Just wondering if anyone else is having issues with checking this plugin’s compatibility with PHP version 8.3.
]]>Hi, with the latest version of the plugin, I get a blank page. Any page on the frontend.
If it helps, it only fails with Elementor Pro activated as well.
Any ideas?
Thank you very much.
Hi PixelYourSite Team,
I’m using your plugin alongside Joinchat, which directly sends events to the Facebook Pixel. I understand that PixelYourSite allows standard Meta events to be sent both through the browser and via the Conversions API.
My question is:
Is there a way to configure PixelYourSite so that the events sent by Joinchat to the Facebook Pixel can also be transmitted through the Conversions API using your plugin?
I assume this might require registering or configuring these events in PixelYourSite to ensure they are recognized and processed correctly. I’d appreciate any guidance on how to set up this integration.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Best regards.
]]>Hello, the value and the product_price parameter on the ViewContent is showing without tax/vat while in the initiatecheckout is showing right.
What can i do to fix it?
]]>hi, a question, is the version of PixelYourSite PRO compatible with the latest versions of woocommerce and wordpress?
]]>Dear devs,
In the settings I see “Contact Form 7 detected?– we will fire the Form event for each successfully submited form.”. My recollection of how PixelYourSite worked with ContactForm7 in the past is that the form event was fired even for non-PRO version.
This is confirmed by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4Hrb8WK5bw “Pixel you site fires a Form event for all forms on your website”
This is not the case at the time of this writing. I tested this using Event testing on Facebook. I see all events like Page view, page scroll, etc, but upon submitting the form I do not see any (Lead) event.
Could you please comment whether this is a bug or a feature?
Thank you in advance,
ContactForm7 version 6.0 / Pixel Your Site 10.0.0 / WordPress 6.7
Pixel your site settings: Track key actions = on / Track forms = on / Enable on Facebook = on
suddenly my google analytics not showing any wocommerce events like add to cart, initiate checkout, purchase. using pixelyoursite
]]>Hi, we have this error coming up:
PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$RemoveFromCart in /home/customer/www/bean.pt/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pixelyoursite/modules/facebook/facebook-server.php on line 188
if(isset($_COOKIE["pys_fb_event_id"])) {
$singleEvent->payload['eventID'] = json_decode(stripslashes($_COOKIE["pys_fb_event_id"]))->RemoveFromCart;
Its optimist to assume $_COOKIE[“pys_fb_event_id”] will parse correctly, maybe a check like this:
$cookieData = json_decode(stripslashes($_COOKIE[“pys_fb_event_id”]));
if (is_object($cookieData) && property_exists($cookieData, ‘RemoveFromCart’)) {
$singleEvent->payload[‘eventID’] = $cookieData->RemoveFromCart;
This of course will only avoid the error and not debug why $_COOKIE[“pys_fb_event_id”] has data but not in the expected format.
my add to cart event stop showing an event on FB ads manager, until now everything was fine and I tried to analyze what happened and how to solve it, but didn’t find a cause or solution.
pixel helper shows that everything is o.k
Would appreciate help.
Thank you!
I have PixelYouSite Professional and there is a bug that support has not found a solution for. Maybe someone here has experienced this.
When a user submits a form PixelYouSite counts the same event twice – and you can see two different form events: one that occured in the page that the user submitted the form; the other is on the thank you page.
Just so that there is no confusion – I am not talking about duplicate event, as usuall, of the one browser event and one server event, but 2 different form events (each has 2 events, one deduplicated as it should).
Has anyone experienced this and has a solution? I’ve been with support for the past month with no solution. I’m at the point of dropping this plugin altogether. I pay a lot each year and it doesn’t work properly.
On the website where i use PYS I’ve got error in dev console that says:
“Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘=’ “
And ive check that its referre to pys GTM:
<!– Google Tag Manager by PYS –><script data-cfasync=”false” data-pagespeed-no-defer> var pys_datalayer_name = “”; window. = window. || [];</script> <!– End Google Tag Manager by PYS –>
But i dont need to use PYS GTM script, so how to disable it?
]]>I bought the pro plugin, but I can’t download it.
I tried to contact the support team for many days, but I got no response.
]]>Hello, when I ran a query in phpmyadmin, I saw that the pys_just_login data was repeated too many times. If we reset this data, can we run the pixel your site plugin again? Additionally, I wonder why it has so much data?
Hi there, i’m writing also in this forum because the form for support in your site is not working.
Since September we notice a large discrepancy between reports of e-commerce?purchases?on Analytics compared to the real data by WooCommerce. We see two voices on Analytics:
– “Purchased?Items”
– “Paid Items”
These voices have different data and at the end the total entrances are calculated by Analytics based on “Purchased Items”.
Why, since september, the data about “Purchased Items” is so different from reality?
E.G: in the month of september Analytics tracks for a specific Item this data:
– “Purchased Items”: 28 (not real)
– “Paid Items”: 0 (real)
– “Entrance”: 2.646€ (not real)
In reality this item has been sold 0 times.
Thanks for assistance
I hope you are doing well.
I have been using your plugin to implement the pixel, and it sends a lot of useful information. However, I would like to create custom conversions based on the source/medium of the traffic. I have noticed that the plugin does not seem to send this specific information through the pixel.
Could you please advise on how I could achieve this? Is there a particular functionality within the plugin that I might not be utilizing, or is there a way to send the source/medium data to the pixel to help set up custom conversions?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Best regards!
your plugin loads the file https://www.youtube.com/s/player/26636eff/www-widgetapi.vflset/www-widgetapi.js without consent.
Its loaded from the file /wp-content/plugins/pixelyoursite-pro/dist/scripts/public.js .
initYouTubeAPI: function() {
if (typeof window.YT === 'undefined') {
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = '//www.youtube.com/iframe_api';
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag)
if (typeof window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady !== 'function') {
window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function() {
var potentialVideos = Utils.getTagsAsArray('iframe').concat(Utils.getTagsAsArray('embed'));
for (var i = 0; i < potentialVideos.length; i++) {
var video = potentialVideos[i];
if (tagIsYouTubeVideo(video)) {
var iframe = normalizeYouTubeIframe(video);
} else if (tagIsYouTubeAsyncVideo(video)) {
video.addEventListener("load", function(evt) {
var iframe = normalizeYouTubeIframe(evt.currentTarget);
var targets = document.querySelectorAll('.elementor-widget-video .elementor-wrapper');
const config = {
attributes: !1,
childList: !0,
subtree: !0
const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
for (var m = 0; m < mutation.addedNodes.length; m++) {
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(targets[i], config)
How can I load this function only with consent?
I am looking for something like this:
thank you very much. ??
“Track embedded YouTube or Vimeo video views” is disabled.
are all these tables below from the pixel your site plugin?
I’m setting up pixelyoursite for googel ads (have been using it for a while for facebook). I used google ads for many years, but haven’t for the past 3 years. I remember the integration of the conversion event were with google analytics. And still now I see that there could be google analytics integration. But the conversions weren’t recorded when I just used google analytics. But pixelyoursite does send data to google analytics and it does get recorded there. So I don’t understand why you are explaining how to setup a special conversion for google ads (like you do here). If you could please explain the logic to me and how to set things up.
Thank you.
Im using your plugin on our wordpress to install the pixel with the conversion API, but making ads we noticed that the order total that the pixel recognises is not taking decimals correctly.
For example, if the order is 37.50 EUR, it registers it as 3750 EUR.
In addition, we see that in the Facebook Pixel tool the event is displayed twice and in one the price is displayed correctly, but in the other it is not.
What could be happening?
You can see a capture here https://prnt.sc/iexwQma5xhp_
Thank you very much
I saw you recently added a new feature to use URL parameter values to improve EMQ score. I was about to upgrade to Pro because of this, but I saw you can only pass First Name, Last Name and Phone in the URL. It’s no possible to pass Email, which for me the most important one parameter to help Meta identify an user.
Why is this? And do you plan to add support for email as an URL parameter?
]]>I’m using newest version of your plugin + CF for static files and Litespeed for cache.
Configurin your plugin driving me crazy, there is no manual how to configure both (your plugin is designed for woocommerce, also litespeed is cache designed for woocommerce) but your only tutorial for cache is ‘check if your event_id is doubled, if yes disable cache….’
Referers are dropped when user redirect from landing page (cached) to checkout (not cached), also with utm, sometimes it persist sometimes not, lost like 40hours to resolve this, but im still in the same place, thats why im writing here.
Why you can’t write manual like other plugin developers? like this: https://docs.utmgrabber.com/books/102-getting-started-for-handl-utm-grabber-v3/chapter/there-is-no-utm-collected
We should ignore query strings, if yes what or all? ignore cookies? phpsession cookie? there are so many questions but zero answers.
Hi there,
Can you share with me the correct WooCommerce hooks to update the product price so it shows correctly in add to cart ad events. I have been told that you take the price from WooCommerce. But I can’t find the correct hook yet.
The price is modified in cart and checkout, but in the PixelYourSite Google Ads Event model the price of the product is still the base price of the product. Not the total price (including custom extra costs).
Looking forward to your reply!
]]>I have problem with the incorrect price being sent in the “add_to_cart” event when using your plugin with the Staggs product configurator (https://staggs.app/). The “add_to_cart” event fires correctly when the button is clicked, but it seems to use the base product price instead of the price configured in Staggs.
I have observed that the incorrect price is also sent when:
<font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Zdarzenie view_cart pokazuje prawid?ow? cen?, a co ciekawe, nawet w tym scenariuszu add_to_cart pokazuje nieprawid?ow? cen? (mimo ?e add_to_cart jest wywo?ywane dopiero po view_cart).</font></font>
<font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Jestem w kontakcie ze Staggs, ale oni jeszcze nie wiedz?, jak rozwi?za? ten problem. Czy móg?by? mi doradzi?, jak mogliby poprawnie nadpisa? parametr ceny, aby upewni? si?, ?e zdarzenie ?add_to_cart” wysy?a prawid?ow? cen??</font></font>
I don’t know if it matters, but the hooks used by Staggs are woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_form (priority 10 – 50, 80, 90 ). How PixelYourSite collects the price data?
]]>Hi, we use your plugin for Facebook. Plugin is detecting price inc. VAT.
We would need to send price to Fb Pixel wihtout VAT. How can we set it up please?
I’m having a serious problem. All the purchase event in Facebook Ads manager are doubled. For instance I had a product sold today and it was counted twice, also of course the value of the products bought.
I went to the events manager and saw that there 3 purchase events – 1 server event and 2 browser event.
Please advise as this is messing up all the ability to track and scale my campaigns.
I have a duplicate conversion (despite I watched all the video of you channel) after API action.
I understand that on testing, FB detects that conversion (ex. purchase), as 2 but one of them is deduplicate, but inside Ads manager it counts the same conversion twice, so for example ROAS is fake.
Is there any things I can do?
Automatically tools by FB are not enabled and also I do not have any plugin or GTM on the website.
I have a strange problem the facebook events manager is showing an error for the conversion api – https://share.cleanshot.com/Ml7xpGK7
The events comming from the pixel have the currency parameter – https://share.cleanshot.com/ndcTmFhd
But the events comming from the conversion api don’t – https://share.cleanshot.com/5gT5WHFY
Has anyone had a similar problem?
]]>May be related to https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/conflict-with-wprocket/
But I’m using cloudflare and PixelYourSite PRO. Issue only started with 10.4.3.
Website admin causing 503 errors only the cached cloudflare pages work. all other pages lead to 503 errors could be related to cloudflare rocket loader. When checking the html code for the page when the plugin is loaded the closing html tags are missing vs when the plugin is deactivated
there is some infos PixelYourSite Tip: The old Universal Analytics properties are not supported by Google Analytics anymore. You must use the new GA4 properties instead.
click on X and still exist and show , please let me know how to stop it ?