I cannot get into my website’s back end.
]]>This is the first year I am working with this application for our 2nd annual Long Beach AIDS Walk that supports 5 local HIV provider organization in Long Beach. Participants have started emailing with questions and the one question I can’t answer is:
How can I update my page with a new picture and edit the copy I originally included?
Is there an easy fix for this or directions I can provide my participants?
Please and Thank You!
]]>Recently we had a user register for one campaign in order to create their fundraising page. Their page was created but somehow our admin login for the wordpress site was modified. My Admin role permissions were changed to subscriber and the first and last name were changed to the user who tried to sign up.
I had to go into phpMySQL to modify the admin user back to its original entries.
]]>I am getting an error now on my site for donations or register. Something with the SSL certificate.
I signup for an account with peerraiser and after I login, go to Connect, it took me back to the login screen. I could not get the License Key to connect WordPress with peerraiser. Could you please fix this? Thank you!
]]>For each fundraising page, the total donations and the visual bar is not showing. IF I make test donations still shows $0 and 0% Raised of Goal
I see the following text in the screenshot below: “Connect your PeerRaiser account”.
Could you please explain why do we need this, and how payments/donations are proceeded, if “There’s no need to mess with SSL certificates or setup complicated merchant accounts.”, does it work without PeerRaiser account at all?
]]>when I install the plugin and activate it I get this error
Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in…application/controller/admin/class-donations.php on line 211
]]>On the donate page, if only one campaign is available, should the dropdown should be pre-filled with that campaign?