Hi, i ve install picture gallery for wordpress
1 .how can i use another display gallery please?
(my photos portrait style appears -90° in thumbs and i can’t change that)
so in display options config, i see “Gallery Template Filename”
what is the good syntax here for use another gallery plugin ?
i ve try page.php but no visual change.
please help.
tell me about another fonctional gallery plugin that can i use in complementary of yours
2. I ve made a translation “picture-gallery_fr_FR.po” but no fonction for change language in settings.
thanks in advance
I’m very interresting with this plugin and i would like to add a filter on picture owner.
I have already succeeded to add a SelectAuthor input in the page, but I can’t get the filter to work.
In a second time, it will be appreciate to :
– do not display titles, views and age of pictures
– open the picture in a popup for zoom in / zoom out without changing the page zoom
Best regards,
]]>I cannot
what is the correct shortcode to upload with any user role photos that will all be collected in the same gallery
I cannot
what is the correct shortcode to upload with any user role photos that will all be collected in the same gallery
when I try to edit the shortcodes nothing happens
Nice plugin, thank you!!
I added multiple categories to posts but it only shows 1 under category on my home page. You can see on my site : https://www.look-quote.nl Do you now what to do?
And i want to make the people pay for the message , is there a plugin to pair or somthing ?
Thank you verry much and have a great day!
Kind regard van de Hee
]]>I change the upload file path and the plugin stopped working. I tried to uninstalled and reinstalled. The plugin defaults to the addressed I previously saved.
What’s the default file path I should be entering?
I have problems with the plugin for uploading images.
1. on desktop view, after users uploaded images, the page not refresh to allow users to upload another new images or jump to pictures page for viewing the uploaded result.
2. on mobile view, after user uploaded images and want to upload another image, it shows blank page with message “Upload completed…Gallery required!”
3. At backend setting > Display tab> Interface Class(es) field value can not save and cannot get any changes.a
]]>Is there a way I can add additional mime types specifically .ico
All is good with the plugin, I just needed to space out the gallery a bit more and maybe change the plugin size. How can I do this?
the “Location” taxonomy must be set up in a way that what the user types in as his location is automatically a filter option. Without the need of having the admin create this location option by himself. This is really not a good solution as it is now. There are billions of locations in this world- as and admin I just cannot type in each an every one manually :-D… Let alone the fact that I cannot check in every day, go through all created listings to check which new location might be there…
can I define how the image will be displayed? I want the thumbnail to be square and when clicking on it to view the post I want the size of the post image to always be the same. At the moment they are completely as in their original (view here this is the original size of my screen…).
I want to give users the ability to not enable users to set any category that was created for my website as a category for their own post but I rather want to limit which categories they can choose from. How can I do this?
the “refresh” button which should remove all filters is not working. Any idea what I would need to check in order to make it work?
I don’t know if my theme causes this, hope you can tell me. But right now there is no “Save” button, so any image a user uploads goes automatically into publishing (I want the automatic publish, I don’t want manual publishing by the admin, don’t get me wrong). But it’s like: the user has no control. If he decides in the last second not to publish an image, it’s too late, he cannot review his post, it already went live… That’s a strange bug. View the screenshot for the missing button.
how can I set the limit of images to be uploaded per post to 1? Right now it seems like a user can upload unlimited images to a post.
how can I not show “Warning: shortcodes missing. Plugin Rate Star Review should be installed and enabled or feature disabled.”? Is it anywhere in the settings? Must have missed that.
I cannot find the proper shortcode for managing the uploads. How can a user edit or delete the image posts he already made?
I think in its functionalities this is already really great and I am happy I found this. But my question is: how is a user informed when a comment is made? I am building a buddy press based social community. In bp when a user e.g. creates a group, another user is notified about it. But as I would like this plugin to be part of my theme but it is not part of bp: how can users be informed about comments? Is there a hook for bp integration? I use the ‘Like button’ and this works great, so when a user likes an image, uploaded through your plugin, he gets notified. Hope this is possible with the comments too.
]]>This is a free plugin developed and provided as is by VideoWhisper.
Plugin can be used stand alone and also integrates with other VideoWhisper plugins for more advanced features:
https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/paid-membership/ – MicroPayments: Author Subscriptions, Membership, Paid Content
https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/ppv-live-webcams/ – Turnkey Live Webcams Site
https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/videowhisper-live-streaming-integration/ – Turnkey Live Video Streaming Site
These forums are not monitored. For clarifications or assistance, contact technical support from:
Hi All,
When I use this shortcode :
[videowhisper_pictures galleries=”” category_id=”” order_by=”” perpage=”” perrow=”” select_category=”0″ select_tags=”1″ select_name=”1″ select_order=”1″ select_page=”1″ include_css=”1″ id=””]
All the pics are displayed in bulk without any username or details (only the name of pic on the pic itself). How can I do to sort/separate by users ?
Thanks a lot !
]]>Is there a default setting to choose a different or custom category/ taxonomy for the pictures upload? I do not want to use the wordpress default categories.
Or use only certain categories for them to select for that pictures post type?
Also is there an easier way to override the semantic css? Or to remove the entire semantic css.
]]>Hello, I have an issue.
I wanted ot make a public gallery where everyone can upload picture.
So I installed our plugin, created the page with the upload short code and in option I added the “Guest” into both “Users allowed to share pictures” and Users allowed to directly publish pictures
This cannot work and tell me “only logged user can upload”.
So I removed in picture-gallery.php, line 1043 this piece of code :
if (!is_user_logged_in())
return __('Login is required to upload pictures!', 'picture-gallery');
so now non logged user can upload but even if the picture load to 100%, I cannot get the message with “Picture was published” and “Thumbnail will be processed shortly”. instead there is text “0” and picture is not uploaded in wordpress.
the error is “status 400” in js xhr.send(
xhr.open("POST", vwEBI("upload").action, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-FILENAME", file.name.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CATEGORY", vwEBI('category').value.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-OWNER", vwEBI('owner').value.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-DEV", 'Uploaded with VideoShareVOD.com script by VideoWhisper.com');
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-GALLERY", vwEBI('gallery').value.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-TAG", vwEBI('tag').value.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-DESCRIPTION", vwEBI('description').value.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
Could you help me ?
]]>I created a two pages, one per desired gallery.
On page A I have:
[videowhisper_picture_upload gallery=”A” category=”A” owner=””]
[videowhisper_pictures galleries=”A” category_id=”A” order_by=”” perpage=”” perrow=”” select_category=”0″ select_tags=”1″ select_name=”1″ select_order=”1″ select_page=”1″ include_css=”1″ id=””]
and on page B I have:
[videowhisper_picture_upload gallery=”B” category=”B” owner=””]
[videowhisper_pictures galleries=”B” category_id=”B” order_by=”” perpage=”” perrow=”” select_category=”0″ select_tags=”1″ select_name=”1″ select_order=”1″ select_page=”1″ include_css=”1″ id=””]
but when I view page B, the gallery display shows images uploaded from page A/gallery A.
I only want to see images uploaded to Gallery B on page B, and only images uploaded to gallery A on Page A
I think the shortcode documentation is wrong, should be just
[videowhisper_pictures gallery=”A” …]
[videowhisper_pictures gallery=”B” …]
which seems to do what I want.
Sorry, I cannot find the pages where the shortcodes were documented.
When I try to upload images to the gallery they fail.
With debug set to true in wp-config, here are the errors/notices I get:
Deprecated: Non-static method VWpictureGallery::picture_page() should not be called statically in C:\laragon\www\cmi\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php on line 287
Deprecated: Non-static method VWpictureGallery::videowhisper_pictures() should not be called statically in C:\laragon\www\cmi\wp-includes\shortcodes.php on line 343
Deprecated: Non-static method VWpictureGallery::videowhisper_picture_upload() should not be called statically in C:\laragon\www\cmi\wp-includes\shortcodes.php on line 343
Notice: Undefined variable: options in C:\laragon\www\cmi\wp-content\plugins\picture-gallery\picture-gallery.php on line 987
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in C:\laragon\www\cmi\wp-content\plugins\picture-gallery\picture-gallery.php on line 987
Deprecated: get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in C:\laragon\www\cmi\wp-includes\functions.php on line 4713
Notice: Undefined variable: htmlCode in C:\laragon\www\cmi\wp-content\plugins\picture-gallery\picture-gallery.php on line 1057
In the browser console i get this error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) :82/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=vwpg_upload:1
is there a way to open the pictures with a lightbox or at least in a new window??
As it is this plugin it’s a good idea but quite unusable because when someone see the pics in the pictures page is pushed out from the website.