I’m getting the error:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/sugarmtn/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pop-popular-posts/pop-posts.php on line 134 and defined in /home/sugarmtn/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1154
My blog at https://SugarMtnFarm.com shows this error. Let me know if I can help with further details.
It’s a great plugin. Hope you can fix it.
]]>I’m testing and post counts are incrementally increasing. How can I reset the counts when ready to go-live?
]]>Since updating to WP 3.6 I’m getting a
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /customers/1/2/4/mysite.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/pop-popular-posts/pop-posts.php on line 134 and defined in /customers/1/2/4/mysite.com/httpd.www/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 992
How do I fix this? Or is there an update coming for this plugin?
]]>I just ran into an oddity. Not sure what is causing it but I see dots along the Popular Post entries, one per line off on the right. See this screenshot:
For the live site see:
]]>Hello Juan,
I see that you can filter by post type, but I don’t see anything for a custom taxonomy, which leads me to the following question:
If possible, could you give an example of how I could use a custom taxonomy to filter by inside my custom WordPress theme?
]]>Hi! I try to use your plugin on my site. Here you can see it, on the left sidebar (https://cleverrussia.com/test/)
But i have some problems with thumbnails. can you help me please.
I have tried too many popular plugins according to views and none of
them behaved as it should be, when there are more than one language.
(In my case qtranslate}
All the plugins that I have tested add 2 to number of views because I
have two languages. Is it possible please to add thumbnail, date,
excerpt and a reset checkbox or a box from where the counting can
start, even with a donation?
You could see the behavior of what I am saying if you go to my site
(it is under construction) but you can visit it, using the address www
dot redheadillusion dot com / redhead.
Thank you very much.
]]>Love the plugin – just discovered an oddity. The sort order may be using alpha rather than numeric. I see this:
Winter Chicken Coop (7 Views)
Field of Solar Panels (7 Views)
Fence Lines (7 Views)
A Brief Dance with Death (7 Views)
Keeping a pig for meat? (67 Views)
Cottage at Five Years (6 Views)
Winter Farrowing Ideas #1 (6 Views)
Can be seen in the lower right sidebar here:
Note the “Keeping a pig for meat? (67 Views)” which is between 6 and 7. Looks like that is using a alphabetical sort on the view count where it should be treating the view count as numerical. Data type? Function type?
Hope you can fix this soon. Very nice plugin. Just what I’ve been looking for literally for years. I like stats that are resident in my database rather than on a remote server. When you get the bugs ironed out I’ll send a donation. Keep up the good work!
I just tried out your Pop! widget. Just what I have been looking for.
I did run into one problem. I created a widget in my sidebar for the most popular posts and that worked fine. Then I created a second copy for most popular pages but that is not being populated. I did visit some pages after setting it up in order to create some data. The Popular Posts is giving more and more entries as readers visit posts but the Popular Pages is remaining blank with just the title “Popular Pages” showing.
Might I also suggest a third option “Pages & Posts” in the widget.
Thank you,