Hi, I recently changed my site’s (mylifeandmystyle.com) theme and now my posts are not showing on my Page or Category index. I’ve read similar problems on the forum about posts not showing on their Page but it’s not working for my site.
I’m not computer savvy but I didn’t have this problem on my old theme. A step-by-step guide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
]]>Hey there! Thanks again for a great plugin…
I am using PCIG to display a reverse index of newsletter articles. That is, I want to show the most recent newsletter on top, followed by the articles. You can see the current output at:
I am using the shortcode:
[pcig category=scuttlebutt order=asc orderby=date show=post_title links=subcategory_name,post_title hide_empty=true]
What I want is to sort the most recent category by date or by name. In the shortcode, when I have orderby=date the articles do indeed sort, but only in the subcategory, but I can’t reverse-sort the categories so the most current category is up top.
So in the link above, you would see 2014-12 above 2014-11 to have the most recent newsletter on top
Thanks for your help…
]]>Hi – I tried the code provided by windwww about a year ago, but either it doesn’t work with 3.8 or I’m doing something wrong. Other than that, the “out of the box” plugin seems to be working fine with 3.8.
Specifically, other than adding the amended code to the plugin’s index.php in the 2 locations specified by windwww, I used the following shortcode (both with categories with and without posts), but the post count wasn’t displayed (all other elements displayed correctly):
[pcig category=my-category show=category_name,count,post_title links=post_title?hide_empty=false]
Did I use the shortcode incorrectly, or does the function code need rewriting? (If the latter, I wouldn’t know where to start…)
Thank you!
]]>This is an awesome plugin! I’ve been experimenting with it and have it working here:
However, because some of our categories have such a large amount of posts I’d really like to be able to have a little triangle next to each category (and sub-category if we add them) to expand and collapse the display of the posts listed below them.
Would that possibly be something you could add? Please?
]]>I am new to WordPress and I’m having problems getting the plugin to work. I activated the plugin and put the shortcode on my recipe page and I keep getting this error:
There is no unique category with the slug ‘category-2’. Please insert a valid slug.
Did I not set something up right? I have tried the first 3 plugins and am getting the error everytime.
Here is a link to my blog:
I want all my categories to show up on my recipe page with my posts under if someone clicks on it.
]]>I love the way this plugin works. it does just what I’ve been looking for.
Unfortunately it’s not very practical for me to create a separate page for each category because the site owners constantly add content and categories and the navigation needs to be generated without my input.
So, ideally I would like to edit the archive.php file which generates the category archive page to include the your shortcode. Is there any way for the category ID to be picked up by your plugin?
Thanks for creating this plugin.
short question…. how can i set the display of my category results? By now i have always a column (A). I wan’ t to display my results from categroy in a line or row (B).
(A) =
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
(B) =
Category 1 , Category 2, Category 3…
hope someone understand what i mean…. ??
Can anybody help or give a tip….
]]>I’m wondering if there is a way to add the featured image for each post listed for a category as a small icon similar to this: https://www.ourbestbites.com/category/recipe-index/soups-and-stews/ ??
My page currently looks like this: https://www.nodietsallowed.com/recipe-index/appetizers/ but I am wanting the featured image for each post shown as well. Is this possible with this plugin?
great and simple plugin. Thx.
I am not using excerpts, but meta descriptions (SEO by Yoast) instead.
How can I grab that as a parameter to be shown?
I tried description and content, but that did not work.
I am no expert, sorry.
Any ideas?
In case you want to have a look at my sourcecode: https://www.hebammenblog.de/
]]>Hi, this plugin has not updated the posts page I had created. It seemed to have stopped back in May sometime. It still has a long list of posts, but is not putting the most current posts. Any idea how I can get it to update again?
]]>Mark, I’m using PCIG extensively on our site, and I’ve found it to be a fantastic solution for generating index pages. The problem is that the documentation is lacking a bit, and some critical features are missing in the current version of the plug-in. I’ve paid a developer to make a number of changes to the code for this plug-in, and I’m willing to give all of these changes to you, and pay you to integrate them into the core plug-in, so that we all benefit.
It seems to me that this is the way that the Open Source community should deal with issues like this, and I’m willing to step up and make a one-time payment, but I need you to reach out to me, so that we can talk about the work, and the payment.
Please, consider doing this for the good of the community, and so that you’re plug-in will be absolutely the best that there is for this type of work. Here are some of the proposed changes that we’ve already addressed, and that I believe the plug-in would benefit from
1) The ability to specify the number of lines visible, for each instance of PCIG
2) The ability to change the text that appears as the headings for pages and posts
3) The ability to display posts, pages or both
4) Using a more efficient jQuery method for getting all of the information about posts and pages, rather than the method that it is used today.
Also, I’m finding that in order to deliver the exact type of presentation that I need, I need to be able to display multiple instances of PCIG on a given post or page. So, this requirement is driving some of the requirements above.
Thanks, I hope to hear back,
I’m using PCIG extensively on my site, and I have found it to be very helpful, and it works pretty well. There does seem to be a problem with the ability to filter based on having criteria that is for specific categories and tags.
For example, I want to be able to pull from a list of over 800 posts, all of the posts that are in the category “bpm-suite” and apply another filter to that list, by using the tags_and filter. I’ve assigned the tag of BPMNTEST to two posts which are in the category of bpm-suite, and used the following shortcode [pcig category=bpm-suite tags_and=BPMNTEST display=list show=post_title links=post_title, category_name, subcategory_name hide_empty=true]
I find that the results generated from this short code are the same results that are generated from the following short code [pcig category=bpm-suite display=list show=post_title links=post_title, category_name, subcategory_name hide_empty=true]. Both of them display 3 pages, and 17 posts, when I expected the first shortcode to display only 2 posts.
As you compare the two shortcodes, notice that the 2nd shortcode does not include the tags_and filter criteria.
Can you help me understand if I’m doing something wrong, or if there is a defect?
]]>Hey, thanks for this awesome plugin!
I would to use it with a custom taxonomy, how should i modify it?
]]>Hi, many thanks for this great plugin. How can I change the code a little so that it can also ‘order by slug’? I’m no developer, so al little help would be great.
]]>This is useful very plugin and thanks to share. I have more ideas ;):
1. Adding DATA to display. Data is not a link – ex:
Category name / 2013 mar 1
2. Adding separator; like: / # :: etc. See first point.
3. When plugin is active should be see in SETTINGS option WP
4. And then yu can add 2 option:
a) help: describe all parameters with explain
b) generator like this picture ??
Sorry for my eng
]]>Hi Marco: I’m using a plugin you created, named: Post and Categories index generator in WordPress 3.5.1. You can see it working in the following page of my site: https://www.dequejasyreclamos.com.ar/antecedentes-de-empresas/
The plugin works great, but just one detail: if you scroll down my page, you’ll see it has dusplicated its content; i mean, i have the information collected by the plugin twice (two twin lists).
Have you any idea about what’s happening?
Thanx a lot!
]]>I would like the plugin to help me display post titles within a category in the sidebar. I’ve got the shortcode in the text widget in the sidebar, but it’s not working
I seem to be unable to get the “Tags_and” parameter to work properly.
Some background:
I have a business directory where companies can be sorted by type (cafes, grocers, etc) and country (Australia, USA, etc). I let categories represent “type” while tags represent “country”.
When i try to show categories that contain only posts with the tag “australia”, i run the shortcode:
[pcig category=all-categories hide_empty=true links=subcategory_name tags_and=australia]
This should work, but i seem to be getting posts with the tag “USA” appearing as well.
Can anyone help?
Really appreciate it, thanks.
I have an categorie with 3000 entries and I need an index page with topics of all pages together.
Your plugin works great, but index stops after 999 entries!
Is there a change to get the whole categorie indexed?
Best regards,
]]>Could you please make a shortcode that would allow me in index all categories and posts of only custom post types not categories .
so i could have the shortcode for example like
[pcig post_type=incsub_wiki hide_empty=false order=desc]
And it would index all categories / post of the type incsub_wiki like :
Category 1
post 1
post 2
category 3
post 3
post 4
Please. I’d even pay for this.
Justine Smithies
]]>I wrote this [pcig category=sales show=post_titles] and nothing appeared to my page. I tried some of the examples on readme.txt but still nothing appeard. (i had 3.3.1 and i update to 3.4.2 still not working).
My mistake or Plug in Problem
]]>Hi Marcos,
Your plugin is wonderful and solves a problem I had with showing my list of products in one place that would also work well on mobile devices.
There are just a couple problems I’m having:
1. The posts are not indenting below the category name
2. The subcategories aren’t indenting below the category name
3. I’m having trouble styling the different elements and could use some suggestions.
Basically, everything is coming out as a list, even when it’s display=tree.
The result looks like this:
– Category
– Post
– Post
– Post
– Subcategory
– Post
– Post
– Post
– Subcategory
– Post
– Post
– Post
How can I correct that?
Please note that I am not a programmer at all. I just try to figure things out by looking at the code that’s already there. So no complicated solutions!
function pcig_generate_category_tree_array($category_id,$params)
add after the line: if($show_category){
$countPosts = null;
$countPost = " (" . $subcategory->count .") ";
$subcategory_name = "<a href=\"".get_category_link($subcategory->term_id)."\" class=\"pcig-subcategory-link\" title=\"".$subcategory->name."\">".$subcategory->name.$countPost."</a>";
$subcategory_name = $subcategory->name.$countPosts;
do the same for
function pcig_generate_category_list_array($category_id,$params)
the the short code
use show=count to display the number of posts within the subcategory.
]]>Did you ever consider to use “Post Category Index Generator” in combination with the “page in widget” plugin?
If you make the Index Generator “listen” to tags in the current post, you can generate a “Smart Index Generator” of your posts (in a widget beside). Just change the code of the following function in “index.php”.
[smart_index = true]
(Please improve! I’m not a programmer!)
function pcig_get_category_posts($category_id,$params,$only_direct_descents=false){
$sub_categories = get_term_children($category_id,'category');
$subcategory_ids_to_exclude = array();
$exclude = "";
if((is_array($sub_categories)) && $only_direct_descents){
foreach($sub_categories as $sub_category){
$exclude = implode(",",$subcategory_ids_to_exclude);
$results = get_posts("cat=".$category_id.",".$exclude."&posts_per_page=999".$extra_param);
// Smart Index
// one of the tags of the current post must be included in the posts tags of the index
global $posts_incl;
global $post;
// Get current post tags
$tag_posts_in_ids = array();
$tag_ids = array();
$tag_ids = wp_get_post_tags( $post->ID, array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) );
if ($tag_ids) {
foreach($tag_ids as $tag_id){
// arguments for query_posts : https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/query_posts
$args = array(
'tag__in' => array($tag_id),
'showposts' => 1000, // these are the number of related posts we want to display
'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1 // to exclude the sticky post
// WP_Query takes the same arguments as query_posts
$related_query = new WP_Query($args);
if ($related_query->have_posts()) {
while ($related_query->have_posts()) : $related_query->the_post();
if (in_category($category_id, get_the_ID())) {
$tag_posts_in_ids[] = get_the_ID();
$posts_incl = "posts_include"; // hide index if there are no posts
}// end foreach
$include = implode(",",$tag_posts_in_ids);
$results = get_posts("include=".$include.",posts_per_page=999".$extra_param);
// ende
} else {
$results = query_posts("cat=".$category_id."&posts_per_page=999".$extra_param);
return $results;
thanks for your plugin, it was perfect for my need. I have tried to add an image/icon next to each category without any sucess. As there is no place to add an image in a category, can you think of how this can be done. i am happy to pay for this mofication
]]>I added a new paramenter [tag_and_cat=1]. It allows you to index only posts with their tags also included in the current post.
Hop someone can improve the code (I am not a programmer). I made some changes to the following function in the index.php file of the plugin (for me it works):
function pcig_get_category_posts($category_id,$params,$only_direct_descents=false){
$sub_categories = get_term_children($category_id,'category');
$subcategory_ids_to_exclude = array();
$exclude = "";
if((is_array($sub_categories)) && $only_direct_descents){
foreach($sub_categories as $sub_category){
$exclude = implode(",",$subcategory_ids_to_exclude);
$results = get_posts("cat=".$category_id.",".$exclude."&posts_per_page=999".$extra_param);
// tag_and_cat
global $post;
$curr_id = $post->ID;
// Get current post tags
$tag_posts_in_ids = array();
$tag_ids = array();
$tag_ids = wp_get_post_tags( $post->ID, array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) );
if ($tag_ids) {
$first_tag = $tag_ids[0]; // we only need the id of first tag
// echo "tag ". $first_tag;
// arguments for query_posts : https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/query_posts
$args = array(
'tag__in' => array($first_tag),
'category_in' => $category_in,
'post__not_in' => array($post->ID),
'showposts' => 1000, // these are the number of related posts we want to display
'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1 // to exclude the sticky post
// WP_Query takes the same arguments as query_posts
$related_query = new WP_Query($args);
if ($related_query->have_posts()) {
while ($related_query->have_posts()) : $related_query->the_post();
if (in_category($category_id, get_the_ID())) {
$tag_posts_in_ids[] = get_the_ID();
//echo "cat: ".$category_id." ID: ".get_the_ID()." - ";
$include = implode(",",$tag_posts_in_ids);
$results = get_posts('include='.$include."&posts_per_page=999".$extra_param);
// ende peter
} else {
$results = query_posts("cat=".$category_id."&posts_per_page=999".$extra_param);
return $results;
I love the plugin, but where do I change the styling of the index it generates (specifically the indent size).
I was just looking for a plugin to do this and here I found it but… it’s not working properly.
I’m using this shortcode:
[pcig category=bloc show=post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
And then I get an error message:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 64 bytes) in /usr/home/joanpuigdellivol.cat/web/wp-content/plugins/post-category-index-generator/simple_html_dom.php on line 829
And if I remove show=post_title
it works but it doesn’t show individual posts that was what I was looking for…
Can you help me make it work please?
My website is https://www.joanpuigdellivol.cat/indexdeprova/
Thank you so much!
]]>I am using PCIG 0.1.7 and wordpress 3.2.1
This page https://www.caramelpotatoes.com/recipe-box/
Is where we use the plugin. If we post too many categories the page just doesn’t load at all.
[pcig category=app show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=bee show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=bev show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=bread show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=break show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=chi show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=cho show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=con show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=des show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=fru show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=gri show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=pas show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=por show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=pot show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=ric show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=san show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=sid show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
[pcig category=veg show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
is the current page code, but we used to have more categories, but as we add posts we have to keep removing categories. Any idea on how we can fix this?
]]>I use the following shortcode for my categories
[pcig category=app show=category_name,post_title links=post_title hide_empty=true]
This will only show 10 items per category/subcategory.
If you look here this is what we use it for. https://www.caramelpotatoes.com/recipe-box/
The first category, Appetizers and Snacks, has 24 posts in it, we would like it to show all of the posts, not just 10. Is this something I’m doing wrong on my end or a limitation of the plugin?