When I search for it on Google, I get the url:
But there nothing there, I get the message:
We couldn’t find that plugin. Maybe you were looking for one of these?
Is this plugin not available anymore?
I have been comparing the params php code in the main version pf pfc
and the plug in and I notice that they operate a little bit differently
due to the plug-in being tied to the wordpress user database.
Can you give me an example of how to use the params array to set different options that cannot be done through the plug in control panel in wordpress.
Also what is the difference between the phpfreechart.php file and the chat.php file other than one has everything while the other only contains the options . Is the chat.php meant to override the other one ?
Where is the PHP file to do that…or is it impossible.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Is it possible to place one chat window per page? I am looking at having different channel per page. I am wondering if this is possible?
Is there a way to get a chime to ring when someone enters the chat room to notify me? That way they don’t have to be there all alone…
Also, a really neat feature would be to have a little calendar that opens up and people can “reserve” chat rooms and invite guests to join them at certain times.
That way…again… people don’t have to sit in a chat room by themselves.
Just a thought.
I’m trying to make the community more lively, though we don’t have lots of users.
Thanks for the great plug-in!
]]>I got a multi language wordpress site using qTranslate in domain mode (en.domain.com, de.domain.com, …).
In this setup phpfreechat is only working in one language, other languages get a allow origin js errors like:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://de.domain.eu/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/phpfreechat/chat.php?pfc_ajax=1&f=loadChat. Origin https://en.domain.eu is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I removed the domains from all urls saved in the cached config in wp-content/plugins/phpfreechat/data/private/cache/[freechatID].php which is working now but I would love to see a general solution for this because the cache will most likely not survive all time!
]]>Since upgrading wordpress, my chat box does not load. Nothing has been altered, all settings and files are in place.
is it possible to make the list of online users widget a link and when you click on the links will start a private message with that person?
]]>I am planning to use PHPFREECHAT and have couple of questions:
My main website(root) is a wordpress blog. I am planning to start Chat room where I expect 100s of users from my niche community
1) How robust is PFC wordpress plugin vs original PFC ?
2) If I decide to use main PFC, can you guide me how to get registration module inside it(may or may not be integrated with wordpress registration)
3) Are there any other comparison pointers between plugin vs orgiinal PFC ?
]]>Hello Frumph, I want to kwow how to resize the chat window, with the original phpfreechat you can edit the files css under the “style” folder (content.css), but with the plugin, I dont know what to do.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Is there a way to style the chat window?
Any info for starters?
Good and fast plugin by the way.
]]>I just installed this and it only say “Chat loading… Please wait”
At first I thought it’s because I have network enabled. So I install it on non network WP. The same thing happen.
Any idea why?
]]>Great Plugin.
Please bear with the newbieness of this.
It appears from the forum replies that the best practice to minimize the use of server resources is to have
“Mysql w/Ajax” checked and “Disable text logging of the chat?” checked.
From a very limited use it appears that with this configuration text logs are still being compiled in /public_html/mysite/wp-content/plugins/phpfreechat/data/private/logs
Have deleted these files (in /public_html/mysite/wp-content/plugins/phpfreechat/data/private/logs) and done the /rehash command but it appears (to me) that
you may also have to delete the wp_phpfreechat tables in the mysql file for the site ??
Is there a cron job command code available to automate this – to delete the relevant logs or tables or both ?
I want to have more than one identifier for people to be able and identify as admins.
In src/pfcglobalconfig.class.php we have the option to do it but it does not work for me. I might do it wrong.
var $admins = array(“admin” => “”);
I want to do it like this
var $admins = array(“admin” => “adminpass1″,”admin2” => “adminpass2″,”admin3” => “adminpass3”);
Also initiating the /help command you are able to see valid commands. But there is no help for them on the windows that opens.
Lets say there is the /roll command. I would like to be able to see that to use the /roll command i have to tell how many dice and how many numbers on every dice you want. So you need to input /roll 2d6 for 2 dice and 6 numbers on every dice.
Where can i change the output of the /help command so that i can input some more info on this output?
Also is it possible to see more info with the /whois command taken from wordpress? Maybe at the user box also with left click on a users name?
]]>If a unregistered visitor tries to use a registered username. Would that be possible, and if so is there a way to prevent it?
Great addon btw.
Is there any update?
Is there any solution to see the delay-time?
]]>In its current form, if I put the shortcode after content, it displays the chat before the content because it is using the echo method rather than the return method. In the main and chat file I’d like to suggest changing this line…
to this…
$output = $chat->printChat(true);
return $output;
Upgraded to the new version 0.2.7 and the selections to allow non registered users log in to the chat is broken, as well as the selection to turn off the clock. Please leave old versions up so we can roll back to them when necessary.
]]>hey there..
I just install this plugin and it does not work…
i m getting this error, where it supposed to show:
Warning: copy(/home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/phpfreechat/src/../data/public/themes/zilveer/images/pfc_online.png) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/phpfreechat/src/pfctools.php on line 179
Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/phpfreechat/src/pfctools.php on line 180
I added in the max_msg parameter into the chat.php and phpfreechat.php files.
It doesn’t adhere to the rule though. I can’t get it to work. I’d like it to NOT show any old chats to a new user when they log in.
]]>I am setting where the words of the censor?thank
]]>Not working in IE7……the chat box is not displaying in IE7……any help?
]]>PHPFreeChat installed as plugin does no display chat window but I installed PHPFreeChat by itself on the same domain but another directory and it works.
Basically Chat page loads with CLI and command and options tool bars but the chat window never loads when I try to use the PHPFreeChat I installed as a plugin.
Theme Barthelme *tried other themes including default
WordPress 3.0.1.
PHPFreeChat 0.2.6
Works: https://uberphx.com/ch/
Does not work: https://uberphx.com/chat or https://uberphx.com/chat-2
Is it possible to show the date and time on the Latest Chatter widget as it does on each entry in the chatroom please?
Many thanks
Hi, how can I change the timeout parameter (https://www.phpfreechat.net/parameters) please? There is not an index.php in the phpfreechat folder and I cannot find this parameter in phpfreechat.php or chat.php.
Thanks Katie
is there a way to get phpfreechat to work in widget? or a code the a can but in to the text widget to pull in phpfreechat.
]]>Hello all;
This plugin is great, all works fine. But I can’t use commands on some users (probably due to their names). I’m using the mysql option, so the nicks are generated from the full names of people. For example, in the buddypress, there’s a user named “Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche”. It shows as “Friedrich Wilhe” on the chat. He’s username on buddypress is “nietz1844”. I tried the following:
/kick Friedrich Wilhe
/kick Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
/kick nietz1844
/kick friedrich_wilhe
Nothing works! This guy is bullet proof! Hope someone can shed me some light, as it seems to be a simple problem of finding out how the script reads the nick.
Thanks in advance!
PS: I really love this plugin ??
Great plugin thank you.
I need the Latest Chatter widget to automatically reload/refresh every 5seconds so that you don’t have to keep refreshing the page to see the latest chat.
I’ve tried refreshing the div using jQuery:
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
var refreshId = setInterval(function()
$('#responsecontainer').load('[addw2p name="chat"]').fadeOut("slow").fadeIn("slow");
}, 5000);
<div id="responsecontainer" class="traderchat"></div>
But obvious this doesn’t work as the javeScript does understand [addw2p name=”chat”].
What am I telling the javaScript to load in the div or is there a way of modifying the widget function to tell it to refresh every 5seconds there please?
Many thanks in advance for your help.