Lately the expiration date doesn’t stick. Whatever date is choosen reverts to 1 Jan 2022, thus making impossible expiration. Can you look into this?
]]>how to apply post expiration automatically at 20.00 every time there is a new post?
Please help.
]]>Would it be possible somehow to set the post expiration date field mandatory?
Is it possible to display the expiration date of a post in the metadata next to the date when the post was created? Maybe some PHP code? Thank you for your help. I want to show the date in the post even after its expiration.
Thank you for your help.
i found out the hard way that this plugin doesn’t use a wordpress function to update the post status, but does it directly via the database. this way hooks like transition_post_status are not fired when a post gets unpublished.
so better don’t use this plugin if you use hooks like these!
i would suggest to change the plugin to update the post status with wp_update_post() so the usual hooks and actions get fired as expected.
]]>hello there
picking date of an expiration with a Costume field from ACF. (date picker)
I am trying to make auto-expire or delete a post the day after at 5 am from the date piked.
is this possible?
]]>Hi there,
I have installed your plugin, and I am looking to display the expiration date within the post. Is there a short code, or a string I can reference to display the expiration date? I would also like to convert that expiration date into a counting timer (like shown on my site Can you please advise the best way to do this?
It seems the plugin put posts on draft as mentioned in earlier tickets but I would like to trash it.
I’m using CEST as my timezone. Should the timezone on the server be changed to CEST to apply the trash action correctly?
Implented for custom post the following code:
* Expiration Data on schedule posts
function schedule_add_expire_date_metabox() {
add_meta_box( 'hugu_ped_expire_date_metabox', __( 'Expiration Date', 'hugu'), 'hugu_ped_expire_date_metabox_callback', array( 'schedule', 'page' ), 'side', 'high' );
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'schedule_add_expire_date_metabox' );
Times entered by users should be in whatever timezone they have set. In WordPress timezones are set on a per-site basis and stored in the timezone_string
Assume MySQL’s timezone is set to UTC, and WordPress’s timezone option is set to Europe/London (currently UTC+1). If a user sets a post to expire at 1pm, that post will expire at 1pm UTC not 1pm Europe/London. From the user’s perspective, the post will expire at 2pm. This is a bug.
I have two small recommendations that would fix this bug:
to UTC before storing it with update_post_meta
in the MySQL queries with UTC_TIMESTAMP()
Hope this helps,
Mallory Adams, dxw
Hi, I use WP All Import to import many post, and I have a custom field where i have an expire date, is it possible to get Post Expiration Date to work with WP All Import ?
]]>Hi, great plugin altho could you think in something like this
function hugu_ped_add_expire_date_metabox() {
$screens = apply_filters( 'hugu_ped_screens_metabox', array( 'post', 'page') );
foreach ( $screens as $screen ) {
add_meta_box( 'hugu_ped_expire_date_metabox', __( 'Expiration Date', 'hugu'), 'hugu_ped_expire_date_metabox_callback', $screen, 'side', 'high' );
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'hugu_ped_add_expire_date_metabox' );
That woudl allor others to add this functionality to others Custom Post Type like WooCoomerce.
I would like to allow the user to create a cpt post from a form on the frontend, and allow them to set the date of expiration. But I don’t know what code I could use to set the date of expiration. Is that possible? How could I do that? Thanks.
We use LSCW: for caching.
But the post still visible everywhere after goes to draft.
So how purge the cache when a post changed from Publish to Draft?
LSCW has a lot of API that can be called for purging. Exemple:
function yasr_litespeed_cache_support($post_id) {
if (method_exists( 'LiteSpeed_Cache_API', 'purge_post' ) == TRUE) {
LiteSpeed_Cache_API::purge_post( $post_id ) ;
This function works for the plugin YASR >
LSCW documentation:
]]>Thank you for making this easy to use plugin. I am able to use it successfully with Posts and Pages, but I have some customer post types where the UI isn’t appearing and I’m wondering if there is a way for the plugin to work with them. Thank you in advance.
This plugin is exactly what I’m looking for, except I need to be able to expire products (WooCommerce).
Can this plugin be adapted to do this or are there any plans for the future?
I have encountered several examples where posts are expiring several hours prior to the time set. The times were confirmed correct in the post_meta table.
I came to the conclusion it was likely a server time vs client time issue. I added the code below to hugu_ped_wpdb_query. This seems to have resolved the issue.
$tz_string = get_option('timezone_string');
I am requesting you incorporate this in your next revision.
]]>If I set an auto expire date, will me page then be auto removed from the menubar to ?
]]>The idea is great and would help to automate the process of posts expiration handling without manual intervention. I installed the plugin, set the time to local. In wordpress gutenberg the extra field exp. date show up in post listing. I can change a post and set an expiration date (yesterday / today noon for test purposes, it is now afternoon). When I save the post and go to the page where the post should not any longer show up and YES it does not show up…… but the moment I go to the all post listing the exp date is cleared and the page show up again ??!! Conclusion not compatible with Gutenberg 5.1.
Can you help? I am happy to support in testing.
First, thanks for your plugin it is very useful!
Is it possible to have a Premium version with the ability to be able to send the post to a custom status type? in my case “ARCHIVED”statut.
Would definitely pay for custom version of the plugin. it is a really need for me.
So please contact me as soon as possible for this.
Best regards.
]]>I wanted to ask a question here before uninstalling.
I keep trying to add an expiration to my posts, but as soon as I select the date/time, and click update, the post goes Draft. No matter what I put in. These are not custom post types. Maybe i’m doing it wrong?
Wordpress 4.9.9
PHP 5.6.26
Im assuming its something along these lines, but not!
$args = array(
‘post_type’ => ‘product’,
‘posts_per_page’ => -1,
‘orderby’ => ‘hugu_ped_expire_date_metabox’
Im guessing I need to meta_value or something like that but just not sure.
]]>Hi there,
First I also would pay for the ability to trash automatically if it was available. My main questions is how does this actually work without using WPCron?
I’m looking for a solution to change all new posts (leave old post as is) status to “Draft” automatically after some period after it was published, say 30 days, so that post will no longer accessible publicly. This should apply to all new posts unless I choose not to. Only for posts post type.
Can this plugin achieve this?
]]>When I activate the plugin, it inserts the Expiration Date metabox on all post types, including Pages, Posts, and CPTs.
Is there any way to activate or deactivate only on some post types?
Love the plugin!
]]>We use a similar plugin that has been failing sporadically on a site with five back end users not comfortable with deleting a bunch of draft posts. To avoid clogging up the back end with draft expired posts, is it possible to add the option to send posts directly to the trash upon expiration?
This option would lead to us switching immediately as the current plugin we are using is causing sporadic issues with the blog area not loading correctly (per our web host anyway).
Thank you!
]]>Hi, I was a post expirator user for a long time till it stopped working after the update from from php5 to php7.
Your plugin looks amazing, especially since there’s no need for it to use wp-cron.
The only thing missing for me is the ability to choose what happens to the post after the expiration date other then simply making it a draft. I would love to chose an expiration category.
Thanks for this amazing plugin. ??
]]>Just loaded the plugin and set a expiration date and posted. When I come back to the post in WP the date is gone. Is this normal or should the date continue to be shown?
I love the plugin; it does exactly what I need.
However, on multisite, when I have it activated on one site and not activated on another, the metabox still shows up on the unactivated site with this warning:
Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘hugu_ped_expire_date_metabox_callback’ not found or invalid function name in /<snip>/public_html/wp-admin/includes/template.php on line 1073
Is there anything I need to know to remove that metabox?
]]>We have set the time zone in WordPress as GMT+3. In expiry field I have to insert the date in GMT in order to get the posts to expire at the correct time.
]]>I often clone pages for the layout, and I discovered when I now clone a page, this new version 1.1.0 no longer has an ‘x’ to the right of the date that enables me to turn off the option of an expiration date. Can you please put that back in? Also the calender makes it much more time consuming to enter a date. Great for people with short expiration dates but for longer ones just not so good. The old original version was perfect as it was. So for now I needed to roll it back to the original.. as a side note, your contact button on your website does not work.