. If anyone knows how to fix that as well that would be appreciated.
]]>Alright, so what I am trying to do is use the meta data that is put on each of these pages, and I am trying to have it called to one specific page.
Almost like create a category page depending on the meta data on individual pages. If anyone can help me with this, I’ve been racking my brain for a few days now trying to call the meta data.
Thank you
]]>Hi, I tried tot uninstall the plugin, but it stalls at “/wp-admin/plugins.php?action=delete-selected&checked[0]=pagemeta%2Findex.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=a3cb614b9d”
Hoping this plugin can do this for me, I’m using Twenty Thirteen and want to remove the page & post titles from pages. Can this plugin assist with this?
Hi, this plugin is wonderful, but it inserts the metas automatically in all pages. I want to just show it in the individual entries, but not in the homepage, as i want to insert a different page meta for homepage.
Is there any way to avoid showing the metas in homepage?
Thanks a lot.
]]>I’ve used this plugin on several websites but today ran into a problem with my text editor — On all pages the Screen Options, Help dropdown tabs, Text tab of the editor stopped working, all of my content became invisible (although it was still there) and the Page Meta fields wouldn’t work. I reinstalled the latest version of WordPress although it showed it was up to date (I thought maybe something was corrupt) but nothing worked. It wasn’t until I disabled the Page Meta plugin that things started working again. Any help would be appreciated! I love using this plugin.
]]>The plugin worked very well another 1 month ago, and I do not know why, this morning I’m obliged to deactivate the plugin to be able to create a page or an article!
Help me please because I appreciate this plugin a lot?
To call the meta description to be displayed somewhere on a template is this the proper code?
`<?php echo _pagemeta_description(); ?>’
The meta description and the meta keywords are duplicated in the code :
<meta name='description' content='...' />
<meta name='keywords' content='...' />
How to fix it ?
Thanks for your help.
]]>How can I change or remove the chevrons seperator that is appearing infront of my Meta Title. Se code below
<title>» UK Independent School Marketing | Plans | Advice | Consultancy</title>
]]>I have edited my header.php as shown below and the Meta Title appears to be working but can someone please let me know the correct code to get the Meta Description working properly?
<title><?php if (function_exists('meta_title')) { meta_title(); } else { wp_title(); } ?></title>
<meta name="description" content="<?php bloginfo('description'); ?>" />
Installed this plugin twice. I see tag, $this->tag . 'nonce' )?>
above the Title field.
When I enter my title text and press Update, the field empties and nothing happens to the meta title on my browser tab.
]]>It doesn’t look like there is currently a way to export Page Meta data to import into another WordPress SEO plugin, or have as a backup?
Any suggestions on how this could work?
]]>Possible to have the plugin work with custom post types?
]]>I copied this from a previous reply I posted on the forum and realized I should put it here since this plugin appears to be broken.
The plugin generated 278 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
When I deactivate it, I get this error (but it flashes really fast):
Warning: call_user_func_array()[function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘Array’ was giving in /wp-includes/plugin.php on line 405.
Any ideas?
]]>What does this mean? Should I be concerned?
]]>The plugin generated 292 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin
I noticed that this plugin doesn’t overwrite my WordPress Title. Is this by design? If so, then what’s the purpose of allowing a user to enter a meta title on the page? I’m not complaining, In fact, I prefer to use the WP title. Just trying to figure out this function is in the plugin. I think I am missing something.
I am using the Page Meta plug-in and am having trouble getting it to work properly. When I go to the page I want to change the title to it has code in the field where I would put the page title or description or keywords. The title one looks like this: <?=$this->field(‘title’)?>. It’s the same for description and keywords. I delete out the code and put my title in, hit Update and it reverts back to the code. I’ve used this on another site and it worked beautifully. Not sure why it’s messing up now. I’ve tried installing it from WordPress and I’ve tried downloading the files and uploading them to WordPress and nothing seems to work.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!!
The title is working perfectly. I’m very pleased. But I’m getting two entries for the description and the keywords. One set is the default and the other is from page meta. I tried changing the code in a fashion similar to the change with the title. It didn’t work. I tried a few changes with the custom field names and that didn’t work either.
Could you please provide more detailed instructions on how to change the description and keywords so that we only get the information we want? We don’t want any confused spiders. I’m sure I’m not alone in this problem.
I am very new to WorldPress and php I am trying to install Page Meta plugin. I am not able to follow this instruction on #3:
"Replace <?php wp_title(); ?> with <?php if (function_exists('meta_title')) { meta_title(); } else { wp_title(); } ?> in your header template, this can be found within the tag."
Here is <title> </title> code from my header template:
<title><?php if (is_home()) {
echo bloginfo('name');
} elseif (is_404()) {
echo '404 Not Found';
} elseif (is_category()) {
echo 'Category:'; wp_title('');
} elseif (is_search()) {
echo 'Search Results';
} elseif ( is_day() || is_month() || is_year() ) {
echo 'Archives:'; wp_title('');
} else {
echo bloginfo('name'); echo wp_title('');
Kindly tell me where do I need to make changes.
One more question:
How do I add <meta name=’description’ to my home page?
Installed on my remote just the other day works exactly as needed.
Now locally, I install it & I get some PHP code in each box & when I replace it with my META info nothing goes to page…
Same version.