The site is loaded with 1 theme and sees another theme. I see my twentysixteen theme.
]]>I have searched for the Source Text I want to change, then made my change in the Translated Text. but when saving i get the following error –
“You have uncommitted translation changes, do you want to discard them before saving?”
Please help.
]]>I’m using Simple Membership plugin. The latest version has an incomplete translation file for the Dutch language, so I tried to add translation entries with ‘advanced editing’ enabled. When i hit the + button in the translations list nothing happens. However when I hit the + button in the Headers list an empty entry is added.
Why can’t I add a translation entry?
]]>And this is the warning message that i get on every backend page:
Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /homepages/33/d90481660/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WeinExquisit/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-catalog-enquiry/languages/wc-Woocommerce-Catalog-Enquiry-en_US.mo in /homepages/33/d90481660/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WeinExquisit/wp-content/plugins/pomo-editor/includes/class-pomoeditor-backend.php on line 187
The “Woocommerce-Catalog-Enquiry” was installed and then uninstalled because i don’t have use for it.
How can i ged rid of this message?
Hi, first of all thank you for making this plugin. Unfortunately it is not working for me. I translated a few lines from MYSTILE theme. It was particulary this file that I was translating – themes/mystile-child/lang/en_GB.po. I saved the translation but nothing happened. I tried installing your latest 1.4 version that I found in another topic but that has not solved the problem either. Any ideas what might be wrong? Thank you
]]>The plugin does not work at all.
After choosing a file, editing a translated text and clicking “Save translations” nothing happens.
The page reloads and is showing an empty table.
Nothing happens.
]]>What’s the recommended way of maintaining own custom translations in the face of [automatic] plugin updates?