Often, but not always get an error
“Fatal error: Could not extract a stage height from the CSS. Traced height: 0px.”
Any help?
]]>I modified the plugin to take extra Galleria.js options.
1) Is there any way I can make a PR to update this plugin?
2) My modifications only seem to work on the homepage and archive/search result pages. Why is that? Is the code cached somewhere?
Works perfectly fine on desktop but when i view the site on mobile the height of container doesn’t get responsive as per screen size -resulting in huge gap between top of image and between the image and thumbnails
Can you suggest the best method for making the Galleria fullscreen?
Maybe bind the main galleria container div to lightbox…? Edit teh plugin itself somewhere?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Just downloaded this gallery. Love how it looks!
Is there any way to add captions or titles to this gallery?
]]>I am using v. 0.5.1 of Photo Galleria with the Twelve theme. Everything seems to be work with the exception of the image title in the popup. The image does popup within the lightbox. The slide counter in the bottom right corner is display, but not the image title in the bottom left side.
The div tag with the class “galleria-lightbox-title” is in the HTML source code, but there are no contents within it. If I add text to that div via Firebug, the text is shown on the screen.
So, I don’t think this is a CSS issue. It seems the image title is not getting passed to the popup.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
]]>I’m using the “Fullscreen” theme, but also experiencing this issue on the “Classic” theme as well.
I’m attempting to add a 200×200 image to the top corner of each image as it’s called to the ‘active’ position. I did attempt to do this by editing the plugin itself (line 378 to 380), however that just adds a weird box to the top of the images and breaks the actual slideshow functionality.
The only code that I was able to find, again line 378.
$content = "<div class='photo-galleria' $style>";
$content .= gallery_shortcode( $attr );
$content .= "</div><!-- .photo-galleria -->";
Where is the code for the actual OUTPUT? Or is this entirely WordPress related?
]]>The gallery does not load, everything except the focal image loads – which is just white. I had to downgrade back to 0.4.1.
]]>We love galleria, but we are having a small problem with it. When we created our first post with a galleria in it, the galleria shows up fine on the main page. However, when you click over to the category page that we associated it with, only our text – and not the galleria – shows up there. It seems very odd, but we are quite new to WordPress, so maybe I am missing something obvious. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Our website with the issue is returntoseason.com. Thanks!
]]>I updated to the new version of WordPress 3.5 and updated the plugin and now it is no longer working.
Mine used to work like this: https://talesofendearment.com/dont-try-this-at-home/
and now my galleries just appear as: https://fabulush.net/2012/05/2622/
Please advise and help!
Thank you!!
]]>I just updated the plugin and now my thumbnail carousel is no longer appearing. please help?
I have multiple images already uploaded to my gallery. Some of them have ugly names, and i’d rather not display the “i” button to users. I don’t want them clicking this and seeing my ugly image titles. Is there any way to disable this “i” button?
I appreciate any help!
Is there way to stop images and text to stop flashing briefly ( as images and text but stacked on top of each other ) on initial browser page load, before they disappear ?
After this behavior, the plugin then works fine
]]>does anyone happen to know if it might be possible to pay someone to code something that would integrate my existing albums published to flickr with photo galleria?
i have photos organized in aperture and i publish these automatically to flickr so that any changes automatically update.
if i could get code that would put these into a photo galleria on my new website it would really be worth something to me…
here are some examples that apparently just pull this data and put it into a non-photo-galleria format…
– jon
]]>I have my blog settings to display 10 posts on the blog page. Photo Galleria displays on the individual post-page, but does not do so for that same gallery post on the blog-page.
This is a Bug. Can this be fixed?
]]>Hi, below are some features that I feel are missing. Would you be able to implement these quick if they are easy (I don’t know)?
1. Automatic Width relative to container on the page.
2. Automatic Height based on a percentage of the Width.
3. Option to pick FULL size image from the media gallery.
4. Buttons to Play/Pause the slidedhow.
5. Button to display image Full Screen.
It seems normal to me that any slideshow support Lazy Loading of images in the gallery. However, in your FAQ you suggest that it does not. Once the page has loaded the user should be able to start interacting with the slideshow (via the entire thumbnail carousel) while the fullsize images continue to be “buffered” in the background.
You don’t need to download ALL images, just the next few. After all I may have 100s of images in 1 single post (we’re not even talking 10 posts on a page here) in my gallery in a slideshow (thats what photographers like me do).
The user should also be able to navigate to any image (even if not buffered) and the slideshow should retrieve that one on-demand if so required & buffer the next few right after.
How long before you can make these changes?
Thanks for the beautiful plugin.
]]>Having issues where images don’t display when using Chrome. Safari and IE seem to be fine, but Chrome won’t display if images are vertical.
Pelase advise, Any and all help is appreciated.
is there someone else having troubleshooting with vertical images?
I have a gallery with both vertical and horizontal images, but the first ones are automatically rotated.
Do you know why and I can I do to fix the problem?
Thanks a lot,
Title says it all.
Here you can find an example
The plugin works absolutely perfect in Firefox, Chrome, Safari …..
Is there any way to fix this?
As this plugin is made with galleria library, i’d like to know if it is possible to use the galleria library themes with this plugin ?
Or is it possible to get more themes ? perhaps with more functions ?
I’d like to use this theme, with this plugin.
Any idea would be very nice !
]]>The plug in seems to be working just fine – my client loves the look of it – but the thumbnails are not displaying in Firefox (just grey boxes) – both Mac and Win. Looks and works fine in IEWin. I have run out of ideas for troubleshooting. Any ideas or trails I can follow?
I have just tested and is Not Working with IE7. Even your DEMO page….
Do you still suport it??
]]>Is it possible to load the javascript and stylesheet only on the pages the gallery is being used on?
]]>any suggestions how to enable the lightbox in galleria?
when you press the big image the lightbox to open…
Here’s how you can adapt the Photo Galleria code to display a gallery also in pages and custom-type posts. The default behaviour applies only for regular posts.
In the function were the javascript is added to the head, photo_galleria_scripts_head(), inside the file photo-galleria.php, add:
/* also push pages into stack */
$pages = get_pages('numberposts=-1');
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$pid = $page->ID;
if ( stripos($page->post_content, '[gallery') !== false ) {
$element = "#galleria-" . $pid;
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'modalidades',
// The Query
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
// The Loop
while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post();
$pid = $post->ID;
if ( stripos($post->post_content, '[gallery') !== false ) {
$element = "#galleria-" . $pid;
“modalidades” is the name of your custom type.
Yes, it’s dirty. And yes, it works.
]]>This plugin doesnt seem to work if a post is fetching gallery from other post like [gallery id='12345']
The pictures are fetched as thumbnails only. I guess template is not being fetched in this case.
I just downloaded this plugin.
It is activated and shows up in my settings dropdown, but I don’t see anything that allows me to use it when I create a new page or post.
Basically, how the heck to you make a gallery?
I gotta be missing something here.
You use Galleria for your plugin right?
If so, your plugin is not up to date. There’s a much newer and less buggy version of it.
Me and many other would be pleased if you’d update it.
]]>Hi all,
i just upgraded this plugin to the newest version but captions disappeared.
Any suggestions?