Great Plugin, I love it.
I’m learning and probably is a easy question, how i use the shortcode with the link option?
‘[post-from-site] + link’ or something like that?
Thank you
Will there be an edit option for this plugin in the future?
every one i want to increase extra fields into post from site. Like name Last name. And how to stored into Draft and Particular category ..
Any one help me into this..
Thanks in advance..
]]>add custom fields or add extra fields and field to enter tags.
I downloaded this plugin about three days ago and can’t figure out something. I want the following :
If anyone has done this or knows how to please help.
Thanks in Advance
Hi so i viewed previous forums and nothing seemed to work for me. This plugin is everything I need and I would like for the users to be redirected to the homepage when they submit a post. ty!
]]>Thank you for this great plugin but I have a problem:
When a person is connected to the site and filled out the form he chose a category that appears in the publication of the post.
But when a visitor who has no account and choose a category that does not appear in the creation of the post.
is that someone can help me
For a long time I’m on this problem and I can not find a solution.
Thank you in advance
Hi Is it possible to enable the fancy editor with PFS?
Someone asked before, but got no reply. I have the same question so just hope someone can answer me.
When I submit a post with a youtube link, the link is automatically being added a . If the tag is added, wordpress will not embed the video and just output the link.
Anyway to turn this feature off?
]]>where in plugins CSS do we set new font colors
I get white on white writings using ghostpool theme
When we enable the plugin the clear fix css effected by plugin css and break the theme.
]]>Took this plugin for trial run, almost.
Hit the sidebar button and the top left of the form appeared in the bottom right of my screen. Way off. Couldn’t fill anything in, can’t move the form to the screen for viewing or completing.
Everything works great on this plugin. I love it. However there are some issues that I need help with.
In the content box where the user places the post, the description/content is indented on the first line. Upon breaking to the second line, the content “tab” covers up the text of the post.
Cannot edit or add tags in the tag box.
No confirmation upon successful post.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hello. I have tested the plugin and it works great. Just what i needed.
The only problem is that when i click post. It doesn’t give me a notification that my Story has been submitted or not.
Please advice.
]]>Is it somehow possible to preset the category
maybe via shortcode or via filter/hook
I would like to insert an input text on the front end form, like “title” default one which will allow users to fill a custom field.
Anyone knows how to do that please ?
Note: I would like to do that to filter post on this value and display it on my single.php template thanks to get_post_meta function .
Thanks for your help ??
Everything works well enough except that no message of success or error displays, so visitors don’t know if the submission passed well or not.
I work with a shortcode in a page. Anybody would have already met this problem and found a solution ?
I tried the solution proposed here but it jumps to a blank page with the following message: {“image”:”single”,”error”:””,”success”:”Post added, … and the message is post right.
Have some one an idea to resolve my problem ? (I’m sorry about my english)
]]>Nice plugin, seems to do what I wanted. I’d like to see couple of features, though:
–?Support for post formats. I was mostly looking for a way to post status updates, and have to modify the plugin for that.
– Internationalization support.
]]>Hi! I love this plugin. But there is a big problem. Even when nothing is submitted there is no error message. This is how my pfs-submit.php looks like (I’ve translated some messages to swedish):
/* * *
* Processed form data into a proper post array, uses wp_insert_post() to add post.
* @param array $pfs_data POSTed array of data from the form
* Create post from form data, including uploading images
* @param array $post
* @param array $files
* @return string success or error message.
function pfs_submit($post,$files){
$pfs_options_arr = get_option('pfs_options');
$pfs_options = $pfs_options_arr[0];
$pfs_data = $post;
$pfs_files = $files;
//echo "<pre style=\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\">".print_r($pfs_data, true)."</pre>\n";
//echo "<pre style=\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\">".print_r($pfs_files, true)."</pre>\n";
$title = $pfs_data['title'];
$category = $pfs_data['cat'];
$postcontent = $pfs_data['postcontent'];
$name = (array_key_exists('name',$pfs_data)) ? esc_html($pfs_data['name'],array()) : '';
$email = (array_key_exists('email',$pfs_data)) ? sanitize_email($pfs_data['email']) : '';
$taxonomies = array();
$imgAllowed = 0;
$result = Array(
$success = False;
$upload = False;
if ( !current_user_can('publish_posts') && $pfs_options['allow_anon'] && $pfs_options['enable_captcha'] ){
$privatekey = $pfs_options_arr['recaptcha_private_key'];
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
if ( !current_user_can('publish_posts') && $pfs_options['allow_anon'] && $pfs_options['enable_captcha'] && !$resp->is_valid ) {
// What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
$result['error'] = printf(__("Incorrect reCAPTCHA: %s",'pfs_domain'), $resp->error);
} else {
//echo "<pre style=\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\">".print_r($pfs_files['image']['name'], true)."</pre>\n";
if (array_key_exists('image',$pfs_files)) {
/* play with the image */
switch (True) {
case (1 < count($pfs_files['image']['name'])):
// multiple file upload
$result['image'] = "multiple";
$file = $pfs_files['image'];
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($file['tmp_name']); $i++ ){
if( ''!=$file['tmp_name'][$i] ){
$imgAllowed = (getimagesize($file['tmp_name'][$i])) ? True : (''==$file['name'][$i]);
if ($imgAllowed){
$upload[$i+1] = upload_image(array('name'=>$pfs_files["image"]["name"][$i], 'tmp_name'=>$pfs_files["image"]["tmp_name"][$i]));
if (False === $upload[$i+1]){
$result['error'] = __("N?got gick fel n?r bilden skulle laddas upp.",'pfs_domain');
} else {
$success[$i+1] = True;
} else {
$result['error'] = __("Fel filformat. Bara formaten (.gif, .png, .jpg, .jpeg) fungerar.",'pfs_domain');
case ((1 == count($pfs_files['image']['name'])) && ('' != $pfs_files['image']['name'][0]) ):
// single file upload
$file = $pfs_files['image'];
$result['image'] = 'single';
$imgAllowed = (getimagesize($file['tmp_name'][0])) ? True : (''==$file['name'][0]);
if ($imgAllowed){
$upload[1] = upload_image( array( 'name'=>$file["name"][0], 'tmp_name'=>$file["tmp_name"][0] ) );
//echo "<pre style=\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\">".print_r($upload, true)."</pre>\n";
if (False === $upload[1]){
$result['error'] = __("N?got gick fel n?r bilden skulle laddas upp.",'pfs_domain');
} else {
$success[1] = True;
} else {
$result['error'] = __("Fel filformat. Bara formaten (.gif, .png, .jpg, .jpeg) fungerar.",'pfs_domain');
$result['image'] = 'none';
if ( '' != $result['error'] ) return $result; // fail if the image upload failed.
//echo "<pre style=\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\">".print_r($upload, true)."</pre>\n";
//echo "<pre style=\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\">".print_r($success, true)."</pre>\n";
/* manipulate $pfs_data into proper post array */
$has_content_things = ($title != '') && ($postcontent != '');
if ( !current_user_can('publish_posts') && $pfs_options['allow_anon'] ) $has_content_things = $has_content_things && ($name != '') && is_email($email);
if ( $has_content_things ) {
$content = $postcontent;
if ( !current_user_can('publish_posts') && $pfs_options['allow_anon'] ) $content .= apply_filters('pfs_submittedby_text',"<p>Ber?ttat av <a href='mailto:$email'>$name</a></p>");
if ( is_user_logged_in() ){
global $user_ID;
if (is_array($success)){
foreach(array_keys($success) as $i){
$imgtag = "[!--image$i--]";
if (False === strpos($content,$imgtag)) $content .= "\n\n$imgtag";
$content = str_replace($imgtag, wp_get_attachment_link( $upload[$i], $pfs_options['wp_image_size']), $content);
//if any [!--image#--] tags remain, they are invalid and should just be deleted.
$content = preg_replace('/\[\!--image\d*--\]/','',$content);
// $terms[{tax name}] = array(term1, term2, etc)
if ( array_key_exists('terms',$pfs_data) ) {
foreach ($pfs_data['terms'] as $taxon => $terms){
if ( !is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxon) ) {
$pfs_data['terms'][$taxon] = implode(',',$terms);
$postarr = array();
$postarr['post_title'] = $title;
$postarr['post_content'] = apply_filters('comment_text', $content);
$postarr['comment_status'] = $pfs_options['comment_status'];
$postarr['post_status'] = $pfs_options['post_status'];
$postarr['post_author'] = ( is_user_logged_in() ) ? $user_ID : $pfs_options['default_author'];
$postarr['tax_input'] = (array_key_exists('terms',$pfs_data)) ? $pfs_data['terms'] : array();
$postarr['post_type'] = $pfs_options['post_type'];
$postarr['post_category'] = array($category);
//echo "<pre style=\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\">".print_r($postarr, true)."</pre>\n";
$post_id = wp_insert_post($postarr);
if (0 == $post_id) {
$result['error'] = __("Ber?ttelsen kunde inte laddas upp - ok?nt fel.",'pfs_domain');
} else {
$result['success'] = __("Ber?ttelsen ?r tillagd, du kommer att komma vidare om en stund.",'pfs_domain');
$result['post'] = $post_id;
} else {
$result['error'] = __("Du har l?mnat en ruta tom. Alla rutor beh?ver fyllas i.",'pfs_domain');
return $result;
* Upload images
function upload_image($image){
$file = wp_upload_bits( $image["name"], null, file_get_contents($image["tmp_name"]));
//echo "<pre style=\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\">";
//echo "</pre>\n";
if (false === $file['error']) {
$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($file['file']), null );
$attachment = array(
'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'],
'post_title' => preg_replace('/\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($file['file'])),
'post_content' => '',
'post_status' => 'inherit'
$attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $file['file'] );
// you must first include the image.php file
// for the function wp_generate_attachment_metadata() to work
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php');
$attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $file['file'] );
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_data );
return $attach_id;
} else {
//TODO: er, error handling?
return false;
if (!empty($_POST)){
$pfs = pfs_submit($_POST,$_FILES);
echo json_encode($pfs);
//echo "<pre style=\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\">".print_r($pfs, true)."\n";
} else {
/* TODO: translate following */
_e('Den h?r sidan hade du inte beh?vt se, n?got ?r fel.','pfs_domain');
echo "<a href='".get_bloginfo('url')."'>" . __('Go home?','pfs_domain') . "</a>";
Hi ryelle,
I get this message “You must be logged in to post.” for all users except the admin! What could the problem be?
And after posting, no reaction appears! No successful message occurs + the post fields are still full (i.e. the post form still as it is as if it’s not submitted!)
I’m using WordPress for a community site and I’m looking for a way to allow members to submit posts from the front end. I tested Post from Site and it works ok. What I would like to do is to embed the form in a page instead of showing a link that opens a window to post. Can anyone point me to the best way to do this?
]]>Shortcode doesn’t work on custom page, and the PHP code only show the link for pop up, couldn’t make the form display on the page?
Is it possible to add custom taxonomies selection just like category?
Also custom fields would be great!
]]>Hey there,
this plugin is a great solution to enable front-end posting from members of my site, however, there is a small positioning issue i’ve been trying to solve on my own for the past day and i’ve gotten nowhere.
the “post from site” button is located on the right side of my header, however the popup expands the width of my site to make space for the popup, and you need to scroll over to see it. Is it possible to change this position?
I’ve been fiddling with the position types: fixed, relative, inherent, etc. but the closest solution was the “fixed” position type, however the height of the pop up is too tall for the user to see the bottom of the post form :X
I’m sure there’s an easy fix that i just don’t know about… since i’m pretty new with all this.
Can someone shed some light on the matter?
]]>This may be staring me right in the face but I cant seem too find anything in the install instructions. I am very new to coding so go easy on me ?? I don’t know who to ass the selection box to pick which category the post goes into? ??
]]>The popup box is not working when a customer submits the form… any idea why?
]]>Hi, Is it possible to have a list of checkboxes instead of a multiple select for category selection in the front end writer? I managed to have the list of checkboxes in the front-end by changing these lines
public function get_taxonomy_list( $taxonomy ){
$terms = get_terms($taxonomy, array(
'hide_empty' => 0
if (!$terms || empty($terms)) return '';
//preg_match_all('/\s*<option class="(\S*)" value="(\S*)">(.*)<\/option>\s*/', $terms, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$out = apply_filters( 'pfs_taxonomy_label', "<label for='terms_$taxonomy'>Seleziona i corsi</label>", $taxonomy );
$out .= "<select id='terms_$taxonomy' name='terms_$taxonomy' size='4' multiple='multiple'>";
foreach ($terms as $term){
if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomy))
$out .= "<option value='{$term->term_taxonomy_id}'>{$term->name}</option>";
$out .= "<option value='{$term->name}'>{$term->name}</option>";
$out .= "</select><br />\n";
return apply_filters("pfs_{$taxonomy}_list",$out);
with these
public function get_taxonomy_list( $taxonomy ){
$terms = get_terms($taxonomy, array(
'hide_empty' => 0
if (!$terms || empty($terms)) return '';
//preg_match_all('/\s*<option class="(\S*)" value="(\S*)">(.*)<\/option>\s*/', $terms, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$out = apply_filters( 'pfs_taxonomy_label', "<label for='terms_$taxonomy'>Seleziona i corsi</label>", $taxonomy );
foreach ($terms as $term){
if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomy))
$out .= "<input class='{$term->term_taxonomy_id}' type='checkbox' value='{$term->term_taxonomy_id}' /> {$term->name}<br />";
$out .= "<input class='{$term->term_taxonomy_id}' type='checkbox' value='{$term->name}' /> {$term->name}";
$out .= "<br />\n";
return apply_filters("pfs_{$taxonomy}_list",$out);
but I guess I have to edit something else too, because now the post is posted without categories, even if I select them.
Any help would be appreciated!
Great plugin!
After I fix this problem, I have 2 problems with reCaptcha.
1. No error message, if you entered the wrong words to reCaptcha,
and if you entered, after that, the right words post did not publish.
2. If you leave a field blank and then repaired and filled it, if you click again on the “Post” your post will not be published.
I hope you understand,
enter on “Click to post.”
Thanks !
I’m using Post From Site because I do not want logged in users of my site to have access to the Dashboard and settings.
Users will also want to upload images – but Post From Site has no level of progress indication.
Is there anyway to let the user know that the image is actually being uploaded (rather than them re-pressing Submit several times).
do you know of any way of using the wp-admin/media-upload.php pop up section – without the user having access to the Dashboard??
was wondering that is it possible to exclude one category?
I’m using “Restrict categories” plugin and if i post via the
dashboard it is not selectable for Author or Contributor.
Thanks for the great plugin