I don’t know if this plugin is still supported. I have it on a site with shared hosting, and it works fine, I find it extremely useful. However, I have another site with another host, which does not have imagemagick and ghostscript, and obviously the plugin does not work. But I found in this forum a suggestion for a “dirty” solution, modifying two php files in the plugin: but it does not work, it generates empty image thumbnail files.
In another post in the forum, the author says that this plugin “is no longer necessary since WordPress improved the pdf handling” (from version 4.7??). What does it mean? How can I get the thumbnails from pdf without the plugin? It seems something obvious is eluding me. Can somebody help? Thank you
Note: I am on wordpres 6.2, the plugin is not tested with this , I know, but in the other installation (6.2 as well) it works flawlessly
can you tell me how add emagick blur filter
and use the thumbnail as featured please?
ive try to add code in your PdfThumbnailsPlugin.php but server return error:
(work after refresh media page but with black borders…)
private function getThumbnailBlob($filename)
$blob = apply_filters(‘pdf_thumbnails_generate_image_blob’, null, $filename);
if ($blob) {
return $blob;
$imagick = new Imagick($filename);
return $imagick->getImageBlob();
thanks in advance for reply
]]>The Shortcode is just dropping an empty link tag into the page, but no image.
This shortcode: [pdf_thumbnails_link id="1131"]
Generates this:
<a href="https://website.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/TEST-pdf-image.jpg"></a>
I’d expected an image tag of the thumbnail, wrapped in a link to the media file (i.e. the PDF itself).
Is that not how it’s supposed to work?
Is this a known issue under the latest versions of WordPress?
]]>Hi – the plugin works fine, however on some PDFs it creates black areas all over the image (https://i.imgur.com/fKBncKw.jpg). I browsed through these threads and it seems the problem is transparency used in the PDF files – can anything be done about it?
I’ve been trying to play around the pdf_thumbnail_generate_image_blob
action but to no avail. Any ideas on how to modify it to get rid of the black?
Here’s what I’ve tried:
add_action('pdf_thumbnails_generate_image_blob', function ($blob, $filename) {
$imagick = new Imagick();
return $imagick->getImageBlob();
}, 10, 2);
I also noticed that for some thumbnails the black areas appear only in the WordPress-resized sizes of thumbnail and “full” size looks fine. For others, this issue is happening for all sizes.
I tried to convert some of them via the command line to check – and the results were similar – some of them converted fine (the ones that appeared fine in “full” size), others converted with the black areas (and were also bugged in “full” size in WP).
]]>On upload of a pdf I get an HTTP Error.
The pdf gets uploaded, but the thumbnail doesn’t get created. I’m running the latest version of ImageMagick 7.0.6 that was released yesterday.
Thank you.
I’ve been testing your plugin with WordPress 4.7.5 and I have come across an issue. (This is quite specific and probably will only apply to me)
I have created a PDF library using a combination of several plugins including yours. Basically I use gravity forms so that visitors can add their PDFs to the library using a simple form.
Gravity forms places the PDF into in a folder for me…
Then I use another piece of software to add that PDF to the WordPress media library at which point the thumbnails are created.
Whilst running WordPress 4.6.6 (which I see your plugin is compatible with) everything works as expected… the thumbnails are created in the root of the upload folder and the PDFs remain in my library folder which is perfect for me.
Unfortunately with WordPress 4.7.5 the thumbnails are placed into my library folder.
So my question is – Is there a way I could force where the PDF thumbnails are generated and stored?
Many thanks
]]>I have quite a bit of PDF’s already loaded, is there a function to generate thumbs without having to reload? It seems that the regenerate thumbs plugin doesn’t do it.
]]>Hi guys,
thanks a lot for this plugin. I’ve tried it and it does as expected.
We use german hoster “strato” which does not installed imagemagick as a php extension but as normal command line tool. Do you have plans to implement handling such configurations also?
]]>When uploading a pdf to the media manager, once it gets to the “crunching” stage (the file uploads fine) I get this error:
Fatal error: Uncaught ImagickException: Postscript delegate failed
/srv/users/serverpilot/apps/sbk/public/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Wang-et-al.-2016-1-3.pdf': No such file or directory @ error/pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/677 in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/sbk/public/wp-content/plugins/pdf-thumbnails/PdfThumbnailsPlugin.php:59 Stack trace: #0 /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/sbk/public/wp-content/plugins/pdf-thumbnails/PdfThumbnailsPlugin.php(59): Imagick->__construct('/srv/users/serv...') #1 /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/sbk/public/wp-content/plugins/pdf-thumbnails/PdfThumbnailsPlugin.php(42): PdfThumbnailsPlugin->getThumbnailBlob('/srv/users/serv...') #2 /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/sbk/public/wp-content/plugins/pdf-thumbnails/PdfThumbnailsPlugin.php(35): PdfThumbnailsPlugin->generateThumbnail(6123) #3 /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/sbk/public/wp-content/plugins/pdf-thumbnails/pdf-thumbnails.php(34): PdfThumbnailsPlugin->regenerateThumbnail(6123) #4 /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/sbk/public/wp-includes/plugin.php(235): pdf_thumbnails_generat in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/sbk/public/wp-content/plugins/pdf-thumbnails/PdfThumbnailsPlugin.php on line 59
Plugin Version 2.2.0 although the issue started with a slightly older version (its a fairly new site – not sure of the previous version, sorry) I tried updating the plugin hoping that would fix the issue
I’m not sure what initiated the problem but I can say the plugin was working previously.
This has probably been covered before, but I am really struggling and have been braying my head off the wall for days.
I was using you plugin fine on our website whilst it was being hosted on a temporary platform during development. I have since migrated the website to 1and1 our main host, but I cannot get the plugin to work. I have raised with 1and1 several time, but drawn a blank and they have now responded as follows.
“This is to inform you that the ImageMagick is successfully installed on path /homepages/29/xxxxxxxxx/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd/ImageMagick . With this, you just need to configure your plugin to detect where the ImageMagick got installed. If you do not know where to change the settings, you may refer to the link below to contact the author.
Wordpress version = Version 4.6.1
ImageMagick Version = ImageMagick 6.9.6”
Wordpress is installed on the following path /homepages/29/xxxxxxxxx/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd/
Please help or do I need to move my website to another hosting site?
]]>Hi, thumbnails were working fine previously but today, some images are not included in the rendered thumbnail. I’ve tried renaming the file completely to see if there was a cache reproducing the image from a previous PDF but the issue still persists. The PDF homepage has a header and footer with an image in the middle of the page. The header and footer are being rendered in the thumbnail but the image in the middle is not. Any ideas please?
]]>Is it possible to configure the plugin or the code to allow for the PDF to open in a new window by default, instead of into the window (replacing the site) … such as one would with the HTML A-tag attribute: target=”_blank”
For some PDF documents, the plugin generates blank thumbnails.
You can see the problem in this image (https://goo.gl/miWJLg)
After a manual replacement of the image thumbnail, my website show the image correctly (see https://goo.gl/2KycJ6)
Note that the inserted pdf that cause the problem are not password protected (see example here https://goo.gl/VmAvPd)
I checked the log of my websites and did not noticed new entries.
Could you please assist me to resolve this problem?
Hello. Prompt how to create a preview of the PDF file is downloaded to their handler.
sample code
<form method="post" action="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/handler.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="form-horizontal">
<?php wp_nonce_field( 'pdf_files', 'fileup_nonce' ); ?>
<input name="pdf_files" id="uploades" required type="file" class="custom_media_url"/>
<input name="xsq" class="get-val" value=""/>
<button id="send" name="send" class="btn btn-primary">Отправить</button>
and handler.php
if(isset($_POST['send']) == '1') {
$new_post = array(
'ID' => '',
'post_author' => $user->ID,
'post_category' => 'portfolio-party',
'post_title' => $post_title,
'post_status' => 'publish'
$post_id = wp_insert_post($new_post);
if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_handle_upload' ) ) {
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' );
$uploadedfile = $_FILES['pdf_files'];
$upload_overrides = array( 'test_form' => false );
$movefile = wp_handle_upload( $uploadedfile, $upload_overrides );
if ( $movefile && !isset( $movefile['error'] ) ) {
$filename = $movefile['file'];
$parent_post_id = $applicant_id;
$wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$attachment = array(
'guid' => $wp_upload_dir['url'] . '/' . basename( $filename ),
'post_mime_type' => $filetype['type'],
'post_title' => preg_replace( '/\.[^.]+$/', '', basename( $filename ) ),
'post_status' => 'inherit'
// Insert the attachment.
$attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $filename, $parent_post_id );
//$attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $filename );
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_data );
// Update File Field
update_field('pdf_files', $attach_id, $post_id);
} else {
I tried to add the code in this topic, but not work.
I suspect that your plug-in only if the file is saved in admin’s part.
If anything, I’m sorry for my english.
]]>I installed plugin, uploaded pdf files, I can see pdf files and thumbnails. But I don’t understand where I can get Attachment ID?
This is working great within wp-admin which uses the media manager.
However, my site allows users to add posts through an Advanced custom fields form. When uploading a media file this way it doesnt fire up the media library.
Is there anyway I can generate thumbnails once the admin has approved the post? Or, when the post is submitted for review?
]]>How to display a clickable thumbnail image on a webpage, to open a PDF file for reading and/or printing? Does this plugin support that type of capability? I searched the plugin documentation, but haven’t found any clues yet.
]]>I would really like to use this plugin, but I have no idea how to install the Ghostscript and ImageMagik. Is this something that I can do on a hosted server? Or do I need to convince the owners of the server to do it?
]]>Hello, when I first got this extension it worked like a charm, but then I got the notice that I need ImageMagick. I have a Centos VPS and I installed ImageMagick and GhostScript and it still doesn’t work.
Could you please help me? I’m a noob so I’ll need detailed directions.
Thank you so much!
]]>This plugin uses ghostscript library which my host does not allow – does this mean I can’t use the plugin?
]]>A query which is likely outside the scope of what the plugin is built to handle, but I have a situation where I have 5000+ PDF files, some very large, on Amazon and I am looking to find a way to integrate them to my website.
I have been using WP FileBase Pro but it is causing my server to crash and the developer is not easy to get hold of. So I am looking for alternatives. I have found a couple that will work with S3 and connect to the buckets etc but I have to leave the files on S3 – its over 6Gb of data, too big for the hosting Im on.
Anyway I was wondering if there is way to get your plugin to handle the files on S3 or somehow tie in with another document manager plugin to achieve what IM after?
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
]]>I checked that Imagemagick und Ghostscript are working – preview is generated for most PDF but not all. Some simply appear with mime type icon. What can I do? Are there any requirements for the PDF file? Thanks.
]]>I have not had any problems with PDF Thumnails until now. I uploaded a pdf, it created a thumnail, however the thumbnail shows as a broken image icon. If I try to edit the thumbnail in the library, it will actually show an image. If I edit this and save it, back to a broken image.
Any idea’s on what I should be looking for?
Thanks for your time.
]]>Using PDF Thumbnails, the thumbnail created from a CMYK PDF renders with very low colour saturation in Internet Explorer but is fine in Chrome. Any suggestions?
]]>i want to set image size of pdf thumbnail about 770*450 ,
is this possible through this plugin
For some reason even with Imagick installed, every time I upload PDF wordpress shows a “HTTP Error” message. Folder permissions are fine also.
The file uploads fine, but it does not create an image/thumbnail whilst this plugin is active. When disabled the file uploads as normal, no image and no error.
I can provide access if you can contact me?
]]>Generally working great but the quality of the rendered text on PDFs isn’t great due to a lack of antialiasing. I can fix this locally by increasing the resolution of the generated images:
private function getThumbnailBlob($filename)
$im = new Imagick();
return $im->getImageBlob();
I don’t need the additional resolution, just for the text to be clearer so can you think of an alternative way to achieve this? Alternatively can you pass $im = new Imagick()
through a filter so I can increase the resolution for my use case?
Sample images here:
]]>Hi stianlik,
great plugin, thanks for your work.
I was wondering if it’s actually possible to create a gallery with PDF thumbnails where each thumbnail links to the respective PDF file. Do you already have a good solution for this?
So far, I used a quite “dirty” JS/jQuery workaround:
var $ = jQuery;
if($('.pdf-archive').length) {
var url = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
var newurl = url.replace('-pdf-image.jpg','.pdf');
I place a <div> with a “pdf-archive” class somewhere on the page to show that it’s a PDF archive. If an element with this class exists, I manipulate all the gallery item links so that they link to the respective PDF file.
However, in my point of view the best way to do this would be a third option within the gallery settings for the gallery link: “PDF file”. And if no PDF file exists for one of the gallery items, media file or attachment page can be set as a fallback.
What do you think? Would that be complicated to implement?
Best regards
Hello There,
nice plugin, now working, but there’s a bug when using HHVM.
It’s not really the fault of your plugin, but as i won’t start hacking the HHVM part of the problem, i changed one line of your plugin and added another one. PDFThumbnailsPlugin.php (line 57)
private function getThumbnailBlob($filename)
<strong>$im = new Imagick($filename);</strong>
return $im->getImageBlob();
After this little change everything is working fine. This way it should work using the normal php interpreter and HHVM as well. You may consider integrating this change.
greets, harry
]]>Hi, great plugin!
When uploading a PDF via woocommerce as a downloadable product, the PDF goes to /uploads/woocommerce-uploads/ which prevents people finding the pdf and downloading it without creating an account.
This however doesnt work with your plug. The thumbnail is blank.
I know I could upload all the PDFs to the standard media folder, generate the thumbnails, move them all and add the product.. but that’s a massive faff! And I’m going to be adding a lot of them monthly/weekly/daily.
Is there some way of hooking it into woocommerce? I’m never going to upload any PDFs to the site for anything other than woocommerce, so I’m happy to overwrite all defaults to this folder!