I recently moved to a new host which has PHP 5.4.45, and updated wordpress to 4.8. There are loads of errors & warnings in the admin and site now ??
Plugin hasn’t been updated for 2 years – is it likely to be updated at all, or should I fork it and try and fix myself?
I can provide more info on the errors if there is any interest in fixing them.
]]>Even though I am choosing the ‘second’ number 9 in the hour slider. It always defaults to the first 9 in the slider and therefore prints out “AM” on my website, when it should be PM.
]]>fatal error
]]>In the most recent update I am getting a JS error in the backend when trying to edit a page or post. None of my editor buttons show up, and I can’t add media to a page. The JS error is this:
ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined
]]>I don’t know if it’s the new version of WP or not, but I added the ability to upload photos (which I’ve done on other sites before), and I am unable to upload anything.
The black “No preview available” image disappears, but the photo I uploaded never shows up.
Here’s a screenshot:
I’ve been trying to spit out a list of my properties and order them by city, but it seems I can’t do this because it’s stored in some sort of serialized array. Can you tell me how I can sort by a custom field?
The following does not work…
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'properties',
'meta_key' => 'pd_city',
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'order' => 'DESC',
'posts_per_page' => 5
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
I’m having issues when trying to float the post meta fields. I’ve been having to add this into my functions file, but might be nice if this could be included in the CSS in the next update.
<style type="text/css">
.pm_group {
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
.pm_field input[type="text"] {
width: 100% !important;
I am using Post Meta and another plugin called Archivist. I am using Post Meta to generate new post meta, while using archivist to create archives. I have created a new meta key called post_2_price which is a text. I wanted archivist to fetch the post meta into a table and it is able to do so using the tag %POST_META|post_2_price%. However, instead of getting the post meta, it sends the output as “Array”. Please see the link
https://tinyurl.com/kcqoqy5 for the sample page and let me know if this can be fixed.
The meta is not displaying
]]>The fields are showing correctly on Add New post . But when I update it does not show any of the text input
]]>I want to build forms for my existing costom field keys. Is this possible with Post Meta Plugin?
I have several custom fields in many posts which I use to render through my single.php theme file using get_post_meta($post->ID, 'release-date', true);
for example.
I just want to theme the input fields in my post editor with textfields etc. How can I use my existing custom field keys as post meta keys?
]]>Love this plugin! Does anything post meta related the right way, with no need to hand code anything.
I’d like to show custom taxonomies grouped into meta box like. So, it’s easier to fill them all at once instead having to scroll each time to reach the next taxonomy to fill.
Basically, it’s a post meta box group with a taxonomy input.
Is it possible to add it?
]]>Hi again me.
I looked at screenshoots of pro version and I’m interested in one thing but may be I misunderstood.
The shortcode system is used to show, in page, the custom content?
without need of specific page template?
Could you explain better, may be with a short video, how it works?
I’m really interested to this feature.
There are a lot of plugins that do custom post/type/taxonomy/fields, the real difference is how to show content.
If your pro version works in this manner, I’m sold.
Please let me know.
very good plugin, the next step, IMO, should be add repeatable feature to custom fields and group of.
What about?
Thanks in advance