Hi! I don’t know if you’re the right person, but I’m going to ask anyway.
About a year ago, I switched from a static site (hosted on github.io) to WordPress on my own server.
Prior to that time, archive.org frequently (a couple times monthly) crawled my site. Afterwards, it almost never crawled, and I don’t think it has done a complete crawl yet.
I don’t specifically know what’s different with my new WP server. I have done a fairly careful Google search, but don’t find anyplace that lists reasons that archive.org wouldn’t crawl my site[*].
Could you give me some hints? Would installing Post Archival allow my full site to be crawled?
Many thanks.
[*] There’s one clue that I found, but wasn’t sure how to interpret. Archive.org says, “We do not archive … pages on secure servers.” at https://help.archive.org/hc/en-us/articles/360004716091-Wayback-Machine-General-Information Does this mean that they don’t archive SSL pages? I find that hard to understand, since more and more of the web is going behind https…
]]>I’ve installed your plugin 4 days ago, but nothing happened in the wayback machine.
I must manually archived my website on archive.org
I hope your plugin is not a fake.