Under no circumstances should a plugin define a global style for a common html element and enqueue that stylesheet for ether front or backend. ALWAYS add custom class, ID, or prefix your selector with your container class before setting a style for a common HTML element.
]]>Tulee virhe:
PHP Deprecated:? Creation of dynamic property Paytrail\WooCommercePaymentGateway\Gateway::$transaction_settlement_enable is deprecated in /home/webadmin/omasivuni.com/public/wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/src/Gateway.php on line 180
Miten korjata t?ll?inen ongelma??
N?ytt?? silt? ett? sy?tt?ess? tuotteet verollisina tulee itsess??n Paytrailin raporteissa ongelmia:
Esim. 3,20€ tuote (14%) n?ytt?? WooCommercen tilauksen yhteydess?:
Mutta paytrailin p??ss? kyseinen tuote:
Kuin my?s muita outoja samalla hinnalla olevia k?yt?nn?ss? n?ytt?isi py?ristyv?n v??rin:
I would like to change “Payment service & conditions”-link target adress in Paytrail for WooCommerce -plugin. Now the link follow to Paytrail Finnish site (https://www.paytrail.com/kuluttaja/tietoa-maksamisesta). How I can chage it to English page? (https://www.paytrail.com/en/consumer/information-about-paying) It is possible, that link open new tab in browser?
]]>Hi, I have found that the latest updates of Woo are crashing because of the plugin, when I deactivate it the website works.. Any issues?
]]>If you have any issues or enhancement ideas regarding our plugin, please report them on GitHub:
]]>I’m using PW WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro plugin to sell gift cards to my customers. Today a customer reported an issue where they could use a purchased gift card code at the checkout and the store showed the correct amount due (total order was 54,70 €, gift card was 50 € and amount due showed 4,70 €).
When the customer chose Paytrail as a payment method and chose a bank transfer to pay for the 4,70 €, Paytrail showed the total amount of 54,70 € due and didn’t take the gift card into account.
The gift cards work flawlessly with Klarna Payments for WooCommerce (by krokedil) so the issue should be fixable on this plugin’s end for Paytrail as well.
I’ll have a look at the plugin’s code myself tonight as well if I can figure out the issue.
If you need the PW WooCommerce Gift Card Pro plugin to debug the issue, please give me an email or something where I can provide you with the plugin files. Thanks!
]]>WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency 5.3.0 and newer version somehow brakes some of Paytrail internet banking payments. For example Osuuspankki works, but Nordea and OmaSP does not.
It doesn’t forward the browser to the banks website, it stays at the ecommerce store.
we have identified the following issue in your code:
When the code calls $tax_rate = $this->get_item_tax_rate($order_item, $order); it ends up with the wrong value.
It seems the reason being down to rounding of incorrect values in the get_item_tax_rate() function. Specifically these two variables ending up with incorrect values:
$total_without_tax = $order->get_line_total($item, false, false);
$total_with_tax = $order->get_line_total($item, true, false);
For an line item with a cost of 0,80€ and 24% tax rate, these will produce the values 0.645161 and 0.795161.
Then when doing the final calculation for $tax_rate = round(( $tax_total / $total_without_tax ) * 100); we get the incorrect tax rate of 23% and not 24%.
To reproduce the issue you can take these steps:
If you need any further information, please let us know, thank you!
]]>Would it be possible to make this plugin compatible with High Performance Order Storage?
Here is the technical details:
Thank you.
]]>Is it someway possible to use this plugin with woocommerce checkout block (instead of using the regular [woocommerce_checkout])?
]]>We noticed that some payment notifications were not being handled correctly by the Paytrail for Woocommerce plugin. We are using WPML and found that the payment notifications were being sent to our server using this URL:
The added lang parameter in the beginning prevented the callback from being handled correctly by the plugin.
The plugin seems to use home_url() when constructing the callback urls and WPML also hooks into the ‘home_url‘ filter, adding the language parameter if the current language differs from the site’s default language.
We can fix this temporarily by adding our own custom filter to ‘home_url’ in order to override WPML’s modifications, but this should probably be handled internally by the Paytrail for Woocommerce plugin.
in the previous Paytrail plugin there were translation options for the name and description.
Is this new plugin WPML compatible so that we can translate the name of the payment method?
I am testing this plugin with testing credentials (in Finland).
Where should the user be redirected after the “return to the merchant”? Do we need some special page to it? We have a multilingual site with WPML and I was testing with English, the default language of our site.
(Is this plugin WPML compatible?)
I get an error message when returning to our site:
“This page isn’t working DOMAIN.com is currently unable to handle this request.
But I do receive automatic emails from Paytrail:
“`Please do not reply to this automated email, replies will not be read.
You have made a payment to Markkinointinimi, which uses Paytrail’s payment service. Below is your payment information:
Amount: 148.80 €
Reference number: 5489913836
Payment provider:: Paytrail Oyj (shown on your statement as the payee)`”
Hello, how is the plugin supposed to work with a 2-language webshop? Presently both the English and the Finnish page shows payment possibilities in Finnish. How can I make it work in 2 languages or switch entirely to English?
When migrating to the new Paytrail plugin I was receiving Fatal Errors at checkout after submitting the checkout form. I suspect this is because of localhost being an invalid redirectUrl. Localhost has not worked before when returning from Paytrail but this time the error occurs when creating a new payment. I was able to find the error message so I assume this would be visible in the checkout page if the TypeError were fixed.
The problem does not occur when using a proper domain for the site.
The error message that should presumably be displayed instead:
stdClass Object
[status] => error
[message] => All redirect and callback URLs must use https. IPs are not allowed in callback URLs.
The fatal error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Paytrail\SDK\Response\PaymentResponse::setTransactionId(): Argument #1 ($transactionId) must be of type string, null given, called in wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/paytrail/paytrail-php-sdk/src/Client.php on line 216 and defined in wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/paytrail/paytrail-php-sdk/src/Response/PaymentResponse.php:61
Stack trace:
#0 wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/paytrail/paytrail-php-sdk/src/Client.php(216): Paytrail\SDK\Response\PaymentResponse->setTransactionId(NULL)
#1 [internal function]: Paytrail\SDK\Client->Paytrail\SDK\{closure}(Object(stdClass))
#2 wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/paytrail/paytrail-php-sdk/src/PaytrailClient.php(94): call_user_func(Object(Closure), Object(stdClass))
#3 wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/paytrail/paytrail-php-sdk/src/Client.php(219): Paytrail\SDK\PaytrailClient->post('/payments', Object(Paytrail\SDK\Request\PaymentRequest), Object(Closure))
#4 wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/src/Gateway.php(958): Paytrail\SDK\Client->createPayment(Object(Paytrail\SDK\Request\PaymentRequest))
#5 wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/src/Gateway.php(914): Paytrail\WooCommercePaymentGateway\Gateway->create_normal_payment(Object(Paytrail\SDK\Request\PaymentRequest), Object(Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Overrides\Order), 'paytrail')
#6 wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-checkout.php(982): Paytrail\WooCommercePaymentGateway\Gateway->process_payment(2044)
#7 wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-checkout.php(1206): WC_Checkout->process_order_payment(2044, 'paytrail')
#8 wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-ajax.php(461): WC_Checkout->process_checkout()
#9 wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): WC_AJAX::checkout('')
#10 wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array)
#11 wp-includes/plugin.php(474): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#12 wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-ajax.php(90): do_action('wc_ajax_checkou...')
#13 wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): WC_AJAX::do_wc_ajax('')
#14 wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters(false, Array)
#15 wp-includes/plugin.php(474): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#16 wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...')
#17 wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('...')
#18 index.php(17): require('...')
#19 {main}
thrown in wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/paytrail/paytrail-php-sdk/src/Response/PaymentResponse.php on line 61
I have been using this pluging since about a month ago and since one week or more we are getting complaints from customers. When they are pressing the “Place order” button they get the message: “error processing checkout. please try again”
This does not happen to all customers though. A customer tried with several browsers and get errors. One customer said that finally he managed to get a successful payment after ordering as a registered user and using Chrome. I personally have tested as a Guest with Safari and Chrome and it works ok.
Please try to fix this asap. This is a serios problem.
We upgraded the plugin on one of our website today, and it breaks the site down. We can’t simply log into the admin panel. Here is the error message:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined class constant 'MAJOR_VERSION' in ../wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Utils.php:113 Stack trace: #0 ../wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/functions.php(71): GuzzleHttp\Utils::defaultUserAgent() #1 ../wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-checkout-finland/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Client.php(202): GuzzleHttp\default_user_agent() #2 ../wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-checkout-finland/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Client.php(75): GuzzleHttp\Client->configureDefaults(Array) #3 ../wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/paytrail/paytrail-php-sdk/src/Util/RequestClient.php(45): GuzzleHttp\Client->__construct(Array) #4 ../wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/paytrail/paytrail-php-sdk/src/Util/RequestClient.php(19): Paytrail\SDK\Util\RequestClient->createClient() #5 /n in ../wp-content/plugins/paytrail-for-woocommerce/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Utils.php on line 113
Can you check and let us know how to fix this issue? Thanks.
Would you consider adding support for a filter when checking whether an order has been processed or not in Gateway.php method validate_order_payment_processing to support custom order states?
The plugin currently considers only orders in states processing and completed as processed, but we are using a custom state in our orders and that should be considered processed as well in our case. Maybe something like paytrail_processed_order_states which could default to completed and processed, but would allow adding custom states.
]]>Hi! ??
Does your plugin work with wordpress / woocommerce multisite?
Best Regards
Tuomo Nurkkala