After clicking on Play nothing happens.
]]>Hey I used PlayerJS in my website, its works in Mac Chrome, but not display in the mac Safari and Firefox. in IOS, its not display in Safari & Chrome. maybe because I live in china? Please help me. thanks. A beautiful works you made.
]]>Couple of days back we updated to v2.20.
Today we found our error log to be 3.9Mb.
This latest version gives the following again and again and again…. This happens at exactly 1 minute intervals:
Notice: Function wp_enqueue_script was called <strong>incorrectly</strong>. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the <code>wp_enqueue_scripts</code>, <code>admin_enqueue_scripts</code>, or <code>login_enqueue_scripts</code> hooks. This notice was triggered by the <code>playerjs-js</code> handle.
Can you look into it?
Можно менять скорость воспроизведения в плеере?
Player JS seems like not compatible with PHP 7.4. It breaks the pages with the player. get error “=0;$i–){ if($pjsBase64Keys[$i]!=”){ $result = str_replace($pjsBase64Separator.base64_encode($pjsBase64Keys[$i]),”,$result); } } } $result = base64_decode(substr($result,2)); return $result; } ?>
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function pjsBase64Encrypt() in \wp-content\plugins\playerjs\playerjs.php on line 132
Error: Call to undefined function pjsBase64Encrypt() in \wp-content\plugins\playerjs\playerjs.php on line 132 ”
Any solution?
]]>I cannot insert different qualities into my player. I use a player template that I built on the playerjs.com website, and I activated the quality display functions. (https://prnt.sc/tstlra)
I used the shortcode suggested in the plugin: [playerjs file=”[480]//site.com/480.mp4,[720]//site.com/720.mp4″] replacing “//site.com/480.mp4” by “https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/XXXXXX-ID-DRIVE-XXXXXXXXX?alt=media&key=XXXXXXXX-MY-KEY-XXXXXXXXXXXX ” and I didn’t get the desired result, just this error: https://prnt.sc/tstrip
Is the error in the plugin or did I do something wrong? Please I need help!
After the last update, the video stopped showing. Also errors when adding in the editor.
your plugin has broken my jQuery since the last update (yesterday). I noticed that the .js file regarding customizations disappeared from the plugin folder (this had already happened a few months ago). Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you!
Hello! How to transfer captions when requesting a video?
Video files are located on another server. We need to identify by the domain where the request is coming from. Need a variable “Referer:” https://prnt.sc/pq0prh
Please help me how to add more then one subtitle in a single video.