Hello I usually use the theme “The7” with the WpBackery Page Builder. I try to use the Enllax.js by inserting a short code into a text block. I want to use the images uploaded to media, so I use their URL:
Has the display impossible to display my image!? Why???
Can’t we use the images from our library?
Can you help me, there is no tutorial to use with a builder page.
Thank you.
I would like to be able to make the image full-page width instead of body width. Is that possible? I’ve seen it done with another plugin that no longer works with the newest version of WordPress.
Thank you! I love how easy your plug-in is to use!
]]>Hello there, I would like to know, if it is possible to turn the parallax effect in the opposite direction (than the default). I think you could a create pretty awesome effects. For example: When horizontal parallax is enabled the BG-Image moves from left to the right side, when you scroll down. Is it possible with some code to let the BG-imgae move from the right to the left side, when you scroll down?
Thanks again for this great plugin.