help when I Try to login into my wp admin I get the err too many redirects, I can only login wen I deactivate the paid membership pro plugin.
]]>When a WooCommerce order is completed, it usually assigns the correct role to the user. However, in some cases, the plugin is unable to override the “customer” role assigned by WooCommerce, resulting in some users having two roles. On the user edit page, only the “customer” role is displayed, as shown in the attachments. This issue causes our membership rules for those users to fail.
Here the plugins we’re using:
Expected behaviour (one role for each user):
Issue we’re facing (two roles per user, and the main role is Woocommerce “customer”:
]]>Hi there,
I’m setting up membership products in Woocommerce and most of them have 3 variations. First variation is a set price for one year, second variation get a 5% discount for 2 years and third variation gets 10% discount for 3 years. I can see easily how to connect a single variation product to a PMP membership, and I have the Set Expiration Dates add-on activated so I can set membership duration. Unfortunately I don’t see a way to make these variable discounts + membership durations work without making a separate Woocommerce product AND a separate membership for each variation.
Any thoughts or solutions you can offer? Thank you!
]]>Hi, We have already contacted discord addon author buthe couldn’t solve our issue, might be you can guide us something.
We have connected discord and attached roles with PMPro memberships level, furthermore we have PMPro woocommerce addon and we have connected memebrship levels with woocommerce subscription products and also added discord connect button in woocommerce my-account, but we are facing this issue: when woo subscription renewal fee gets charged then dicord get disconnected, might be we are missing some settings?
]]>Hello, i installed the pmpro woocommerce addon, but the restriction is not working on my products even i tried previewing on incognito. pls help
We really love the PMPro plugin
We baught a plan but since we needed to use a VAT EU feature
on our store, and already had a plugin for that, and your VAT EU was not
functioning as the one we have, we decided to use payment with Woo.
And we installed the “Woocommerce integration plugin”
created a product and linked it to the membership we created.
We were also refunded by PMPro as we did not need the extra features.
For the recurring payments we were forced to use a subscription plugin.
We encountered many issues and crashes trying multiple plugins,
then we got a log with error messages indicating that our website crashes
due to the PMPRO Woo Integration addon.
I am attachig the message, and hopefully you will be able to help and advise what can we do or where the issue comes from exactly and how to solve it.
We really wish to continue using PMPro and not move to another plugin.
Please advise.
this is the log:
Uncaught TypeError: array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pmpro-woocommerce/pmpro-woocommerce.php:497 Additional context{ “error”: { “type”: 1, “file”: “/home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pmpro-woocommerce/pmpro-woocommerce.php”, “line”: 497 }, “backtrace”: [ “”, “#0 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pmpro-woocommerce/pmpro-woocommerce.php(497): array_keys(NULL)”, “#1 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): pmprowoo_get_membership_price(’42’, Object(WC_Product_Variation))”, “#2 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters(’42’, Array)”, “#3 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-data.php(884): apply_filters(‘woocommerce_pro…’, ’42’, Object(WC_Product_Variation))”, “#4 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-product.php(282): WC_Data->get_prop(‘price’, ‘view’)”, “#5 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-product-variation.php(572): WC_Product->get_price()”, “#6 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-product-variation.php(550): WC_Product_Variation->variation_is_visible()”, “#7 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-cart-session.php(175): WC_Product_Variation->is_purchasable()”, “#8 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-cart.php(606): WC_Cart_Session->get_cart_from_session()”, “#9 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-subscriptions-pro/public/class-woocommerce-subscriptions-pro-public.php(1198): WC_Cart->get_cart()”, “#10 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): Woocommerce_Subscriptions_Pro_Public->wps_wsp_enable_shipping_subscription(true)”, “#11 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters(true, Array)”, “#12 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-conditional-functions.php(355): apply_filters(‘wc_shipping_ena…’, true)”, “#13 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-cart.php(1537): wc_shipping_enabled()”, “#14 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/modules/ppcp-blocks/services.php(55): WC_Cart->needs_shipping()”, “#15 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/lib/packages/Dhii/Container/DelegatingContainer.php(117): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Blocks\BlocksModule::WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Blocks\{closure}(Object(WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\DelegatingContainer))”, “#16 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/lib/packages/Dhii/Container/DelegatingContainer.php(56): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\DelegatingContainer->invokeFactory(Object(Closure))”, “#17 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/lib/packages/Dhii/Container/CompositeContainer.php(53): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\DelegatingContainer->get(‘blocks.method’)”, “#18 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/lib/packages/Dhii/Container/CachingContainer.php(61): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\CompositeContainer->get(‘blocks.method’)”, “#19 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/lib/packages/Dhii/Container/CachingContainer.php(161): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\CachingContainer->WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\{closure}()”, “#20 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/lib/packages/Dhii/Container/CachingContainer.php(128): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\CachingContainer->invokeGenerator(Object(Closure))”, “#21 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/lib/packages/Dhii/Container/CachingContainer.php(62): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\CachingContainer->getCached(‘blocks.method’, Object(Closure))”, “#22 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/modules/ppcp-blocks/src/BlocksModule.php(63): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Vendor\Dhii\Container\CachingContainer->get(‘blocks.method’)”, “#23 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Blocks\BlocksModule->WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Blocks\{closure}(Object(Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Payments\PaymentMethodRegistry))”, “#24 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)”, “#25 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)”, “#26 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Blocks/Integrations/IntegrationRegistry.php(50): do_action(‘woocommerce_blo…’, Object(Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Payments\PaymentMethodRegistry))”, “#27 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Integrations\IntegrationRegistry->initialize(”)”, “#28 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)”, “#29 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)”, “#30 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-settings.php(700): do_action(‘init’)”, “#31 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-config.php(92): require_once(‘/home/mindfu19/…’)”, “#32 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/home/mindfu19/…’)”, “#33 /home/mindfu19/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once(‘/home/mindfu19/…’)”, “#34 /home/mindfu19/public_html/index.php(17): require(‘/home/mindfu19/…’)”, “#35 {main}”, “thrown” ] }
]]>Hello, i use pmpro to restrict some pages, user can acces that page with a one time purchase ( 1 month subscription), the problem is that some of the users randomly cant acces the content, they receive the mesage that they dont have that particular subscription. I never encountered that problem but i received couple messages from clients.
Idk how to fix that, i just refresh the page with content restriction from admin page, or i login on theyr account and everything work fine.
I have set up a product for which I don’t want to have a discount for membership users, as it is a phisical event where I cannot offer the discounts. I have created prices for the products like this:
price / for the membership – and chosen the price for each membership.
It shows correctly in the back end for me, but when I test for membership users, I have the discount settled for the membership and not the whole price.
For the lms courses where I set up the price I don’t have this problem, so it seems to be only for this product. (But I tested to create the product as a course and it seems the special price is not taken in account)
and this is what a membership client sees:
Can you please let me know if this is fully compatible with HPOS, or not?
Thank you in advance.
]]>Hello, this may seems to be harassment I had two membership levels monthly and years add to cart buttons show on yearly plan and add to cart button didn’t show on monthly plan it shows this message “You may only add one membership to your cart, and no add to cart display in it” screenshot please how may I get help?
thank you for your assistance.
]]>Hi, the reason i’m checking this plugin is I want to know if this plugin can only be used as a payment gateway, let’s say I have a custom post type Events and the memberships are Free and Premium, if they subscribe to our Premium and proceed with payment, I want the customer to have an option to use WooCommece payment as the payment method. Meaning I don’t want or need to create a product and add membership level to each of the product. Let me know if I’m understanding the features correctly. Thank you!
]]>I have set up PMPro membership levels and connected our Discord server using the PMPro Discord Addon, assigning Discord roles to membership levels. This works well when memberships are purchased directly through the PMPro Membership Levels page, where I’ve included the Connect Discord button via shortcode on the Membership Account page.
However, I am facing issues when selling memberships via WooCommerce Subscriptions. Despite following the setup instructions in the WooCommerce addon tutorial, no memberships are being created in the PMPro dashboard or WooCommerce account.
Could you advise on resolving this issue and how I might add the Connect Discord button to the WooCommerce My Account page?
]]>Hello, Please I have a question about these plugin cause I’m confused on how paid membership pro woocommerce add-on is working, please if I use this plugin to sell membership level using woocommerce does paid membership pro will keep tracking the membership level and lock the users out from viewing the protected content at the end of the month and display a message as a non membership users which the user will need to repurchase the membership level? Because I want to offer monthly and annual subscription using paid membership pro with woocommerce.
]]>Hi there!
I am using paid memberships pro with the woocommerce-addon. I connected my membership with a product, at the end of the puchase no member is created in paid memberships pro.
I wonder if there is a connection to this “Membership level” cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart.”-bug which I bypassed with the code from here:
Any idea what could be wrong…?
For some reason my product category pages – which are linked in the menu – aren’t working anymore for any user that is NOT LOGGED IN. It merely states “No products were found matching your selection.” even though products are there and have categories. When I’m logged in as an Admin or customer however everything works fine. This is also the case for tags
I tried emptying cache’s, changing permalinks, updating plugins and it only appears when activating the PMPRO plugin.
One of the pages I need help with:?
]]>I have a setup with PMPRO, woocommerce, and multiple memberships per user, after checking out with woocommerce multiple memberships were not created, is there a fix or is that normal thought woocommerce on PMPRO?
]]>Hi, I’m using Ultimate Members and have the PMPro Woocommerce add-on.
I have a custom_field for each user. I need to know if it’s possible somehow to pick that user custom_field and send that to checkout in order to subscribe that users content.
My question is, how can I use PMPro to create a dynamic plan and send to cart? Or something like that. I know what when we have plans we can add a direct link, but in this case it would send to cart a custom amount
]]>im using tutor lms with paid memberships pro and this woocommerce addon. when i click on buy now on the course i get “Your cart is currently empty.” eventhough i created a membership level and tagged it on the course.
It is not possible to purchase an item in WooCommerce on a new installation with the plugins WooCommerce + Paid Memberships Pro + Paid Memberships Pro Integration with WooCommerce in the latest versions with PHP any from 7.4 to 8.1.
I tried all things – on the hosting, on localhost, on Apache, on nginx. Nothing helps. I literally install a new WP, install WooCommerce and your plugins. I add a product, add a membership level and it’s impossible to purchase.
I tried WordPress version 6.0.1, WooCommerce 7.7 – nothing helps.
I noticed that using version 1.4.5 (from 2018) the problem disappears. In view of the fact that there are no such problems on this forum, I don’t know if no one is using your plugin or I am the only one who is struggling with this?
This problem was also here:
Still no answer…
]]>Hello Sir,
Is there pro version from this plugin? as your site not open!
Is there any email i can contact you through it to ask pre purchase technical questions?
Thank You!
]]>We have a large WooCommerce store and are looking forward to using their new High-Performance order storage (COT) but it says this plugin isn’t compatible. Are you all planning to upgrade it to be compatible soon?
I’ve set membership discount for 7% for Products globally.
i would like to sell a specific Product for 9000 HUF and i want this price both apply for members and non-members, so i set the Product price for 9677 HUF.
Unfortunatelly, it doesnt handle well, this Product price Will be 9000 for non members and 8370 for members. If i set lower member price the Plugin Calculate from the lower price * 0,93 but if i set higher member price Than the Product regular price it Will be always calculate from the regular price.
if i remember correctly, this function worked well some times ago.
I’m using latest woo version but in “feature” section I’m getting warning about add-on being incompatible.
Hello i am developing a website with Tutor Lms Pro – Paid Membership Pro – Woocommerce add on.
I want all the payments for lessons pass thru the woocommerce gateway but i cant find a way to do that. I have installed and activated the addon for woocommerce but its not seems to work.
]]>Hi there,
I have a product with a recurring payment subscription set up via WooCommerce Subscriptions.
I’ve noticed that when I apply global membership discounts for a specific membership level, they don’t seem to apply to products with recurring payments.
Do you have any insight into why this might be happening?
]]>I’ve created a membership as a product in my woocommerce and it worked, but i tried running a test and when i check the List of Members the Ending Date is set to “Never”. How can i set this to be monthly instead of a permanent membership?
]]>I have been fighting this issue for a couple of weeks now and need help. I set up a “course” on the website. That people have to purchase the course membership, which gives them access to all of the course information. But whenever they go to the course page, it tells them to login, then it brings them to the login page, and there’s a button there to bring you to the course page, and it will say they need to log in. It’s like a constant loop. It will show they are logged in with no issues but won’t let them into the course page. I cannot figure out what the issue is. Sometimes it lets people in and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes if you go through the loop four or five times then it works but it should just go through the first time.
]]>I’m having a problem installing the woocommerce add-on. When i click to download and then Install it shows the message “Could not install”. Is there a way to find the logs so i can check why this error is happening?
We are looking for a membership plugin and we use WooCommerce, I noticed you have an addon for WooCommerce which is great.
But whilst I work through setting up a free and paid for membership via your plugin, see here:
I noticed that if i set up a ‘Membership’ within WooCommerce see here:
I have in fact created two products, then same two products, so that isn’t an issue, but I don’t need two products the same… can we remove your product page – /membership-account/membership-checkout/?level=1 ?
As we would prefer customers to go through the WooCommerce checkout?
Or is there a setting I have missed maybe?
we have a special case, where we need the WC memberships plugin and the PMP at the same time. Usually it works great. But when a group buys a membership via Teams for WC Memberships, only the owner gets added to PMP. Is there a way to connect WC Memberships with PMP and not WC Subcriptions? Or are there know issues with Teams for WC MS?