Hi, I’ve used this plugin for years and just found it’s retired.
What are my options if this doesn’t work with new WP installs?
]]>We have purchased a 5 site license in order to cover our live site and two test sites which are actually running from sub directories under the main domain. Our website was developed to replace an existing site, so our initial URL was different than our ultimate URL. We developed the site under the URLs https://www.walnuthillcommunitychurch.org https://www.walnuthillcommunitychurch.org/test and https://www.walnuthillcommunitychurch.org/play.
Since the successful launch of the site we have now transferred the domain names used previously to point to the new site and changed the URLs within WordPress to reflect the change so that our live site is now back to the original domain name of https://www.walnuthillcc.org and the two test sites have been changed accordingly.
This activity has resulted in only the new live site domain being able to accept the license number. Can you please do whatever is necessary to have the license cover only the three new URLs. We are getting a license invalid message on our two new test sites and it is holding up our phase 2 development.
Thank you.
]]>Greetings all!
I have had a multitude of problems to finally get a php file to open within some of my WordPress pages. I finally used this code to get the desired results:
[insert_php] include(‘devotionals/spurgeon/morning/index.php’); [/insert_php]
However when I create and try to use a PHP-Snippets plugin snippet along with or without the current_date snippet in a page to do the same thing except for using <?php — ?> brackets instead of the ones for [insert_php] all I get is a blank page with header and navigation menu.
See The page that isn’t working
I’m using a MAC desktop and TextEdit to create my snippet files.
I’m a WordPress newbie who taught myself how to create webpages by hand-coding html 25 years ago. and I’m lost concerning this. My goal is to have a page without so much empty space between header and actual page contents like I have now on the page in the first link above.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I bought a license key and entered it and I’m getting the following message:
“Your license has been successfully activated. Thank you for your support!”
But then below it says:
License Key License Status: Invalid
And the plugin isn’t working.
]]>I just updated my WordPress site to version 4.2.1 and my dashboard now says:
“The PHP Snippets plugin encountered errors! It cannot load!”.
I also have the following error message on every page of my site:
Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /home/content/x/x/x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/html/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/index.php on line 24
Line 24 of my /wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/index.php has the following:
, $required_php_version);
This is a HUGE problem, because almost every page of my site (over 500 pages) has very important links embedded on them with the PHP Snippets plugin, which are not displaying now. Pleeeeeease help!
Thank you in advance.
~ Aedryan
]]>I’ve been using PHP Snippets to create data-driven pages on my WordPress site, connecting to a MySQL database. Love it! Very easy this way to create dynamic pages within the design of my website.
Sadly, since Thursday, there’s a strange problem going on, consisting of two parts:
1. When I use the TinyMCE button to select a snippet, my snippet list is preceded by a long list of errors. To be precise: seven repetitions of these two lines:
2. One of the source files I require_once in all my snippets, the source file that connects to my database and contains all the database functions, keeps getting loaded in the old Thursday afternoon version. No changes or new functions are found any longer, even though I can verify that the new version is up. If I add a new function, it’s reported as ‘Undefined’; if I change a function, the old version keeps being run. It’s as if the old versions of my require_once source files have been cached.
Could the two problems be related somehow?
]]>Hi there, I have several Visual Composer shortcodes inserted into a snippet, and it was fine for a few days, and then all of a sudden it stopped working. If you could shed some light on this for me as I use this plugin for everything, even having bought a license key, I would greatly appreciate it.
For example, I have a file called test.snippet.php, and the code looks like this”
echo "[vc_row][vc_column width=\"1/1\"][vc_column_text]This is a test.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]";
Instead of doing what it normally does and output the proper thing, it actually shows all of the shortcode to the page like this;
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]This is a test.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
I am completely at a loss, I am scrambling to resolve this. Thank you so much for the great plugin.
I try to use short codes in your PHP script but it doesn’t work.
for example :
echo “[short code]” => write “short code” on screen.
It is possible to use short code in your php scripts ?
Thank you.
I would like to choose a particular [short code] (from other plugins) following a PHP variable.
For example, i would like to do this in PHP :
if ($var=”1″)
echo ‘<p>[short code 1] </p>’;
echo ‘<p>[short code 2] </p>’;
Same kind of question : Is it possible to create for example 2 PHP shortCode with yout plugin and put the first in the second and the second in the first ?
With regards.
I’m using php-snippets version 0.7 with wordpress 4.0.1 and all was ok but from one week in a snippet.php that worked and that has this line:
echo “TEST STRING\n”
It doesn’t work anymore… and the strange is that no message is shown or error but the php is not shown on the screen (nothing appears on the screen). Only by removing the line Feed (\n) all work and the page appears.
At the beginning I thought that it could be a wordpress problem, but if I write line feed in posts it works but no longer in a php of php-snippets.
The solution I took was to replace any occurence of “\n” by “\r” but is there any other solution? or is this a bug?
Thanks for your help
]]>After updating to version 1.1 I get this error on top of the page:
Notice: Undefined index: show_tmce_button in *clip*/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/loader.php on line 35
I had to edit the code in loader.php and comment that if sentence starting at line 35. Apparently this plugin conflicts with seo-redirection plugin that I’m also using, see screenshot:
By editing php snippet code, there were no more php errors. Do you know how to fix this in a more sophisticated way than commenting part of the code?
// if($php_snippets_data[‘show_tmce_button’] == 1) {
// add_filter(‘mce_external_plugins’, function($plugin_array) {
// $url = PHP_SNIPPETS_URL.’/js/editor_plugin.js’;
// $plugin_array[‘php_snippets’] = $url;
// return $plugin_array;
// });
// }
Hi, just wondering how to get this working, I am trying to add the script that i have running here: https://naturistholidays.com/holidays.php
The php i need to add is as follows:
<?php include ‘/home/naturist/public_html/login/app/views/pjLayouts/pjActionListings.php’; ?>
I have tried it in a few ways. adding the first section as a snippet then on the wp page adding {VRL_LISTINGS} then the second snippet.. Also i have tried adding the whole lot as a snippet. All i get is a blank page: https://naturistholidays.com/testhome/
Any help would be appreciated
Kind regards
]]>After updating to the new version of the plugin, whenever I use the editor toolbar button to trigger the modal window with the snippets included, my browser hangs. This also happens when I click the button in the admin area to view all the available snippets. After clicking either of those buttons, I need to quit Chrome before I can browser the site. Any ideas??
]]>Hello, I love your app and use it on multiple sites. For one non-profit profit site, I acquired a license for free as the organization doesn’t make money. I have paid for a license for a different site. I set everything up and it was working just fine yesterday.
Today I visited the site and it isn’t working at all.
The settings page tells me both that the license I have IS ACTIVE and, at the top, “PHP Snippets is almost ready. You must Enter a License Key for it to work. Get a License Key here.”
I tried renewing the existing license key but that didn’t make a different either. Help please?
Thank you!
]]>hello when i try to insert the path to the directory i get this warning message : Warningfunction.is-dir/var/www/clients/client2/web41/web/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/includes/Base.php160
i run wp 4 what should i do ??
]]>It was a very nice surprise.
All snippets were turned off after plugin update. It turned out, that I need to pay for the license key if I would like to use it.
Very nice blackmail/extortion practice.
]]>I uprgaded to your latest version and it is hanging my site. If I just install the new plug in and don’t add a directory it fails to execute the short codes which are in a special directory. When I enter my directory (which I must be doing wrong) it hangs the whole site.
]]>Hi there, setting up a local install for testing, what do I put in the path field for php snippets? Running under MAMP on a mac.
Warning: file_get_contents(/actual/path/to/folder/website.dev/wp-content/themes/theme-folder/snippets/./button.snippet.php) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /actual/path/to/folder/website.dev/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/includes/PHP_Snippet_Functions.php on line 214
I keep getting this error on my local development of any site I work on. This error comes up every couple of refreshes. 30% of the time the snippets work fine, but when I refresh the page, the other 70% of the times I get this error. The error shows up twice, one with the actual path and one with /./ after the snippets folder.
Any ideas? It works fine if once I put the files up to an actual server, but locally it’s just giving me fits.
]]>Hi, I was wondering how to hide the “insert PHP snippet” button from commenting text editor?
Screenshot: https://imgur.com/0WqgUdB
Do you have advice how to do it, or am I the only one with this problem? Thanks for repying.
]]>Can’t figure out why some non-ASCII text printed with ‘echo’ inside my php script won’t display correctly. I have international text all over my pages and it works perfectly in regular posts/html. My worpress and mysql configs are set to UTF-8.
I have tested different browsers and the php code does output perfect text with other php plugin (insert_php).
Anyone had a similar issue and might help?
Thank you,
Hello, when I activate this plugin (Version 0.9), I get this error :
Warning: scandir(/home/lmlfr/domains/domxxx.fr/public_html//..) [function.scandir]: failed to open dir: Permission denied in /home/lmlfr/domains/domxxx.fr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/includes/PHP_Snippet_Functions.php on line 171
Warning: scandir() [function.scandir]: (errno 13): Permission denied in /home/lmlfr/domains/domxxx.fr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/includes/PHP_Snippet_Functions.php on line 171
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/lmlfr/domains/domxxx.fr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/includes/PHP_Snippet_Functions.php on line 172
So I must deactivate it. Can you help me please ?
]]>Can you pass arguments, from the command line using PHP Snippets and if so what would that look like.
when accessing my WP-backend via HTTPS there are always some unsecured HTTP requests from php-snippets plugin, like:
This has the effect that most browsers do not display the page as being encrypted.
Has somebody a fix for this?
]]>Running the latest version of the plugin.
So I’ve been using the plugin until just recently (yesterday) when it stopped working. Where the code should execute i see the shortcode instead in text.
(In the footer widget -> https://www.2ty.in/13dfc )
I’m trying to understand why it has stopped working. I suspect but not sure that by uninstalling another plugin called wp collapse-o-matic that it seemed to have stopped working but I am not certain there is a connection.
The browser devel tools don’t show any errors. I can’t seem to find any errors in php or in the logs (though i’m on a shared hosting account and don’t have access to the logs in real-time.
Some strategies I’ve tried:
Any suggestions would be welcome, thanks!
I just started using this plugin.
And all started off very well.
But later on i found out that the plugin started to conflict with another plugin i am using. DBToolkit.
With the DBToolkit plugin i have been able to build a registration form with an overview list of all the registrations. In the overview list there is a possibility to use search filters to find specific names, schools etc.
But the filter function doesn’t work anymore.
If anyone has any ideas or needs more info. Please let me know.
]]>Please help!
A small php file at bottom is to open a pop up window.
How to use it in when click on a link.
For example, if this is javascript, it looks like this in html:
Open a popup window
How to call the PHP snippet in html tag???
Please help!
fileName: test.snippet.php
function newPopup() {
url = ‘https://www.yahoo.com’
popupWindow = window.open(
Great plug-in! It’s working well…except:
Right after every PHP snippet shortcode I insert in my WP page, the published html code includes a carriage return, which displays on the web page as a “space”. So if I’m writing a sentence on the web page, and end it with a php-snippet-created string, followed by a period, it displays with a space between the php string and the period.
I’m not sure if it’s the plug-in doing this, or WP.
It seems a small detail, but it’s frustrating to have an extra space displayed where I don’t want one, and I don’t want to be forced to add the period to the php code, as that limits what I can do with that snippet.
Thanks for any feedback you can provide.
I have just stumbled across this extremely interesting plug-in and felt it was the answer to my prayers.
However, the problem I have is that whilst my created test snippets are displayed in the list of options along with the samples, clicking on these will not load them onto the WP page. The samples work fine when the links are clicked and function perfectly!
Any ideas?
]]>All my snippets have disappeared. I’m correlating this with an update to version 0.8. The snippets were located in the ‘…\wp-content\plugins\php-snippets\snippets’ directory on a Windows 2003 server running IIS. They also disappeared from a separate site on a Linux server. The only snippets remaining are the defaults ones.
Can I ask that someone check the update process to make sure that directories are not deleted during an update.
Can I further suggest that people store their snippets elsewhere!
Thankfully I’ve located a backup, so all is well here.
Otherwise, I like the plugin and will continue to use it.