Is there a way to change the color of the player?
]]>Hi there! Great plugin.
On both safari and on mobile devices the player shows on the page aligned to the left. How can we center it for these users?
I was wondering if there was a (relatively) simple wany to embed audio using this plug-in in a WP sidebar?
The page is
Jon Hall
I have the same problem as written here. That topic is closed but the problem is not solved.
Only first 6 instances of player are working on pages with many instances.
For example:
This problem appears only in Chrome. In IE and on Anroid everything’s fine.
Anyway thank you for this great plugin!
]]>The plugin works great, except the 58 minute audio only loads the first 20 minutes on IE with the mp3. The mp3 is a full 58 minutes. It loads as 58 minutes on every other browser. But on IE, it goes to 20 minutes and stops.
]]>I get a player that appears, but nothing plays. Works on the Chrome Android browser, but not FF. Firefox on desktop works fine.
]]>Had to disable the plugin — causing the white screen of death in pages and posts.
]]>I realised the plugin does not work for the default wordpress playlist. Is there a way to get it working or anything like update in the future? Its a great plugin and it has solved a lot of my media problems across browsers… Thanks a lot!
]]>Hello !
The player is working well, I would just like to hide the player, because the sound I’m playing is auto-played, and very short, so it has no real interest for me to let the player displayed. Maybe can I find somewhere the standard player images (gif?) and replace it by blank pictures (i have photoshop etc to create replacement files) … or maybe in the shortcode can i put an opacity = 0 or something like that ? Thank you
]]>Shortcode seems OK:
[audio mp3="https://www....Overview-Audio.mp3" autoplay="off" loop="off" preload="off" controls="on" flash_fallback="on"]
Same result when flash_fallback=”off”.
]]>Hello, Thanks for a Great Plugin by the way.
Is there a way to resize the MP3 player height and width, as IE 9 and up, renders the mp3 player too wide, do you know if I could use conditional markup: <!–[if IE]> to make the IE ,p3 player smaller in width and height?
when using IE mp3 player is too wide please load link into IE and will see the problem with the width,:
Thanks for any advise you may have
]]>I am having a problem with multiple instances of this player on a given page. I have a site with dozens of audio links on each page so I need to be able to support lots of instances of the audio player. However, when using this player only the first 6-8 mp3 audio files will be play-able. Any ideas?
Here is a sample page
]]>This is the best player plugin I have found. The only issue I’m having is that when I insert the shortcode into the editor, the audio starts playing from it. This is a problem when there are multiple players on the same page. Everytime I go edit the page, everything starts playing all at once. How can this be circumvented.
I have found that when editing from the “text” editor instead of the “visual” editor this does not happen. But I need to use the visual editor most of the time.
]]>How to control volume
]]>I have recently changed my website to be https
When I add the link that includes https the audio doesn’t play but with http all works fine
How can this be fixed?
I love this plugin but I’m having issues to see it. Through Google Chrome is perfect, but no with this:
-Safari 6.0.5
-Firefox 28.0
Please help me to solve this ??
]]>I am getting an extra audio control where there is no URL.
I see a blank, disconnected disabled audio control at the top. Then I see correctly working, connected audio controls at the positions of the later urls. Thanks for your help.
Here is the html:
[audio class="pb-html5-audio-element" mp3="audio.mp3"]
<p style="color: #515151;">Below are audio files (podcasts) of the sermons given during worship services. Click the play button of the one you wish to listen to. A high speed connection is recommended.</p>
<h3 style="color: #515151;">2014</h3>
May 25: <strong>Forgive and Remember</strong>?(Rev Kendra Ford)
[audio src="" /]
<p style="color: #515151;">May 18: <strong>Taking the Whole Hearted Parenting Manifesto into the World?</strong>(Rev Kendra Ford)</p>
[audio src="" /]
<p style="color: #515151;">May 11: Living in Our Promises?(Rev Kendra Ford, Cynthia Young)</p>
]]>I import my products through csv and it doesn’t turn the url into the audio player. The url stays the same.
If I go in manually for a product, this works. But I’ve got about 100 products and that would take too much time.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>I have a WordPress page that uses several instances of the audio player for different artists and tracks.
Currently, if you click “play” on multiple players, they all play at the same time.
Is there a way to automatically stop all other players when a new player is clicked? I only want one player to play at any given time. Maybe this is possible through some additional coding on the page…?
I’ve seen a post on StackOverflow, but I’m not sure how to apply the concept to the WordPress audio plugin:
Thanks for any suggestions!
]]>Our website has a white background. Is there a possibility tho change the color of the buttons ? Or to use everywhere, like in safari, chrome the bar that is used in firefox ? Or the bar you see, when you de activate the plugin ?
]]>Great plugin but I’m having issues with Firefox. The player shows up in all browsers except FF. It flashes briefly but then disappears. I’ve tried disabling the Flash Fallback, embedding with both the plugin’s shortcode or just WordPress’s. I’m stumped.
first of all, PB oEmbed is a great plugin.
Now the question, is it possible to pause and play with javascript?
My player is hidden and I want to put two images to play and stop an some audio files.
Thank you.
]]>Hi there,
Love your plugin!!
I was wondering if there was a way to add the meta box to custom post type edit screens, not just ‘post’ and ‘page’ edit screens. I know I can do this by editing the plugin file itself and adding the following:
__(‘HTML5 Audio – Generator’, ‘PBoEmbedHTML5Audio’),
array(&$this, ‘pbwp_shortcode_metabox’),
But, of course, I don’t want to edit the plugin file itself!
Any ideas?
Thank you!
]]>Are you planning to add Opus support? According to it is supported in FF 15+ and Chrome 27+.
The obvious way would be to add opus= parameter and use ‘audio/ogg; codecs=opus’ as the mime type (haven’t tested this, but it should be skipped by browsers that support Vorbis but not Opus).
in chrome browser the player is always muted on loading! How can i change this?
And how can i change css style for IE 10/11?
]]>Hi bonjour,
I’m trying to use your nice plugin to display a player for my shoutcast radio…
It works onalmost all platforms exept IE10 on windows8…
Also, on chrome, I have to press the “play ” button 2 or 3 times to have the stream starting…
Marck Hedley posted recently a trick to make it works on IE, but when i apply it it stops working with the other browser..
Here is my code, maybe i made a mistake::
[audio mp3=";" preload="on" controls="on" flash_fallback="on"]
And my radio site (hope you will enjoy it ;o) :
Thanks for your plugin and your help !
]]>I guess this plugin may have been superceded by the new [audio] shortcode in 3.6 but because I was having problems with that I decided on trying this plugin.
The plugin works with all common browsers except IE where it gives the message “Error: Unsupported audio type or invalid file path”
Yet strangely enough it works if I put IE into IE8 mode. Given that file path must be valid I guess there is some configuration which I am missing.
See – note this may change as I try and work it out!!
]]>Hi, I think I spoke to soon about it working for me. I have just tried Firefox and the autoplay option does not work and I have some extra boxes displayed there.
– at the end of the post.
In IE, it’s just a black box.
]]>Hello, thanks for the plug in, finally found one that works for me and has autoplay option.
How would I define the default volume for the autoplay? As I don’t wan’t people to be overwhelmed by a loud music when they launch my blog.
Many thanks,
]]>Hi there,
First of all, thanks a lot for this plugin which works fine for me, except on iOS (on an iPad), on my site home page, I set up a player reading an mp3 file with the option controls=”off” (the others being : autoplay=”on” loop=”on” preload=”on” flash_fallback=”on”) and it’s not working on the iPad (no sound at all and no player)
It’s working fine on Safari on Mac, in Firefox (even if the player appears and is ugly in that case…), in Chrome.
Do you have an idea on how to fix these issues :
– player not working on the iPad
– despite the controls set to off, a player is shown in Firefox
Thanks in advance
Best regards from Paris, France ??