Is there any way, to do this? I want to reduce the displayed posts in mobile viewports. I am using the grid layout block in gutenberg.
Thanks! ??
]]>Yes PHP 7.4 is outdated i know.. but because of reasons it was on one page activated.
Since last update today of this plugin, the website was offline with Error 500. I do run PHP-FPM and couldn’t find the related error logs fast enough, like fastcgi was eating up the raw 500 code errors ^_^
As soon as the used Theme is 8.3+ ready i can switch to 8.3 for this related page, and re-enable this plugin if still needed.
But because 40’000+ Installations are using this plugin; you may want to make it still PHP7.4 compatible. I got hurt because of enabled auto-update for this one.
All the best! ??
With the latest post grid installed, any time I try to update or create a new grid, it breaks entirely. When I try to edit the grid, any query settings that were added (i.e. tags to filter the posts by) get stripped out. Really not sure how to resolve this since I’m afraid to touch any other grid settings that I have in place for fear of breaking those too. I hadn’t updated any of the grid settings since 2020, and was surprised that doing so now just breaks them.
Following the last update, I noticed an error in the console concerning:
Refused to apply style from '' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
The file blocks-styles.css
does not exist as it is block-styles.css
I solved the problem by copying the file and named it as the path expected.
Error is solved!
Just reporting and giving a fix until next update.
This newest update broke my site (admin included). I had to go into recovery mode to rectify the issue.
An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 4283 of the file /home/mysite/ Error message: Cannot redeclare custom_wpkses_post_tags() (previously declared in /home/mysite/
This error involves this:
mysite-custom-funcitons.php :
function custom_wpkses_post_tags( $tags, $context ) {
if ( 'post' === $context ) {
$tags['iframe'] = array(
'src' => true,
'height' => true,
'width' => true,
'frameborder' => true,
'scrolling' => true,
'allowfullscreen' => true,
return $tags;
add_filter( ‘wp_kses_allowed_html’, ‘custom_wpkses_post_tags’, 10, 2 );
post-grid funcitons-blocks.php :
function custom_wpkses_post_tags($tags, $context)
//if (‘post’ === $context) {
$tags[‘iframe’] = array(
‘src’ => true,
‘height’ => true,
‘width’ => true,
‘frameborder’ => true,
‘allowfullscreen’ => true,
return $tags;
add_filter(‘wp_kses_allowed_html’, ‘custom_wpkses_post_tags’, 10, 2);
How can this be fixed? I need my custom functions for my site.
]]>I updated and the menu broke on my site (Header block header navigation). Menu looks fine in the site editor but when visiting the site it is broken (displaying as a bulleted list)
I rolled back to a previous version of this plugin by uploading an old copy over the existing folder the menu was fine again.
I tried to update again and the menu broke again, so I updated the old over the new plugin once more and all is fine. I have had to turn off auto updates to the plugin for now wherever it is being used.
Theme is Twenty Twenty Four
I have the Pro addon for this plugin, but this is happening when I update the base plugin.
]]>Unfortunately, your demo pages do not work. I would like to see a demo for a post carousel before I buy it. The most important thing for me is which heading type (h2, h3, h4, ��) is used for the title and whether this can be configured.
]]>When creating a new postgrid, the “Query Post” shows as normal, withe Post TYpes, and able to select from Categories and Tags. After saving, the PostQuery fields show as blank,
e.g. If Post types was set to “post”, and Categories to “Foo”, aftr save/publish, and then open the grid edit page, the Post types will show blank, and the Post taxonomies and terms does not show anything, nor ability to select categories. Only “Please choose at least one post types. save/update post grid. Select post categories & terms.”. But no ability to select this.
If trying to view the grid on a page, it doesn’t have any items as it doesn’t seem to have saved the query.
Same behaviour if duplicating a grid.
]]>Hi there,
I’ve been using this plugin for years now, sadly the latest versions breaks reCAPTCHA v3 in contact form 7. So with this plugin enabled(ComboBlocks), no contact from is working. As soon as I disable ComboBlocks they work again.
Anyone else having this issue?
Error from Dev Tools: Invalid site key or not loaded (reCAPTCHA)
]]>Good morning, I’m using the new version of Post Grid but when I try to access the Import Layouts resource, I get the following error message: ‘Server return empty. please try again later’. Is it my problem or the plugin’s? I have the latest version of WP. Thanks for the support
]]>Hello, can i add a author picture for each post on grid view? can i add a comment section under each post using a shortcode? thanks
I’ve been using your plugin for years without any problem (and I loved it), but now I’m having the same problem again with the Grid settings what I had 8 months ago.
No matter what I set up in Grid settings / view type, my post grids are doing something completey different.
On the page I linked above there��s theoretically a Masonry with 3 columns on desktop screen �C instead I see 1 column. I tried to change the number of columns, gutter space, thumbnail image size, anything, it still appears in this awkward way.
here are some examples (all should have 3 masonry columns on desktop)
note: both wordpress (6.4.3) and the plugin (2.2.77) are updated, and I��m using the classic editor (via Disable Gutenberg plugin), so I��m using shortcodes for adding the post grids.
Do you have any idea what happened or how I could solve it??
Thanks a lot in advance,
I see that, for a Post, you can specify a custom image to be used in the grid. But how do I specify a custom image and text to be used for a Page?
]]>I want to use this plugin to show all the subpages of page_id 2814.
So I have my [post_grid id]
shortcode settings as:
Post type: Page
Taxonomies relation: And
Post status: Publish
Posts per page: -1
Then, for Search parameter, I have tried all of these…
…but they all result in “No post found”.
So how do I set up the shortcode to show the child pages for a given page_id?
]]>is it possible to adjust the image to the center, with some option of objetc-fit, because I try to place it, but it does not work, and the image is cut, or if it is possible to adjust the size of these in the blocks, I can not find the option
I created a simple layout and a simple tile grip . I am using the classic editor and shortcode. See
There is a white space on top of the images that I cannot remove (i did make the container red so it is visible)
How can I fix that ?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I have used this plugin with making grid short codes in tabs.
but grid loading very slow in the elementor tabs. but if use short code without insert in tabs, it working fine.
How can i use shortcodes in tabs with perfect loading.
Plz support me asap.
I am working with a website that has ‘Post Grid’ installed, Version 3.2.18, not Post Grid Combo. what there a name change at some point, is this the same plugin? It is the same developer PickPlugins.
I have a few questions, I think I might have a premium version without the license installed. I question why my version is not the same as the one stated here.
Bottom line, I need to know if this will work with the latest version of PHP 8.2, before I get/renew the license. If not I will need to find another solution.
Thank you
]]>View post on
Thanks in advance.
]]>Error log is filling with the following PHP Warning:
PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool inwp-content/plugins/post-grid/includes/functions.php on line 174
We are running PHP version 8.1.22
]]>Please can you amend your plugin slug so that the use of the plugin is not visible since this represents a security risk? Understand you want the profile but this is quite a concern.
]]>Is it support custom posts type?
]]>Is it possible to call the post grid with a default filter, e.g. “Kurs” and “Intensit?t 1”? So this shall be the initial setup and the user can change it then.
]]>I use the categories a) Klasse/Kurs and b) Intensit?t 1/Intensit?t 2/Intensit?t 3.
In the Post Grid I want only to show posts with category “Kurs”. And I want to show the filter buttons for Int1/2/3.
Thus I need to combine categories “Kurs” <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>and </span>Int1 <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>or </span>Int2 <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>or </span>Int 3. Is this possible and how? In the Termins relation I can only choose “IN”(=OR) and “AND” for all categories. Additionally I don’t need the “Kurs” button to appear on screen.
]]>Max. 9 posts are shown per page although I have set “Posts per page” to 15. Which setting do I need to do to get more posts shown?
I’ve used Post Grid plugin for years and it works great.
Today a weird issue occured I can’t figure out how to solve. No matter what I set up in Grid settings / view type, my post grids are doing something completey different.
On the page I linked above there’s theoretically a Masonry with 3 columns on desktop screen – instead I see 2 columns inthe first row and 1 in all the rest.
I’ve made some different test grids, but the weirdness stays:
> Here should be a grid with 30% columns on desktop – instead I see full width grid items.
>> here should be Grid in 3 columns, instead I see 4 items in a row, not aligned vertically.
I have few things added in custom CSS, but I tried to delete them all for testing, but the problem stayed.
Do you have any idea what happened or how I could solve it? A few hours ago everything worked normally.
note: both wordpress and the plugin were updated few days ago, and I’m using the classic editor (via Disable Gutenberg plugin), so I’m using shortcodes for adding the post grids.
many many thanks for any help or tip,
I��ve just installed a Post Grid Combo on my website. I��m trying to add my first grid, but when I hit save I get the error with post_grid_recursive_sanitize_arr() function. I get the following error when I try to save:
��An E_ERROR type error occurred on line 586 of the file /<obfuscated>/wp-content/plugins/post-grid/includes/classes/class-meta-boxes.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function post_grid_recursive_sanitize_arr() in /<obfuscated>/wp-content/plugins/post-grid/includes/classes/class-meta-boxes.php:586 Stack trace: #0 /<obfuscated>/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): post_grid_meta_boxs->post_grid_save(2922) #1 /<obfuscated>/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #2 /<obfuscated>/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 /<obfuscated>/wp-includes/post.php(4715): do_action(��save_post��, 2922, Object(WP_Post), true) #4 /<obfuscated>/wp-includes/post.php(4817): wp_insert_post(Array, false, true) #5 /<obfuscated>/wp-admin/includes/post.php(439): wp_update_post(Array) #6 /<obfuscated>/wp-admin/post.php(227): edit_post() #7 {main} thrown��
i use you’r extension for add slider on my page but if i add a segond slider auto play doesn’t work in the segond slide
]]>Hello I just bought premium and I got the license key but I do not know how to activate it on my WordPress Site. Can you please assist me? I am looking at the plugin settings on my wordpress interface but I cannot find where to activate it.
]]>Hi there,
i was wondering if I could use the post grind to list YouTube video in the design as on our news feed. Maybee this is not possible ? I didn’t found an example or anything to this. Maybee you have a other plugin you could recomend for doing this in the same style.
Would be great to hear from you.