I inherited a site with Piklist installed. A few weeks ago it gets this message:
“IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM PIKLIST: The data structure for Piklist Add-More and Workflow tabs have changed in this version and require an update. Your repeater field output and WorkFlow tabs will not work after you run this upgrade, unless you make the neccessary updates…”
I could not find any panels in the page editor or dashboard. Turned the plugin off and the front-end looked the same. Can’t find evidence that Piklist is doing anything at all.
Please advise, what are the indicators that it is in use on my site?
Thanks much
]]>WordFence new critical notice this morning: * The Plugin “Piklist” has been removed from
What’s going on?
]]>Visual Composer is working (front-end) but not loading blocks in back-end.
In JS console I see: “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘select’)”
The error happens in piklist’s parts admin.js line 437:
Current setup is:
– WP (latest)
– Classic Editor (latest)
– WPBakery Page Builder (latest)
– Piklist latest (latest)
– Theme: Kleo (latest)
Hey ??
Fresh install of WP 5.8, install only Piklist, you will see the spinner always visible (for enalbe/disable automatic updates) in wp-admin/plugins.php.
This is because piklist’s dashicons are loaded too late in admin styles I think, overriding the default’s “display: none” the spinner should have (inherited by .hidden).
]]>Is this still on active development Since its not updated Since last 3 major updated ?
]]>When I try to save metabox information. Nothing is saved.
]]>I just upgraded a site from PHP 7.2 to 7.4, and I’m seeing this in the debug log:
PHP Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/piklist/includes/class-piklist-form.php on line 4360
Hoping you will adjust in a future update? Thanks!
]]>I just inadvertently updated “Real Media Library: Folder & File Manager” which requires WP 5.0. (My bad.)
Now I am not sure how to best fix this.
– update to WP 5.0 and deal with possible piklist errors, or
– try to fall back on the Real Media pre-update
Any suggestion? (Thank you)
I did see this: “Piklist 2.0 is coming soon with full Gutenberg support. Until then, please use the Classic Editor plugin when using WordPress 5.0+.”
But how would I know what editor I’m using?
I do not need Gutenberg support.
]]>Piklist is still a alive can i use it in my project as i see it hasn’t been updated for last 4 months
]]>Thank you for building such a great plugin.
I want to use this plugin with Gutenberg. Will it support ?
]]>It’s been years since the last inquiry here.
In the video demo of piklist back in 2013 both of these features were demonstrated and/or discussed and touted as part of the defining/best features piklist had to offer, and that they would be included fully open source.
5 years later and they are both hiding behind a beta program that seems inaccessible, and most recently (2-year old inquiry on here) mentioned thinking about charging for the features as well.
Also, I recall the presentation mentioning that the demonstrated piklist contact manager would be released as a demonstration application.
1 – I submitted to the beta but have heard no response
2 – I chose piklist in part because of the demo of those features which I would very much like to use
3 – Is the piklist project dead/dying/abandoned? seems to be very low activity on the forums, and there seem to be quite a few bugs unresolved in the past couple years even.
4 – Is piklist a safe bet anymore?
5 – where is the contact manager demo application?
Often the best way to learn something is to have a fully self-contained solution using it. The built-in ‘add-on’ demos help demonstrate individual features, but don’t demonstrate how to stand up a new plugin to use piklist.
I use piklist on wordpress 5.1
Try to create a slider widget with the file type, but it can’t be saved.
Is piklist not compatible with the latest wordpress?
Need help.
piklist('field', array(
'type' => 'text',
'field' => 'my_text',
'label' => 'Text',
'attributes' => array(
'class' => 'regular-text'
piklist( 'field', array(
'type' => 'group',
'field' => 'slider_group',
'add_more' => true,
'label' => __('Slider Expert4you', 'expert4you'),
'fields' => array(
'type' => 'file',
'field' => 'slider_image',
'label' => __('Slides', 'expert4you'),
'columns' => 12,
) );
Title: Slider Widget
Description: Slider Widget
Standalone: true
<?php echo $before_widget; ?>
<?php echo $before_title; ?>
<?php echo $settings['my_text']; ?>
<?php echo $after_title; ?>
<?php echo $settings['slider_group']; ?>
<?php echo $after_widget; ?>
Thank you for making this awesome plugin. However, I am very sad that I am facing problem with it. I have a function to query database to find all elementor templates and I used it in redux config file for displaying a settings with elementor template lists. It is a normal query. Everything works fine if I do not activate piklist. When I activate piklist and add support in my plugin for piklist then I get the following error:
[07-Mar-2019 07:52:40 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get() on null in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/themexdev/wp-includes/query.php:28
Stack trace:
#0 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/themexdev/wp-content/plugins/piklist/includes/class-piklist-wordpress.php(610): get_query_var('taxonomy_relati...')
#1 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/themexdev/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(288): Piklist_WordPress::relation_taxonomy(' AND ( \n ( wp_...')
#2 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/themexdev/wp-includes/plugin.php(251): WP_Hook->apply_filters(' AND ( \n ( wp_...', Array)
#3 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/themexdev/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php(2519): apply_filters_ref_array('posts_where', Array)
#4 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/themexdev/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php(3387): WP_Query->get_posts()
#5 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/themexdev/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php(3496): WP_Query->query(Array)
#6 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/themexdev/wp-content/plugins/xlaw-core/includes/xlaw-core-helper.php(15): WP_Query->__construct(Array)
#7 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/themexd in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/themexdev/wp-includes/query.php on line 28
then I did some debugging, and I found some idea of the reason why it happens. If I call the function in the init hook then no error is generated. So, it means, your plugin-piklist, might have load my plugin and its file too early before WP_Query and other wp core functions are ready.
So, can you please tell me at which hook/time piklist load my plugin or how I can avoid such situation of getting error when using the WP_Query class.
Thanks a lot.
]]>I installed Polylang after installing Piklist, and adding a language I am getting the error: “Impossible to add the language.” Could this be the reason it is not working? Or art the two plugins not compatible with each other?
I am not set on using Polylang, because it looks like Piklist can provide me with what I need to filter and organize posts.
]]>I am new to WP and Piklist. Over all the installation instructions are a bit confusing. I have no idea where to start. I see it is deep, but for now — how do I integrate check-boxes into an existing CPTUI registered taxonomy?
]]>If I visit a page that retrieves Piklist fields, the page works fine. If I then open the page in the admin area, don’t make any changes, and just save it, and then visit the page again, all of the content from Piklist fields are empty. I don’t have time to fix the issue, so I reverted back to
and everything works.
I’m not sure which version this problem originated in. The site works at version
and I didn’t want to take the time to narrow it down further.
Oh, I’m using PHP 5.6.
This is more of an FYI than a support request.
]]>Hi Steve,
the error we discussed some weeks ago here came back with the last update of piklist?
Best, Daniel
]]>Hi there, I just installed Piklist, which looks like it’ll save me a ton of work! But I’m getting a lot of PHP warnings from Piklist classes.
WP 4.9.4
Using version for wpackagist-plugin/piklist
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing wpackagist-plugin/piklist ( Loading from cache
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
I did the first tutorial for adding a meta box and receive the following on the Add New Post page:
Notice: Undefined index: order in /srv/www/<redacted>/current/web/app/plugins/piklist/includes/class-piklist.php on line 2006
Visiting the Piklist Settings page:
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /srv/www/<redacted>/current/web/app/plugins/piklist/includes/class-piklist-form.php on line 679
Is this expected or have I got a botched install (done via composer)?
The first Notice is caused by an incorrect logical operator in the sort_by_args_order()
function and has been fixed in master on github but I’m a bit confused about the versioning. Is here on equal to 0.1 Beta 3 on github?
I can fix it locally but that’s a bit hacky.
]]>On a site with Piklist I had a block on homapage with image as a background, kept in a file field. Here is it’s definition:
'type' => 'file',
'field' => 'block_background_image',
'label' => __( 'Background image', 'textdomain' ),
'help' => __( 'The image to use as a background. Make sure it\'s smallest side is 800px. If no image is set, the Humanitas green color will be used as a fallback.', 'textdomain' ),
'columns' => 4
Checking the output of the block that I have defined, the image is stored as an array of file IDs, although it’s a single file. That’s cool, but when I upgraded to, this field is now treated as a single element in the array of post-meta for that block. My code, looking for ‘block_image'[0] now returns null. If I add two files in the editing of the page, only the second file is saved in the DB. I do believe this is related to some of the changes that were meant for PHP 7.2 compatibility, or you did not document a change in the way file field is treated.
]]>Hi Steve,
your plugin worked well for a long time in combination with “WordPress Helpers”. The last days I’m getting errors on screen in the admin section while editing custom post types:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /htdocs/…/wp-content/plugins/piklist/includes/class-piklist.php on line 2009
Any idea how to fix it?
Best wishes, Daniel
]]>I am using piklist plugin and created Teacher field as an artist.When I’m trying to upload or change artist photo it’s not working. Here is the code of my artist.php
piklist(‘field’, array(
‘type’ => ‘file’,
‘field’ => ‘upload_media’,
‘label’ => ‘Add File(s)’,
‘description’ => ‘This is the basic upload field.’,
‘options’ => array(
‘basic’ => true // set field to basic uploader,
piklist(‘field’, array(
‘type’ => ‘editor’
,’label’ => __(‘Content’, ‘musik’)
,’description’ => __(‘This is a content of the artist.’, ‘musik’)
,’field’ => ‘content’
,’options’ => array (
‘wpautop’ => true,
‘media_buttons’ => true,
‘shortcode_buttons’ => true,
‘teeny’ => false,
‘dfw’ => false,
‘quicktags’ => true,
‘drag_drop_upload’ => true,
‘tinymce’ => array(
‘resize’ => false,
‘wp_autoresize_on’ => true
Hi there,
I was looking into a framework to start on my multisite development and your framework I believe has done a tremendous job in keeping the code simple (unlike other plugins that use many classes that we will have to remember).
having said that, this plugin is of no use to me if it breaks my admin area.
Replicate the issue:
1) setup a multisite installation
2) Have it network-activate
3) that’s it!!
I can’t access my admin dashboard, it is triggering either a 50X error.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Hi, I am trying to register for the beta program on the piklist website, however on the register page recaptcha is showing the following message “ERROR for site owner: Stoken expired”
Even when we add the captcha rightly it still keeps giving an error as incorrect captcha.
Also on the contact form page on the piklist site the recaptcha is not working, hence writing on this forum.
Thanks, Best Regards,
I’m not all that familiar with this plugin and the way it works, but a client of mine had another developer build their site with Piklist. I’ve updated the plugin to the most recent version along with all other plugins. The issue I’m experiencing is that certain fields aren’t displaying in the backend where they should and instead I’m just getting this:
As you can see, some fields are displaying however some aren’t. It appears to be just the repeater fields that aren’t displaying.
Any ideas on how to go about fixing this?
]]>Hello Steve,
First of all thanks for this great flexible and powerful plugin. I am very happy with it!
I have an issue regarding post relations.
This code (source: works OK – it DOES record the post relation:
piklist('field', array(
'type' => 'post-relate'
,'scope' => 'post'
,'template' => 'field'
However, this code (source: piklist.\piklist\add-ons\piklist-demos\parts\meta-boxes\field-relate.php) does NOT work OK (for me) – it does NOT record the post relation:
piklist('field', array(
'type' => 'checkbox'
,'field' => '_' . piklist::$prefix . 'relate_post'
,'label' => __('Relate Posts', 'piklist-demo')
,'choices' => piklist(
'post_type' => 'post'
,'numberposts' => -1
,'orderby' => 'title'
,'order' => 'ASC'
,array('ID', 'post_title')
,'relate' => array(
'scope' => 'post'
I suspect it has someting to do with ,'field' => '_' . piklist::$prefix . 'relate_post'
. And, more specifically with piklist::$prefix
My specific code – that does NOT record the post relation:
piklist('field', array(
'type' => 'checkbox'
,'field' => '_' . piklist::$prefix . 'relate_post'
,'label' => __('Relate Posts', 'piklist-demo')
,'choices' => piklist(
'post_type' => 'ventizo_hypothesis'
,'numberposts' => -1
,'orderby' => 'title'
,'order' => 'ASC'
,array('ID', 'post_title')
,'relate' => array(
'scope' => 'ventizo_hypothesis'
Please your help. Thanks and regards, Henk
]]>When do you plan to release the Toolbox version for PikList? Will be paid?
]]>It looks like you guys unregister the core publish box and add your own, which is fine, but you’re not maintaining parity with the core publish box hooks.
Your post_submitbox_misc_actions
hook is missing the post object passed in the core metabox since WordPress 4.4. This can create conflicts with plugins that depend on that object being available.
Could you please update your hook to sync up with core?
]]>When I use the functionality of , the editor does not save the data. Along with this I am getting errors . The same errors appear in demo data created by the plugin. I have tried to turn off all other plugins – the errors still remain. Could you please advice what can be the cause and how can I resolve this issue? Thanks
Just I got a php notice that get_currentuserinfo() should be replaced with wp_get_current_user().
This is where i found and replaced it:
35: get_currentuserinfo();
1279: get_currentuserinfo();
Kind Regards,
Title: Some title
Post Type: some_cpt
piklist('field', [
'type' => 'group'
,'field' => 'group_name'
,'label' => 'Group label'
,'add_more' => true
,'template' => 'field'
,'fields' => [ ... ]
1. Add 4 entries to the group.
2. Save the post.
3. Reopen post
4. Delete (“minus” button) 3rd entry from the group
5. Save the post
When you first time save the group with 4 entries you’ll have
an array
[0 = > [..fields], 1 => [..fields], 2 => [..fields], 3 => [..fields]]
But after deletion, the group will be saved like
[0 = > [..fields], 1 => [..fields], 3 => [..fields]]
Indexes are not sequential. On the fronted Piklist displays only the entries up to the gap (0 and 1 indexes).
To make indexes sequential I do
array_splice($new_settings['group_name'], 0, 0);
hook handler.
Is this a bug?