is there a bug? I am testing this shoutbox and sometimes when I enter a comment, an INFO comment pops up instead. “You should learn how to count before using… ”
otherwise, this looks like a good option for me
i installed shoutbox on a page (by using template), the public window shows the following message :
Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in …/public_html/vihegay/wp-content/plugins/pierres-wordspew/usersonline.php on line 72
Can someone tell me what i must do ? Not so experienced in php, please tell me clearly if you have an idea…
Thanks a lot !
]]>How can I change the username for Admin, I would like to use other than “Admin” this name. Anyone has successful change it?
I’am using wordpress 3.5, and I try for many times to installed this plugin. When I install into localhost, everything is fine. But when I try to install to the real webserver only registered user can posting message, when I posting as Guest there is showing “I DONT LIKE SPAM” message and the time showing “42 years, 12 months ago” for last message detection.
I dont know how to fix it, Can you help me?
Thankyou very much.
]]>Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/trancent/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pierres-wordspew/usersonline.php on line 72
No one online.WordPress database error: [Table ‘trancent_tranceasia.wp_liveshoutbox’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT DISTINCT cat FROM wp_liveshoutbox WHERE cat!=” ORDER BY cat
i got this when i install the shoutbox… ;(
]]>When selecting a smiley, I noticed that the “?” does not work. It has the same code behind it as the frowny face.
]]>I use Wordspew on multisite. It works but there are some issues when you have more than one WP site from the same multisite install open at the same time in the same browser:
I love the plugin, though.
]]>Hi, i have a problem with this plugin
when I put widget on my siderbar everything that is below it have wrong coding
you can see it on my website
please help me to correct this.
]]>Hello all together!
I use the plugin with the themes “Minimatica” and for mobile users “Admired”. Unfortunately mobile users can only see a very small part of the shoutbox. Is it possible to fix this in an update? So shoutbox changes its size automatically or via an option? This were awesome!
But thanks for your plugin, it works fine. I liked it that much that I created a possibility to let mobile users send a text message, which gets insert into the db.
I love your plugin (but the size)!
]]>After updating to version 3.3.2, I just found the new message not in archive anymore, please help how to solve this problem. Thanks
]]>I’ve just moving my website to another hosting provider. Everything seems OK but Pierre’s Wordspew plugin got some problems:
– Last message always be 42 years, 3 months (although I tried many times but it always change from 0 to 42 years, 3 months)
– I cannot shout anymore
I have tried to delete all things related to this plugin, delete prefix shoutbox_ in wp_oftions table of DB. Then I install new Pierre’s Wordspew. But it still like that. Can anyone help me or give me email of this plugin’s author?
]]>Hi there.
Thank you for the great plugin. I am having an issue with Avatars not showing up. They show when the page is refreshed, but not when a person sends a shout.
The default “mystery man” avatar shows up only.
Can anyone offer any suggestions to fix this?
]]>Salut Pierre ,j’ai un petit soucis avec la shoutbox,elle fonctionne nickel mais dans la partie administration les adresses ip ne sont plus affichées ??
Merci de votre aide
]]>I am helping a friend putting together a website and he really wants a widget that offers the capabilities of Pierre’s wordspew. I installed it but it seems like the Send button does not do anything. Anyone else had this isse? the website is Thanks
]]>Is it possible to create separate instances of the shoutbox? For example, my website creates custom sidebars for categories and their posts. If I wanted a shoutbox for category 1 and a different shoutbox for category 2, is that possible?
]]>Hi Pierre, and thank you for this great widget !
When I connect to my page at, the last message date is displaying ok at the begining, but few seconds later, it becomes erratic : “Last message : 41 years, 9 monthes ago”.
Is there any fix for this ?
Thanks !
]]>How can I hide the e-mail(mailto:[email protected]) hyper-link in the front module ?
I hope that the e-mail can be hidden due to privacy, but can be seen in the admin page.
What should I do to modified this?
Thanks in advance ??
]]>Can I remove the send button for more room? I think that return is adequate enough.
If I only want to link one page for example /forum/ and everything after such as /forum/new posts/ etc. is there a way to do this. I tried all kinds of combinations without any luck.
I logged in as admin and write something then in chat I will get this
admin: something
but if someone else (guest, who can choose their name freely) he can also writes something with the name admin and in chat I will see
admin: something <–(real one)
admin: something <–(fake one)
may be there should be a filter or something to prevent people from choosing blacklisted name (admin,super admin,other defined names …)
Plugin: Pierres Wordspew
Its a great Plugin but the entries where shown in a convoluted (interlaced/nested) view. I did not know the right word for that. It is like that:
user1: hello. nice blog. goodbye
user2: hello. very fine here!!!
user3: test. test .test
I want the view like that:
user1: hello. nice blog. goodbye
user2: hello. very fine here!!!
user3: test. test .test
Would be great if someone can help me!
Hello, I wanted to say tyvm for the shoutbox, I love it. I was wondering if a person can add/delete smilies please. Thanks. ??
]]>I have the latest Pierre version, and using WordPress 3.1; no matter what I do, when I click send, the messages do not go through. I’ve tried this in IE,Firefox, Safari, & Chrome. I’ve tried emailing the author with no success.
]]>I deactivated and deleted the files and at a later time wanted to re-install wordspew I found that I can install and activate OK but the database files do not get created so it fails. It seems to be a once only plugin installation.
Is there a way around this without re-installing WordPress and losing the user data?
]]>my wordspew seems to be generating slow queries
Executed 22 min ago for 2 sec on Database –> TABLES.
SELECT * FROM wp_liveshoutbox WHERE cat=” AND id > 3024 ORDER BY id DESC
Executed 20 min ago for 2 sec on Database –> TABLES.
SELECT * FROM wp_liveshoutbox WHERE cat=” AND id > 3026 ORDER BY id DESC
Executed 19 min ago for 2 sec on Database –> TABLES.
SELECT * FROM wp_liveshoutbox WHERE cat=” AND id > 3028 ORDER BY id DESC
Executed 18 min ago for 3 sec on Database –> TABLES.
SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options WHERE autoload = ‘yes
Executed 14 min ago for 3 sec on Database –> 90.
SELECT * FROM wp_liveshoutbox WHERE cat=” AND id > 3041 ORDER BY id DESC
Executed 12 min ago for 3 sec on Database –> 90.
SELECT * FROM wp_liveshoutbox WHERE cat=” AND id > 3041 ORDER BY id DESC
Executed 11 min ago for 6 sec on Database –> 90.
SELECT * FROM wp_liveshoutbox WHERE cat=” AND id > 3044 ORDER BY id DESC
Executed 10 min ago for 7 sec on Database –> 90.
SELECT * FROM wp_liveshoutbox WHERE cat=” AND id > 3044 ORDER BY id DESC
Executed 6 min ago for 2 sec on Database –> 90.
SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (8150,8141,8134,8064,8068,8048,8045,8041,8039,8032,8026,8015,8006,5422,7979,7899,7894,7889,7875,7847,7843,7811,7766,7748,7989,7726,7771,7722,7710,7699,7695,7689,7684,7680,7671,7663,7655,7659,7649,7636,7634,7632,7622,7620,7618,7609,7600,7597,7593,7582,7573,7567,7543,7540,7538,7531,7518,7519,7516,7514,7510,7507,7502,7498,7490,7488,7481,7458,7463,7456,7451,7449,7436,7433,7419,7413,7410,7407,7398,7388,7377,7379,7374,7368,7370,7352,7341,7339,7331,7310,7318,7292,7283,7275,7270,7287,7254,7250,7246,7232,7215,7204,7199,7182,7184,7168,7166,7164,7108,7154,7151,7149,7146,7134,7126,7121,7119,7112,7101,7095,7106,7085,7080,7103,7074,7073,7067,7063,6966,6949,6943,6507,6510,6391,6383,6946,6364,6329,6347,6308,6311,6302,6280,6257,6259,6247,6233,6228,6225,6157,6155,6153,6148,6137,6135,6130,6127,6121,6117,6110,6108,6106,6099,6096,6094,6090,6085,6072,6069,6066,6028,6025,6013,6010,6007,6005,6002,5995,5973,5953,5951,5942,5937,5920,5924,5907,5874,5869,5867,5865,5851,5835,5801,5798,5773,5771,5769,5748,5751,5629,5620,5566,5551,5549,5537,5539,5514,5495,5491,5474,5458,5426,5406,5352,5348,5341,5328,5325,5316,5306,5292,5286,4448,4883,4879,4691,4629,4495,4292,4494,3968,4383,4342,4336,4311,4288,4269,4264,4251,4239,4208,4218,4189,4204,4151,4146,4134,3964,4118,4098,4084,4061,4050,3997,3969,3961,3953,3949,3938,3929,3924,3918,3908,3905,3896,3840,3838,3835,3823,3819,3813,3811,3805,3795,3791,3786,3784,3781,3778,3773,3682,3697,3680,3687,3684,3657,3652,3646,3639,3636,3631,3628,3622,3618,3615,3612,3602,3597,3594,3589,3585,3582,3580,3563,3558,3509,3507,3478,3474,3439,3414,3164,3159,3157,3144,3113,3106,2875,2858,2849,2816,2798,2781,2769,2762,2758,2747,2731,2724,2714,2701,2691,2679,2672,2653,2648,2643,2554,2541,2539,2534,2468,2453,2406,2395,2389,2383,2377,2369,2360,2347,2335,2329,2322,2315,2306,2278,2260,2251,2247,2237,2229,2223,2208,2165,2152,2132,2124,2114,2104,2091,2067,2051,2043,2039,2029,2018,2010,2003,1996,1991,1983,1968,1961,1951,1949,1946,1939,1931,1926,1819,1804,1794,1784,1763,1746,1743,1729,1720,1671,1676,1647,1644,1635,1619,1609,1603,1597,1435,1430,1403,1404,1396,1388,1371,1340,1063,1013,1007,1003,960,865,786,767,747,746,691,683,670,638,603,588,585,550,496,481,440,424,28
Executed 6 min ago for 5 sec on Database –> 90.
SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE user_id IN (85
Executed 6 min ago for 2 sec on Database –> 90.
SELECT DISTINCT wp_posts.*, (meta_value+0) AS views FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta ON wp_postmeta.post_id = wp_posts.ID WHERE post_date < ‘2011-02-24 17:20:10’ AND post_type = ‘post’ AND post_status = ‘publish’ AND meta_key = ‘views’ AND post_password = ” ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 15
Executed 5 min ago for 2 sec on Database –> TABLES.
SELECT * FROM wp_liveshoutbox WHERE cat=” AND id > 3055 ORDER BY id DESC
]]>I had troubles getting the nice “Pierre’s WordSpew’ plugin to work: it did not show any of the posted messages.
I found out what was causing the problem after I checked the error log of my WordPress file:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_substr() in public_html/wp-content/plugins/pierres-wordspew/wordspew.php on line 343
Installing the php-mbstring package (via Yum or any package installation manager that is applicable for your servers system) will easily fix this problem!
(Restart your webservers after installing the php-mbstring package).
]]>It is pretty weird but lets say you post 3 smileys in a row… the 1st and 3rd will be fine but the middle one eventually breaks and shows an X…however at first the 2nd one will work. Let’s say you post 5 in a row.. the 1st, 3rd, 5th will work but the 2nd and 4th will break…
look here…All work at first…but after a refresh the ones in between break…
]]>I’ve been using this plugin for awhile and love it, but I just noticed that posts don’t show up automatically when I use IE8. The posts are posting fine and show up for other users in other browsers, but the person posting using IE8 has to hit <refresh> to get their posts to show.
I have the plugin enabled on a per-site level for a few sites including these 2:
The first site is a good one for test posts, as the class for that site has ended.
Pierre’s Wordspew V 6.1 with WP 3.0.5 multisite
]]>I installed the chat widget today . And I have had a couple people post chats on it. But one reader says that she tries to post a chat comment and it says it say INFO: I dont like Spam…
then when i try and do it from IE it treats me the same way…
on firefox it worked fine..
and it says the last comment was 41 years ago in IE
Now when I go back into Firefox it turns off my post so no blog post show and in the chat windo this error shows:
Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/athrift1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pierres-wordspew/usersonline.php on line 72
any idea of what to do..
]]>Hi. I accidentally banned an IP and can’t find how to undo it. The shout was deleted, but no banned IPs show up in the banned IP management. I can’t find the entry in the DB table. As a matter of fact, the DB stopped logging IPs a couple of months ago. Why is that?
]]>Hi Pierre
I have already posted in another thread because I think my problem might be similar to this (
I have installed the plug and it displays, however messages won’t appear. Here are some more details
I’m running wordpress 2.9.2 here (
I’m running wordpress 3.0.4 here (
Both sites have the same problem. No messages are showing.
Using PHP 5.2.1 (
IIS 6.0
wp-config is save as UTF-8 without BOM
I’d really love to use this shout box. I don’t think any others shout boxes are as good. Please help! =)
Regards Scott