I use this but still the fallback doesnt work…What am i doing wrong
if($image_object = get_field(‘page_image’)){
$image_output = ‘<img src=”‘ . $image_object[‘sizes’][‘banner-large’] . ‘” />’;
echo apply_filters(‘theme_banner_image’, $image_output);
$image_output = get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’) . ‘/assets/img/noimage.jpg’;
How can I disable Picturefill.WP for a specific page ID? (11883), Possibly additional pages also.
I have tried adding:
‘ remove_filter(‘the_content’, array(Picturefill_WP::get_instance(), ‘apply_picturefill_wp_to_the_content’), 11);’
to my functions.php file but to no avail.
Thank you!
I would like start using your plugin on my projects but maybe I am missing something. Try to read up on it but I can’t seem to workout what is missing.
I have wordpress 3.9.2 installed, theme is twentyfourteen. I have 3 image sizes set in the settings media section.
I upload a feature image with a post. When I preview the post the image tag is not changed. As there are no options with the plugin, should it work “out of the box?”
Any advice is welcome.
]]>Is it possible to make the plugin work for features images too?
]]>After enabling the plugin lazyload of images have stopped working. Is this the plugin or the PictureFill core that is the reason for this?
My first thought was that the PictureFill JS overwrites any lazyload JS and in that manner removing and thereby “disabling” lazy load of the images?
URL to page where I have PictureFill.WP enabled and where lazyload is not working: https://squazz.dk/israel/de-vil-mig-ud-af-landet/
The JS is minified, please do notify me if this becomes a problem
There is nothing wrong with this plugin. I just think the developer doesn’t have enough free time to keep it updated. Picturefull has been updated to version 2.2.0 as of November 19, 2014. This plugin is way behind that. Instead, try this one: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/changelog/ which seems to have more contributors behind it, and may eventually be integrated into the WordPress Core.
]]>Plugin works great, the correct images are being served, but I keep on getting “Excessive processes running” notice form the server with frequent server failures. I have regenerated all images, as well as disabled @2x images, don’t need them, so not sure what is causing the excessive processes?
]]>If an image is uploaded to media library via http, and later that same image is on an SSL page, it seems to break the plugin.
For me wp-admin is not SSL, and the non-optimal quick fix is to hack the url_to_attachment_id method and force the image_url to http.
]]>Theme developers frequently recommend a certain image upload size, for their particular implementation of Featured Images and Thumbnails. If the user switches to a different theme, he/she may end up having to resize all of their images. Am I correct to assume that in the future; IF the PICTURE ELEMENT is fully integrated into HTML5; and All Browsers end up providing support for it: WordPress image resizing won’t be necessary anymore?
And if that is correct: Does that mean that only ONE image size would be necessary to upload for ALL Posts?
And if that is correct: What would be the Best Size to upload, to provide the maximum flexibility for a Site Administrator who frequently switches themes ?
What would be the downside of ALWAYS uploading images, of 1000-1200 px or more ?
]]>Hi there,
this plugin seems to work really well on my frontpage, but as soon as I want to have retina images(or any images for that matter) show in my single posts, nothing happens. This is a problem I have had with another retina plugin, so don’t know what can be causing it, but really running out of options and patience. Could anyone help me?
Here’s my frontpage: https://gunmad.net/indexwp.php
Here’s an example of a single post(not showing any images): https://gunmad.net/indexwp.php?p=117
What should i do to get the output to be like this markup. Thanks
<div data-background-image=”” class=”banner-image” style=”background-image: url(https://localhost/example/image_2000x210.jpg);”>
<div data-alt=”Image” data-src=”https://localhost/example/image_480x210.jpg”></div>
<div data-media=”(min-width: 481px)” data-alt=”image” data-src=”https://localhost/example/image_1300x210″></div>
<div data-media=”(min-width: 1280px)” data-alt=”image” data-src=”https://localhost/example/image_2000x210.jpg”></div>
<!–[if (lte IE 8) & (!IEMobile)]>
<div data-src=”https://localhost/example/image_2000x210.jpg” data-alt=”image”></div>
Hi Kyle,
Regarding 1.3
So I have noticed that the actual high resolution queries in it’s current form didn’t work on iOSsafari and chrome.
After digging into subject it appeared to me that window.matchMedia wrongly evaluates query data-media="(min-width: 920px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),(min-resolution: 144dpi),(min-resolution: 1.5dppx)"
to true when screen width is smaller that query.
Then it appeared that there are some inconsistencies in implementation of JS media queries between browsers. So to make the query work we would have to have query like that:
data-media="(min-width: 786px) and (min-resolution: 144dpi),(min-width: 786px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)
I have modified class-view-picturefill function get_media_query to represent this syntax. Please bear in mind that I am nowhere close to being php haxor so Ithink you might like to take look at it.
public function get_media_query($image_size){
if('@2x' === substr($image_size, -3)){
$width = substr($image_size, 0, -3) === $this->image_attributes['size'][1] ? $this->image_attributes['width'] : $this->image_attachment_data[substr($image_size, 0, -3)][1];
$breakpoint = 0 === array_search(substr($image_size, 0, -3), $this->image_sizes) ? 1 : $width + 20;
$width = $image_size === $this->image_attributes['size'][1] ? $this->image_attributes['width'] : $this->image_attachment_data[$image_size][1];
$breakpoint = 0 === array_search($image_size, $this->image_sizes) ? 1 : $width + 20;
$current_width = apply_filters('picturefill_wp_media_query_breakpoint', $breakpoint, $image_size, $width, $this->image_attributes, $this->image_attachment_data, $this->image_sizes) ;
//firefox IE Opera
$current_resolution_1 = " and (min-resolution: 144dpi)";
$current_resolution_1 = apply_filters('picturefill_wp_media_query_resolution_query', $current_resolution_1, $image_size);
//firefox IE Opera
// we do not need this query as (by w3) "1dppx is equivalent to 96dpi"
$current_resolution_3 = " and (min-resolution: 1.5dppx)";
$current_resolution_3 = apply_filters('picturefill_wp_media_query_resolution_query', $current_resolution_3, $image_size);
//Chorme Safari iOS Android
$current_resolution_2 = " and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)";
$current_resolution_2 = apply_filters('picturefill_wp_media_query_resolution_query', $current_resolution_2, $image_size);
$resolution_query = '@2x' === substr($image_size, -3) ? ' and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),(min-resolution: 144dpi),(min-resolution: 1.5dppx)' : '';
if ('@2x' === substr($image_size, -3)){
$end_query = '(min-width: ' . $current_width . 'px)' . $current_resolution_1 . ',(min-width: ' . $current_width . 'px)' . $current_resolution_2;
return $end_query;
return '(min-width: ' . apply_filters('picturefill_wp_media_query_breakpoint', $breakpoint, $image_size, $width, $this->image_attributes, $this->image_attachment_data, $this->image_sizes) . 'px)' . apply_filters('picturefill_wp_media_query_resolution_query', $resolution_query, $image_size);
Forgive me guys i’m just confuse on how to combine this GREAT picturefill plugin with ACF to work. By the way I have this custom thumbnail size in my function.php that i use my thumbnail i dont want to touch it cause it works fine.
if ( function_exists( 'add_image_size' ) ) {
add_image_size( 'sliderimg', 350, 198, true );
Now i want picturefill combined with ACF to get a image field with these sizes The Largest – 2000px x 210px, Medium – 1300px x 210px and the smallest thats the last should be 480px x 210px
Please someone should help me achieve this…THANKS
My “Large Size” images are already exactly the double of my “Medium Size” images. And I use only “Medium Size” images in my posts. Can Picturefill.WP reference directly my “Large Size” images instead of generating its own 2X versions of “Medium Size”?
In other words, I want 1X to reference “Medium Size” and 2X to reference “Large Size”, and I don’t want generation done by Picturefill.WP.
Is this possible?
]]>I have the plugin installed and I can see the code in the inspector but I seem to just be getting the fallback image. Maybe it’s because I’m on a retina display and I can’t get it to replicate a smaller display. How do I know if it’s working? https://ijb.encore-domains.com/?p=18
]]>I’m installing this on a rather large multisite WP install. I ‘network activated’ the plugin and I noticed that the single site I was working on began using the picturefill plugin immediately. But I saw no way to activate the plugin on a per-site level. As I said there are nearly 100 subsites on this install each using different themes that would all suddenly be using the plugin… and that’s scary to me.
It’d be nice to opt in for each site I’d like to use it on, is that possible?
]]>Hi Kyle,
Just wondering if you could clear up some confusion for me. I am using Bootstrap 3 for my theme, and trying to set the proper breakpoints. Initially I thought this was as simple as taking my defined Bootstrap breakpoints and plugging them into the right function.
Upon watching the behaviour of PictureFill.WP I noticed this line:
<span data-src="https://zachatkinson.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/how-to-use-scrapebox.jpg" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-media="(min-width: 1940px)" class="picturefill-wp-source post-thumbnail"></span>
Here I see 20 pixels being added to my breakpoint sizes in data-media=”min-width: 1940px). I assume this is to properly centre the image with 10 pixel margins on both sides. Here are my Bootstrap 3 breakpoints:
Now, Initially I had set the breakpoints to the same values as this, but I’m realizing this means the min-width test with the extra 20 pixels is going to FUBAR things – so should I be subtracting 20 pixels from each of my responsive sizes to get the proper breakpoint including wrapper space?
I’m assuming this is a yes, but some confirmation would be nice. If we can confirm the proper breakpoint values for Bootstrap 3 they should be added to the documentation to prevent the trial/error and headaches I’ve been facing trying to get a highly supported framework to get along nicely.
Long story short – if my theme breakpoints are :
What should my picturefill breakpoints be?
Once we settle this and add it to the documentation I am sure you will see a great jump in users.
]]>Hi Kyle,
Seems 1.3.5 broke my post_thumbnails, they are now all displaying at a lower resolution than they should be – despite working fine in 1.3.4 Not sure what would have caused this, and can’t seem to access the documentation since PicturefillWP 2 is now the default branch.
you can see an example here:
Note previously it seemed to be working properly. Any ideas why this would happen?
]]>Love this plugin as stated before, but the documentation leaves me scratching my head. I need to know if
Is needed, and what some of the arguments are all about. When I enable this line of code the images on my page hang and refuse to load just like my problem with the post_thumbnail.
I tried calling this function on its own, as well as after I used the default add_image_size() function, but no success.
Do we need to call the default add_image_size at all or does picturefill_wp_add_image_size() take care of this for us? One thing is for sure using just the default add_image_size does not lead to my images being generated by the plugin.
I thought this might have to do with not yet including a call to
but using the following code I was still met with failure:
if ( function_exists( 'add_image_size' ) ) {
add_image_size( 'extra-small', 480 );
add_image_size( 'small', 768);
add_filter( 'image_size_names_choose', 'lc_insert_custom_image_sizes' );
//commented out because not sure if needed
//picturefill_wp_add_image_size('small', 768, 0, false, 'medium');
$image_size_array = array('thumbnail', 'extra-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large');
So what gives? How do I properly set up my custom sizes? add_image_size? picturefill_wp_add_image_size? and once that all works – how do I get the array pushed into the plugin to make sure its pulling the right images and dimensions?
picturefill_wp_set_responsive_sizes doesn’t seem to want to play nice either. If anyone can help please let me know – getting sick of the whole picturefill topic been working on optimizations so long!
]]>Hi there,
Simply smashing plugin and I have it configured no problem to work properly on my widgets thanks to the extensions, however when trying to call this function:
page hangs and nothing appears where featured images should be. Full code as follows:
function upbootwp_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'upbootwp-css', get_template_directory_uri().'/css/bootstrap.css', array(), '5.0.5');
wp_enqueue_script( 'upbootwp-jQuery', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/jquery.js',array(),'2.0.3',true);
wp_enqueue_script( 'upbootwp-basefile', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/bootstrap.min.js',array(),'1.1',true);
Note I have commented out the offending code for now. site for reference is https://zachatkinson.com
]]>Should the following code limit the images to only one size?
picturefill_wp_set_responsive_image_sizes( array( 'medium') );
echo Picturefill_WP::get_instance()->cache_picturefill_output( $image, 'image' );
I get all possible image sizes with that code (1.3.3). Unpublished site right now. Thanks.
]]>Fatal error: Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found in /var/www/virtual/waynewalter/wp-content/plugins/picturefillwp/inc/class-model-picturefill-wp.php on line 17
I just installed PictureFill.WP at waynewalter.com and get this error on the home page. I deactivated the plugin, of course.
Any idea what’s the problem? Is this a WP 3.9 incompatibility?
I’m a programmer so if you give me a hint, I willing to fix it.
Hi Kyle,
I have been messing with your plugin for a while. And messing is the keyword as I mainly work with JavaScript.
I will firstly explain you what I am trying to achieve:
If you’d visit this site you’d notice picturefill markup inverted to manipulate imgs using max-width query. You would also notice that order of pictures is inverted to what is achieved with your picturefillwp
And that would be the output I am trying to achieve using your plugin. I have tweaked the plugin to a certain extent, but it just keep getting messier.
In the end I made it work (in few cases), but this is more a result of a “let’s change this bit of code and see how it behaves” rather than holistic approach and good coding practices.
Getting to the point:
I am trying to use amended picturefill: https://github.com/tysonmatanich/picturefill with your plugin’s php bones.
The questions are:
I am aware that your plugin was developed to serve pretty specific conditions and it’s not your priority to change it’s assumptions.
But the fact is – your plugin is the best solution for WP adaptive images I have encountered so far. Thus I am willing to spend fair amount of time trying to make it work the other way around.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve tried 5 different responsive plugins for content images so far, and this was one of the few that worked and was easiest to implement.
Was having problems with captions so I added the following to my @media CSS
.wp-caption {
max-width: 96% !important;
width: auto !important;
I haven’t fully tested this across all browsers yet, but this looks like a great solution.
I love your plugin but it is giving me a small problem.
In content/plugins/picturefillwp/inc/class-picturefill-wp.php
You set a transient on the_content. You do this based on the post ID.
But the following happens on the home page.
echo apply_filters('the_content', get_option('theme_tinymce_formated_option'));
This option has text from tinymce and basicly works the same as a post. content wise.
which is post #2, which it finds as it’s fetched/created above.If your plugin should cache something that so many plugins might affect is a different debate.
But I do have a way to solve this. instead of basing this on a post id which might not even exist. why don’t you create a (md5?)hash of the given content and use that hash as the transient key.
That way if an author fixes a typo or a other plugin changes the_content your plugin won’t hit the cache because a single letter change will give a different key.
For now I quoted the cache out entirely.
Hope you will consider this.
]]>I’m having trouble understanding where to put the code and what parts to customize in order to get this to work with ACF. I have an acf image field named ‘banner’. Here is my code:
Theme File:
$image_object = get_field('banner');
$image_output = '<img src="' . $image_object['sizes']['medium'] . '" title="' . $image_object['title'] . '" alt="' . $image_object['alt'] . '" />';
echo apply_filters('theme_acf_image', $image_output, 'name_of_the_image_field');
function theme_function_for_acf_image($content, $name_of_the_image_field){
return Picturefill_WP::get_instance()->cache_picturefill_output($content, $name_of_the_image_field);
All that outputs is the letter h. If I echo $image_object it outputs the proper url of the uploaded image. Any input is much appreciated.
]]>Crashed my site was unable to load articles!
]]>I had to deactivate this plugin, because, for some reason, it was causing issues with the Woocommerce shopping cart page. Most functionality was lost on the cart page. Couldn’t update or remove items from shopping cart!
]]>I’ve had the situation come up a couple of times where the client is adding images to pages via the editor, and controlling the size is a problem. Specifically, he is trying to put in thumbnail type size, and wrap some text around it, but the plugin is inserting the full size image.
I notice class min-size-{image size} for capping minimum size, but is anything like that available for the maximum size?
]]>I’ve been using picturefill in a theme i am building but so far only for special things outside the content area, like header image, gallery images, features images.
The plugin nicely solves the problem of how to make images inside the content area responsively sized. When i first turned it on it removed all my existing images, but this was resolved by using the ‘skip images’ data attribute (thank you). So now i have both my own picturefill stuff and this plugin playing very nicely together.
One observation is that when i resize a page and the image drops down to the next lower size, this happens as soon as the image is wider than the viewport – leaving a little image (the next size down) with a whole lot of empty space beside it. I would have expected it to leave the larger one in place until the viewport got small enough that the next smaller one could take its place and still fill the full width. However i do appreciate that the current approach is more bandwidth friendly, it just does not present too well visually.
Despite this little thing, it is still a very nice solution which i hope will get some attention and use.