Hi @codingpanda!
const url = "https://localhost:8012/wordpress/wp-json/wp/v2/"
const response = await fetch(url);
const json = await response.json();
I used the code above but couldn’t find Pods to be shown in my HTML… Any help?
I’m currently using this plugin with Pods and Paid Memberships Pro. I’m trying to make a repeater group so that on a sign up page, it asks details about the company directors. I want the name of the director and the number of shares owned, in a group, so then I can add multiple directors etc.
I followed the screen grabs but using pods 3.0.6 and Panda Pods 1.5.11 – the screenshots are different to what I see and the repeater fields aren’t displayed at all. I get the name of the content box, but the two fields dont show.
Any ideas?
]]>I started getting this error and not sure when it started. No error on submission it just not showing anything for the repeating fields.
Unknown column ‘pandarf_parent_pod_id’ in ‘where clause’ for query SELECT * ,(
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( psl0_tb.related_item_id ORDER BY psl0_tb.weight ASC SEPARATOR “,” )
FROM msc_podsrel
AS psl0_tb
WHERE psl0_tb.pod_id = “1570”
AND psl0_tb.field_id = “1575”
AND psl0_tb.item_id = pod_tb.id
GROUP BY psl0_tb.item_id
) AS author FROM msc_pods_revenue_source
AS pod_tb WHERE 1=1 AND pandarf_parent_pod_id
= 77 AND pandarf_parent_post_id
= 1569 AND pandarf_pod_field_id
= 95 ORDER BY CAST( pandarf_order AS UNSIGNED ) ASC made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/scratchpad-child/single-application.php’), get_template_part, locate_template, load_template, require(‘/themes/scratchpad-child/edit-application.php’), pandarf_items_fn, get_pandarf_items
Hello, sorry if question is too simple, but still I don’t see answer – how it possible to make CustomFields set for CPT/ACT with structure like:
– CustomField1
– CustomField2
– CustomReapeterFieldsSet1
– CustomField3
– CustomReapeterFieldsSet2
– CustomField4
So the mix of some CustomFields and CustomReapeterFieldsSets…
So now I see the next possibilities:
A) Add to any CPT/ACT many single CustomFields (standard functionality);
B) Add to any CPT/ACT mix of single CustomFields and single RepeaterCustomFields (standard functionality from Pods 2.9);
C) Add to any CPT/ACT ONLY ONE CustomReapeterFieldsSet (with your addon)?
D) But is it possible to add to any CPT/ACT mix of some CustomFields and some RepeaterCustomFields and MANY CustomReapeterFieldsSets… ???
]]>Hello, which Gutenberg Blocks plugins support Repeated data from DB Custom Table displaying at frontend without coding?
I am using the filter ‘pprf_load_panda_repeater_allow_input‘ on a standard pods form but without success.
I can see that $is_allowed is successfully returned as true but only the id and title fields are displayed on the form – the other repeatable fields do not expand the when I click the edit icon.
Do you have any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
In case it helps:
– Nothing is checked in the fields’ advanced section to restrict visibility.
– I am able to add and edit repeated fields in the backend without problem.
– I am using just two levels of pods – the main pod and one level of repeatable fields.
– I eventually intend to use the fields on a custom frontend form but, when I tested in this way, I had the same problem (so the standard pods form is an attempt to simplify things).
PANDA 1.5.10
PODS 2.9.13
WP 6.2
I’m trying to make the contents of a repeater appear in bricks, without success. Does anyone have any tips or guides?
]]>sorry, hate coming up with subjects … hopefully my ask is better …
Hopefully I’m asking this in the right place .. the repeater field is implemented with Panda, so I’m figuring it has something to do with how its being linked …
I’ve got a pod created that defines a staff member for a spa, and I’ve added a ACT using Panda pods to define their hourly rates … it all set up great, I can enter data, I can see it on the backend … and I can even see it ( sort of ) on the front end, but I’m trying to do something that i’m jus tnot figuring out …
I made a Pod Template:
<table width=75% border=1>
[each hourly_rates]
<td width=25%>{@time_label}</td>
<td width=25%>$ {@service1}</td>
<td width=25%>[if field=”service2″ value=”0″ compare=”>”]$ {@service2}[/if]</td>
<td width=25%>$ {@service3}</td>
But I can’t get the if statement to work … if I take the if statement out, the value for @server2 shows properly … with the if statement there, then the table entry is empty, as if the if is returning FALSE, so I’m thinking I’m somehow referencing the fields wrong … ?
the ACT is defined as a table, and as:
> describe wp_gtuqdz_pods_rate_table;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | bigint unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| time_label | decimal(4,0) | YES | | NULL | |
| service2 | decimal(4,0) | YES | | NULL | |
| service1 | decimal(4,0) | YES | | NULL | |
| service3 | decimal(4,0) | YES | | NULL | |
| pandarf_parent_pod_id | int | NO | | NULL | |
| pandarf_parent_post_id | int | NO | | NULL | |
| pandarf_pod_field_id | int | NO | | NULL | |
| pandarf_order | text | NO | | NULL | |
| pandarf_created | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
| pandarf_modified | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
| pandarf_modified_author | int | NO | | NULL | |
| pandarf_author | int | NO | | NULL | |
| pandarf_trash | int | NO | | 0 | |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I’ve checked the backend … when I leave a field blank during data entry ( ie. service3 is blank ), it gets a value of 0 in the field, which is why I’m asking it to display a value *only* if that field is > 0 …
I’m always happy with a pointer to RTFM, but am hoping that its something stupid that I’ve just not tried or found in my searches of the docs to date …
Thanks for your patience, any help appreciated …
I have a website running WordPress 6.0.1 and the latest version of your plugin at the time of writing this, being version 1.5.2. I tried upgrading the server the website is running on to be using PHP 8.1 instead of 7.4. However, when I tried accessing the page after upgrading I was greeted by the usual “The Site Is Experiencing Technical Difficulties” message.
I get an error log printed to my debug.log file and if I’m reading it properly, it seems the problem is originating from your plugin’s main file. The output of my debug.log file is as follows:
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php(230): ftp_pwd(NULL)
#1 /var/www/html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php(450): WP_Filesystem_FTPext->cwd()
#2 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/pods-alternative-cache/classes/Pods/Alternative/Cache/File.php(335): WP_Filesystem_FTPext->is_dir('/var/www/sites/...')
#3 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/pods-alternative-cache/classes/Pods/Alternative/Cache/File.php(246): Pods_Alternative_Cache_File->get_path_for_file('000001/2/f33/a8...')
#4 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/pods-alternative-cache/classes/Pods/Alternative/Cache.php(119): Pods_Alternative_Cache_File->get_value('pods_pods_field...', '')
#5 /var/www/html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): Pods_Alternative_Cache->has_value(false, 'transient', 'pods_pods_field...', 'pods_field_type...', '')
#6 /var/www/html/wp-includes/plugin.php(191): WP_Hook->apply_filters(false, Array)
#7 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/pods/classes/PodsView.php(207): apply_filters('pods_view_cache...', false, 'transient', 'pods_pods_field...', 'pods_field_type...', '')
#8 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/pods/includes/general.php(2273): PodsView::get('pods_field_type...', 'transient', '', NULL)
#9 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/pods/includes/general.php(2374): pods_view_get('pods_field_type...', 'transient', '', NULL)
#10 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/pods/classes/PodsForm.php(1571): pods_transient_get('pods_field_type...')
#11 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/pods/includes/general.php(2702): PodsForm::register_field_type('pandarepeaterfi...', '/var/www/sites/...')
#12 /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/panda-pods-repeater-field/panda-pods-repeater-field.php(444): pods_register_field_type('pandarepeaterfi...', '/var/www/sites/...')
#13 /var/www/html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): panda_repeater_safe_activate('')
#14 /var/www/html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#15 /var/www/html/wp-includes/plugin.php(476): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#16 /var/www/html/wp-settings.php(461): do_action('plugins_loaded')
#17 /var/www/html/wp-config.php(104): require_once('/var/www/sites/...')
#18 /var/www/html/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/var/www/sites/...')
#19 /var/www/html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/var/www/sites/...')
#20 /var/www/html/index.php(17): require('/var/www/sites/...')
#21 {main}
thrown in /var/www/html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php on line 230
[24-Aug-2022 10:28:50 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: ftp_pwd(): Argument #1 ($ftp) must be of type FTP\Connection, null given in /var/www/html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php:230
From before the PHP upgrade (when the server was running PHP 7.4) I used to get this error message in my debug.log:
24-Aug-2022 11:56:34 UTC] PHP Warning: ftp_pwd() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /var/www/html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php on line 230
It seems it’s been a problem for a while but before PHP 8.1 it only threw a warning and not an error.
If you believe the error is not coming from the Panda Pods Repeater Field plugin, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could point me in the proper direction.
Thanks in advance!
I have an events page that has a list, map and calendar views. The list and map view filters using one date but the map view needs to filter using the whole month.
These are my current WHERE clause using normal pods field:
List and Map views
$where[] = "'$date' BETWEEN CAST(opening_date_time.meta_value as DATE) AND CAST(closing_date_time.meta_value as DATE)";
Calendar view
$where[] = "CAST(opening_date_time.meta_value as DATE) BETWEEN '$month_first_date' AND '$month_last_date'";
One event can be scheduled on multiple dates that’s why I opted to use repeater fields. I created a Datetime ACT (fields: date, opening time, closing time).
I’m not sure know how to implement the filter with repeater fields. Hope you can help me out.
]]>Hi, This plugin woks with internal Pods Templates?
i place to my template {@repeat_field} but nothing happens.
The fields not snowing.
Thank you.
Hi, how do I display nested repeaters?
for instance:
I created a a repeater named ‘town’ and a repeater called ‘places’. ‘places’ are part of the fields of ‘town’ but I don’t know how to display them for each ‘town’ entry.
I tried a loop but it displays all the entries of ‘places’ and not just the ones of their parent post. (town = luoghi and places = consigliati)
<section class="luoghi_da_visitare">
$mypod = pods( 'luogo' );
// Loop through the items returned.
while ( $mypod->fetch() ) {
<li class="luogo_item">
<div class="luogo_img">
<img src="<?php echo $mypod->display( 'immagine_luogo' ); ?>" alt="">
<div class="luogo_testo">
<a href="<?php echo $mypod->display( 'sito_turismo' ); ?>"><?php echo '<h3>' . $mypod->display( 'name' ) . '</h3>'; ?></a>
<?php echo $mypod->display( 'descrizione_del_luogo' ); ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="button">Scopri di pi��</a>
<div class="consigliati">
$consigliati = pods( 'consigliati' );
// Loop through the items returned.
while ( $consigliati->fetch() ) {
<a href="<?php echo $consigliati->display( 'link_al_posto' ); ?>"><?php echo $consigliati->display( 'name' ); ?></a>
} //endwhile
} //endwhile
After the latest update, the date field is not working anymore, it’s not giving the date output.
I use pandarf_insert function to insert content and it does its job but only if I insert just the name field. I have two fields: name and image.
This code works:
$id_int = pandarf_insert(
'name' => '11112'
'child_pod_name' => 'fabric_code',
'parent_pod_id' => 548, // parent cpt id
'parent_pod_post_id' => 1201, // the post id
'parent_pod_field_id' => 566, // parent cpt field id
'user_id' => 1
This code doesn’t work:
$id_int = pandarf_insert(
'name' => '11112',
'image' => '1138' // also tried image link here but does nothing
'child_pod_name' => 'fabric_code',
'parent_pod_id' => 548, // parent cpt id
'parent_pod_post_id' => 1201, // the post id
'parent_pod_field_id' => 566, // parent cpt field id
'user_id' => 1
The non-working code returns this SQL:
INSERT INTO 'wp_osnnwxgsg5_pods_fabric_code' ( 'name','image','pandarf_parent_pod_id','pandarf_parent_post_id','pandarf_pod_field_id','pandarf_created','pandarf_modified','pandarf_modified_author','pandarf_author','pandarf_order' ) VALUES ( 11112,1138,548,1201,566,'2022-03-22 23:18:50','2022-03-22 23:18:50',1,1,3 );
I execute this SQL and it says “image” is an unknown column.
To investigate further, I insert the content in the dashboard instead of code and checked how they are placed in the database tables. The content with the name field is added in the wp_osnnwxgsg5_pods_fabric_code table and the image field is added on wp_osnnwxgsg5_podsrel.
These are the screenshots of the database tables:
I have all the WordPress theme files, everything works fine with Pods created inside the project, and Repeater Pods are also everywhere! But how to give it to the customer I have? Maybe export all Rpeater Pods, and give it along with theme files to the customer to edit the content of the website themselves?
I’m waiting @codingpanda!
$params= array(
'orderby' => 't.post_title DESC',
'limit' => 25,
$music_pod= pods( 'padra_content', $params );
$items= $music_pod->data();
foreach( $items as $item ){
$musics = pods_field( 'padra_content', $item->ID, 'album_single_track' );
foreach( $musics as $music){
// lyrics having album
if($music['album_or_single_track'] && !$music['instrumental_or_with_lyrics']){
echo '<article class="lyrics-having-album flex xl:flex-row flex-col xl:justify-center xl:items-stretch items-center xl:not-last-child:mb-c-13 md:not-last-child:mb-c-57 not-last-child:mb-20">
<!-- img & iframe & btn -->
<div class="xl:w-2/6 md:w-c-40 sm:w-80 w-60">
<div class="w-full sticky top-0">
<img class="w-full h-auto" src="' . wp_get_attachment_image_url( $music['music_image'], 'full' ) . '" alt="">'
. $music['spotify_player'] .
'<button class="toggle-btn flex flex-col items-center absolute bottom-0 group transition-opacity duration-500 opacity-100 xl:left-c-28 md:left-c-48 left-c-63 xl:gap-c-5 md:gap-c-46 gap-c-62 -translate-x-1/2 focus:outline-none">
<!-- text -->
<div class="[writing-mode:vertical-lr] [text-orientation:upright] group-hover:text-shadow-c duration-200 xl:text-c-7 md:text-c-18 text-c-19 xl:-tracking-c-5 md:-tracking-c-11 -tracking-c-17">Lyrics</div>
<!-- Lyrics icon -->
<svg class="fill-gray-300 group-hover:drop-shadow-c transition-c-6 duration-200 xl:w-c-29 md:w-c-49 w-c-61" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="3 6 19 14"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path><path d="M15 6H3v2h12V6zm0 4H3v2h12v-2zM3 16h8v-2H3v2zM17 6v8.18c-.31-.11-.65-.18-1-.18-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3s1.34 3 3 3 3-1.34 3-3V8h3V6h-5z"></path></svg>
<!-- Info icon -->
<svg class="fill-gray-300 group-hover:drop-shadow-c transition-c-6 duration-200 xl:w-c-29 md:w-c-49 w-c-61 hidden" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="1 1 22 22"><path d="M13 7.5a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0zm-3 3.75a.75.75 0 01.75-.75h1.5a.75.75 0 01.75.75v4.25h.75a.75.75 0 010 1.5h-3a.75.75 0 010-1.5h.75V12h-.75a.75.75 0 01-.75-.75z"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12 1C5.925 1 1 5.925 1 12s4.925 11 11 11 11-4.925 11-11S18.075 1 12 1zM2.5 12a9.5 9.5 0 1119 0 9.5 9.5 0 01-19 0z"></path></svg>
<!-- information -->
<div class="xl:w-3/6 md:w-c-41 w-c-60 xl:pl-c">
<!-- titles -->
<div class="xl:text-c-5 md:text-c-15 text-c-22 xl:text-left text-center xl:mt-0 md:mt-6 mt-c-59">
<h1 class="italic xl:tracking-c md:tracking-c-9 tracking-c-15 text-shadow-c-2">
<strong>' . $music['album_single_track_name'] . '</strong>
<div class="xl:my-c-15 md:my-c-47 my-3 xl:tracking-c-2 md:tracking-c-10 tracking-c-16 text-gray-400">
Release Date:
<div class="italic xl:tracking-c md:tracking-c-9 tracking-c-15 text-shadow-c-2">'
. $music['release_date'] .
<!-- info | tracklist and/or lyrics -->
<div class="dual-cnt xl:pl-c-22 transition-opacity duration-500 opacity-100">
<!-- 1 -->
<p class="text-gray-200 xl:pt-c-21 md:pt-3 pt-c-43 xl:text-c-6 md:text-c-19 text-c-21 xl:leading-c-3 md:leading-c-10 leading-c-11 xl:tracking-c-3 md:tracking-c-12 tracking-c-14">'
. $music['music_info'] .
<!-- 2 -->
<div class="xl:pt-c-14 md:pt-6 sm:pt-c-59 sm:mt-0 -mt-c-72 hidden">
<div class="track-list-cnt sm:w-1/3 xl:text-c-8 md:text-c-17 text-c-25">
<div class="track-list sticky top-0">
<div class="xl:py-c-11 md:py-2 py-c-72 md:w-c-4 w-c-70 sm:ml-auto xl:mr-c-24 md:mr-c-52 sm:mr-c-71">
<svg class="fill-gray-300 w-full h-auto" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="3 6 19 14"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path><path d="M15 6H3v2h12V6zm0 4H3v2h12v-2zM3 16h8v-2H3v2zM17 6v8.18c-.31-.11-.65-.18-1-.18-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3s1.34 3 3 3 3-1.34 3-3V8h3V6h-5z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-gray-200 border-t sm:border-b border-l sm:border-r-0 border-r border-c-gray-7">'
. foreach($music['track_lyrics_translation'] as $details){
echo '<div class="cursor-default not-last-child:border-b not-last-child:border-c-gray-7 track-name xl:px-c-11 xl:py-c-10 md:px-c-51 md:py-c-50 px-c-69 py-c-68 w-full text-left text-gray-600 font-bold" title="Instrumental">'
. $details['track_name'] .
echo '<button class="not-last-child:border-b not-last-child:border-c-gray-7 track-name xl:px-c-11 xl:py-c-10 md:px-c-51 md:py-c-50 px-c-69 py-c-68 w-full text-left hover:bg-c-gray-3 transition-colors focus:outline-none">'
. $details['track_name'] .
} .
<div class="lyrics-cnt sm:flex-1 overflow-hidden xl:pt-c-5 xl:pb-c-15 md:pt-c-46 md:pb-c-47 pt-c-62 pb-3 border border-c-gray-7 sm:rounded-tr rounded-br sm:rounded-bl-none rounded-bl">
<div class="lyrics transition-opacity duration-500 opacity-0">
<div class="sub-lyrics hidden xl:not-last-child:mb-c-21 md:not-last-child:mb-c-53 not-last-child:mb-5">
<div class="sub-lyrics-fa [direction:rtl] xl:text-c-5 md:text-c-15 text-c-22 xl:[word-spacing:.2vw] md:[word-spacing:.135rem] [word-spacing:.125rem] text-c-gray-5 w-3/4 ml-auto xl:mr-c-22 md:mr-c-42 mr-c-64 xl:mb-c-23 md:mb-c-44 mb-c-66 font-Badkhat2">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<div class="sub-lyrics-en xl:text-c-9 md:text-c-16 text-c-24 xl:[word-spacing:.25vw] md:[word-spacing:.17rem] [word-spacing:.15rem] xl:tracking-c-5 md:tracking-c-8 tracking-c-17 text-white w-3/4 mr-auto xl:ml-c-22 md:ml-c-42 ml-c-64">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
In my eyes, the effect of my dreams broke
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
My dream ran in the plain of your dreams
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
My dream ran in the plain of your dreams your dreams your dreams
<div class="sub-lyrics hidden xl:not-last-child:mb-c-21 md:not-last-child:mb-c-53 not-last-child:mb-5">
<div class="sub-lyrics-fa [direction:rtl] xl:text-c-5 md:text-c-15 text-c-22 xl:[word-spacing:.2vw] md:[word-spacing:.135rem] [word-spacing:.125rem] text-c-gray-5 w-3/4 ml-auto xl:mr-c-22 md:mr-c-42 mr-c-64 xl:mb-c-23 md:mb-c-44 mb-c-66 font-Badkhat2">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<div class="sub-lyrics-en xl:text-c-9 md:text-c-16 text-c-24 xl:[word-spacing:.25vw] md:[word-spacing:.17rem] [word-spacing:.15rem] xl:tracking-c-5 md:tracking-c-8 tracking-c-17 text-white w-3/4 mr-auto xl:ml-c-22 md:ml-c-42 ml-c-64">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
In my eyes, the effect of my dreams broke
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
My dream ran in the plain of your dreams
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
He reached a dead end
<div class="lyrics transition-opacity duration-500 opacity-0">
<div class="sub-lyrics hidden xl:not-last-child:mb-c-21 md:not-last-child:mb-c-53 not-last-child:mb-5">
<div class="sub-lyrics-fa [direction:rtl] xl:text-c-5 md:text-c-15 text-c-22 xl:[word-spacing:.2vw] md:[word-spacing:.135rem] [word-spacing:.125rem] text-c-gray-5 w-3/4 ml-auto xl:mr-c-22 md:mr-c-42 mr-c-64 xl:mb-c-23 md:mb-c-44 mb-c-66 font-Badkhat2">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<div class="sub-lyrics-en xl:text-c-9 md:text-c-16 text-c-24 xl:[word-spacing:.25vw] md:[word-spacing:.17rem] [word-spacing:.15rem] xl:tracking-c-5 md:tracking-c-8 tracking-c-17 text-white w-3/4 mr-auto xl:ml-c-22 md:ml-c-42 ml-c-64">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
In my eyes, the effect of my dreams broke
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
My dream ran in the plain of your dreams
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
My dream ran in the plain of your dreams your dreams your dreams
<div class="sub-lyrics hidden xl:not-last-child:mb-c-21 md:not-last-child:mb-c-53 not-last-child:mb-5">
<div class="sub-lyrics-fa [direction:rtl] xl:text-c-5 md:text-c-15 text-c-22 xl:[word-spacing:.2vw] md:[word-spacing:.135rem] [word-spacing:.125rem] text-c-gray-5 w-3/4 ml-auto xl:mr-c-22 md:mr-c-42 mr-c-64 xl:mb-c-23 md:mb-c-44 mb-c-66 font-Badkhat2">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<div class="sub-lyrics-en xl:text-c-9 md:text-c-16 text-c-24 xl:[word-spacing:.25vw] md:[word-spacing:.17rem] [word-spacing:.15rem] xl:tracking-c-5 md:tracking-c-8 tracking-c-17 text-white w-3/4 mr-auto xl:ml-c-22 md:ml-c-42 ml-c-64">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
In my eyes, the effect of my dreams broke
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
My dream ran in the plain of your dreams
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
He reached a dead end
<div class="lyrics transition-opacity duration-500 opacity-0">
<div class="sub-lyrics hidden xl:not-last-child:mb-c-21 md:not-last-child:mb-c-53 not-last-child:mb-5">
<div class="sub-lyrics-fa [direction:rtl] xl:text-c-5 md:text-c-15 text-c-22 xl:[word-spacing:.2vw] md:[word-spacing:.135rem] [word-spacing:.125rem] text-c-gray-5 w-3/4 ml-auto xl:mr-c-22 md:mr-c-42 mr-c-64 xl:mb-c-23 md:mb-c-44 mb-c-66 font-Badkhat2">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<div class="sub-lyrics-en xl:text-c-9 md:text-c-16 text-c-24 xl:[word-spacing:.25vw] md:[word-spacing:.17rem] [word-spacing:.15rem] xl:tracking-c-5 md:tracking-c-8 tracking-c-17 text-white w-3/4 mr-auto xl:ml-c-22 md:ml-c-42 ml-c-64">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
In my eyes, the effect of my dreams broke
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
My dream ran in the plain of your dreams
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
My dream ran in the plain of your dreams your dreams your dreams
<div class="sub-lyrics hidden xl:not-last-child:mb-c-21 md:not-last-child:mb-c-53 not-last-child:mb-5">
<div class="sub-lyrics-fa [direction:rtl] xl:text-c-5 md:text-c-15 text-c-22 xl:[word-spacing:.2vw] md:[word-spacing:.135rem] [word-spacing:.125rem] text-c-gray-5 w-3/4 ml-auto xl:mr-c-22 md:mr-c-42 mr-c-64 xl:mb-c-23 md:mb-c-44 mb-c-66 font-Badkhat2">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-25 md:not-last-child:mb-c-43 not-last-child:mb-c-65 xl:leading-c-5 md:leading-c-8 leading-c-12">
?? ????
<div class="sub-lyrics-en xl:text-c-9 md:text-c-16 text-c-24 xl:[word-spacing:.25vw] md:[word-spacing:.17rem] [word-spacing:.15rem] xl:tracking-c-5 md:tracking-c-8 tracking-c-17 text-white w-3/4 mr-auto xl:ml-c-22 md:ml-c-42 ml-c-64">
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
A black crow sat on the lucky grave
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
In my eyes, the effect of my dreams broke
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
My dream ran in the plain of your dreams
<p class="xl:not-last-child:mb-c-2 md:not-last-child:mb-c-45 not-last-child:mb-c-67 xl:leading-c-4 md:leading-c-9 leading-c-13">
He reached a dead end
I have this code @codingpanda, but the front end shows an error when using this inside my php files, saying the part I broke the “echo ‘html'” code and used some conditional statements or loop is an absolute error! What should I do @codingpanda?
]]>Everything works fine so far, since I decided to make my project Panda-ish! But, just a simple code overrides the code I wrote in my styles.css and it says it’s from Panda Pods Repeater Field:
@codingpanda, it works great when using it locally, but not in WordPress, due to using this plugin ;(
Repeater media field only show the media id �C how do I get the media url?
I am currently calling the RestAPI for a mobile application.
]]>Hey there @codingpanda
I’m just using Panda Pods Repeater Field for a project, but in one of the groups (in which there are so many loops), whenever I add content to my Repeater, then all the content will be lost the next time I see it! For example, in the Section 2 group of this file, you can add your lyrics for one track of your music album (both in Farsi and in English), but the weird thing is that when you submitted everything for track 1, and you’re going to add everything for track 2 for example, you see these two things: the lyrics for track 1 appears in track 2! And also, all the lyrics of track 1 are gone! Just why????????
Please test it @codingpanda! I’m in need of urgent help!
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I was looking to remove unwanted jQuery UI JS and Panda Pods CSS from front-end.
This link help to remove the panda pods script but not the jQuery UI.
I cannot sort the repeater items with the given options and settings..
Please check if it’s possible to sort them.
Thank you.
Regards Ozzy.
i’ve submitted bug report and related merge request on GitHub https://github.com/coding-panda/panda-pods-repeater-field/issues/8 to fix incorrect handling of WP Object Cache in is_pandarf(() function. Could you, please, fix this? Thank you very much.
]]>And when I go to ‘Pods’ on the left dashboard of WP, it shows nothing but this:
id< 1 ) ORDER BY
idLIMIT 0, 1; Response: Unknown column 't.name' in 'order clause'
and here is my pod setup:
"meta": {
"version": "",
"build": 1640110327
"pods": [
"name": "best_seller_item",
"id": 202,
"label": "Best Seller Items",
"description": "",
"type": "pod",
"storage": "table",
"label_singular": "Best Seller Item",
"public": "1",
"show_ui": "1",
"pod_index": "name",
"_migrated_28": "1",
"required": "0",
"unique": "0",
"groups": [
"name": "details",
"id": 203,
"label": "Details",
"description": "",
"weight": 0,
"fields": [
"name": "food_image",
"id": 209,
"label": "Food Image",
"description": "",
"weight": 0,
"type": "file",
"sister_id": "-- Select One --",
"required": "0",
"unique": "0",
"file_format_type": "single",
"file_uploader": "attachment",
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"file_limit": "0",
"file_type": "images",
"file_field_template": "rows",
"file_add_button": "Add File",
"file_modal_title": "Attach a file",
"file_modal_add_button": "Add File",
"roles_allowed": "administrator"
"name": "food_title",
"id": 210,
"label": "Food Title",
"description": "",
"weight": 1,
"type": "text",
"sister_id": "-- Select One --",
"required": "0",
"unique": "0",
"text_allowed_html_tags": "strong em a ul ol li b i",
"text_max_length": "255",
"roles_allowed": "administrator"
"name": "food_price",
"id": 211,
"label": "Food Price",
"description": "",
"weight": 2,
"type": "text",
"sister_id": "-- Select One --",
"required": "0",
"unique": "0",
"text_allowed_html_tags": "strong em a ul ol li b i",
"text_max_length": "255",
"roles_allowed": "administrator"
"name": "food_button_text",
"id": 212,
"label": "Food Button Text",
"description": "",
"weight": 3,
"type": "text",
"sister_id": "-- Select One --",
"required": "0",
"unique": "0",
"text_allowed_html_tags": "strong em a ul ol li b i",
"text_max_length": "255",
"roles_allowed": "administrator"
"name": "food_button_link",
"id": 213,
"label": "Food Button Link",
"description": "",
"weight": 4,
"type": "website",
"sister_id": "-- Select One --",
"required": "0",
"unique": "0",
"website_format": "normal",
"website_allow_port": "0",
"website_clickable": "0",
"website_new_window": "0",
"website_max_length": "255",
"website_html5": "0",
"roles_allowed": "administrator"
"name": "best_seller_group",
"id": 200,
"label": "Best Sellers Group",
"description": "",
"type": "post_type",
"storage": "table",
"label_singular": "Best Seller Group",
"public": "1",
"show_ui": "1",
"rest_enable": "1",
"supports_title": "1",
"supports_editor": "1",
"_migrated_28": "1",
"required": "0",
"unique": "0",
"groups": [
"name": "more_fields",
"id": 201,
"label": "More Fields",
"description": "",
"weight": 0,
"fields": [
"name": "best_seller_item",
"id": 214,
"label": "Best Seller Item",
"description": "",
"weight": 0,
"type": "pandarepeaterfield",
"sister_id": "-- Select One --",
"required": "0",
"unique": "0",
"pandarepeaterfield_table": "best_seller_item",
"pandarepeaterfield_field_width": "100",
"pandarepeaterfield_entry_limit": "0",
"pandarepeaterfield_enable_load_more": "0",
"pandarepeaterfield_initial_amount": "10",
"pandarepeaterfield_enable_trash": "0",
"pandarepeaterfield_order_by": "pandarf_order",
"pandarepeaterfield_order": "ASC",
"pandarepeaterfield_display_order_info": "0",
"pandarepeaterfield_apply_admin_columns": "0",
"pandarepeaterfield_allow_reassign": "0",
"pandarepeaterfield_public_access": "0",
"roles_allowed": "administrator",
"rest_pick_response": "array",
"rest_pick_depth": "1"
My hero, help again @codingpanda! I can create Pods and they work well, but don’t know what’s wrong with this one! Thanks, waiting for your support!
]]>I can create any repeater fields using Pods in the WordPress dashboard and they work well in the WP dashboard, but whenever I see front-end nothing happens! Because I have no idea on how to show the looped items on the front-end using VSCode, any tips? Need your help!
(I use these data:
‘products’ as ‘Custom Post Type’.
‘product_name’ as ‘Advanced Content Type’.
and whenever I want to add a ‘products’, I can add multiple ‘product_name’s (‘product name’ is looped)
and this is the html template I want to be looped:
<div id=”products”>
<div class=”product_name”>product1</div>
I saw all the videos, but I still got stuck in this situation!
Help, please…
Are there any code examples using a shortcode?
I am using Beaverbuilder (like Elementor) and want to pull the data into my template with a shortcode.
I would attempt it myself but I can’t really tell what code to use after looking at the plugin accordion as parts of it are in a < pre > box and parts aren’t. It’s sort of scrambled.
Is there a web page with code examples?
This is how far I have got
/* Repeater Fields */ function press_shortcode() { global $post; $presspub = pods('press_pub', $post->ID); echo $presspub->display('publication_name'); print_r( pods_field('press_pub', $post->ID, 'publication_name') ); print_r( pods_field('press_pub', $post->ID, 'publication_logo') ); } add_shortcode('pressbox', 'press_shortcode');`]]>
As pods is now updated to 2.8, image field used in repeater is not showing even while trying var_dump.
I tried previous version 2.7.3 and image can be called in front-end.
]]>Hi, I installed and activated Panda Pods Repeater Field and activated it
WordPress 5.2.12 running Twenty Sixteen theme.
PODS Version 2.7.31
bug I cannot see Panda anywhere??
If I go to PODS Add New page, there is no Automatic option, just Custom Post, Custom Taxonomy and Custom Settings Page
Your Installation instruction 3. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin
but only the standard options show for Settings – General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, Permalinks, Privacy
Am I doing something wrong?
I have the following CPT and ACT:
CPT: Services
Fields: name, description, amenities
CPT: Location
Fields: name, address, email, phone, service location (repeater)
ACT: Service Location
Fields: service (relationship to Services CPT), work hours
When I go to Service single page, I want to display all the locations for that service.
You’ve mentioned in the FAQ about pandarf_pods_field_attrs and pandarf_data_attrs to filter the pods_field but I don’t get how to use it.
I’ve been using the plugin and got it working great in the WP backend but I’m now trying to display on the front and having issues.
I have a pod called work_order and another called work_order_content (Advanced Content Type with repeatable fields).
I’m trying to display a form to create new work orders and it is displaying post fields properly but the repeater field has ‘Please save the parent first to add work order content’. I believe this is done but can’t get it to show the field.
Also, when I’m trying to display a single work order on a page using a Pods template it’s coming back blank from this:
print_r( pods_field(‘work_order’, $post->ID, ‘work_order_content’) );
I’ve also tried a standard template and no luck:
I’d appreciate if you could point me in the right direction where I’m going wrong.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi, I am using you plugin and have looked at previous topics and your videos but I cannot get they repeater fields to display.
I have a Custom Post Type POD called ‘products’ with a field called ‘growth_promotion’. The additional field options for ‘growth_promotion’ is set to PODS table called ‘product_growth_promotion’.
‘product_growth_promotion’ Is a Advanced Content Type POD with two fields in, growth_name and growth_type.
I am using a single page template called single-product.php. I am not using the while loop and this is how I display the standard POD fields:
global $post;
$product = pods(‘product’, $post->ID);
echo $product->display(‘product_name’);
How do I display the fields from the repeater? I have tried:
print_r( pods_field(‘product’, $post->ID, ‘growth_promotion’) );
print_r( pods_field(‘product’, $post->ID, ‘product_growth_promotion’) );
print_r( pods_field(‘product_growth_promotion’, $post->ID, ‘growth_promotion’) );
print_r( pods_field(‘product_growth_promotion’) );
print_r( pods_field(‘growth_promotion’) );
None of these output anything. Some will display an empty array but still no values inside.