Hi all,
Firstly, this plugin is a hidden gem and works for my situation perfectly.
The last piece of the puzzle is getting the redirect to work after the form has been submitted.
I have made the post status go straight to published, I have copied the necessary code into functions.php and then included the snippet onto my page template.
It just gives me the standard CF7 thank you message and does nothing.
Do I need to do anything with the $attr variable?
Also do I need to enable any settings in CF7?
Any ideas?
I have added native reCAPTCHA integration to the Contact Form 7 plugin and the form has stopped working. Before it worked and created the posts perfectly, but not since the integration. If I deactivate the Post My CF7 Form plugin, the forms start working again (obviously without creating the post).
Thanks in advance, the plugin is great!
]]>I want to let the users send reviews for the service and let the Admin approved them.
I want the Admin to get message when someone is sending the form and after they review it, they can publish it, I create custom post type for the reviews.
Can I content the form to this post and let the user fill the form, send it and let the admin publish the post if the they want?
I try to use this very useful plugin, but I have some troubles.
I select existing post type, but when I select your-name [text*] to map for post title, I get “Warning: Field already selected!” message.
It create post as CF7 2 Post.
How can I realize to map post title to your-name field?
Best Regards
]]>Hi, I see this message in PHP debug:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Cf7_2_Post_Public::$not_form_page is deprecated in /home/www/wp-content/plugins/post-my-contact-form-7/public/class-cf7-2-post-public.php on line 52
I use PHP8.2.
]]>Unfortunately the plugin no longer works with the latest WP version, will there be an update soon?
]]>I’m trying to redirect my form to new post using below code and
add_filter('cf7_2_post_form_append_output', 'redirect_on_submit', 10, 3);
but its not working….
If you wish to redirect to the newly saved post (assuming it is published, see FAQ #16),
$post_id = get_transient($_GET[‘cf72post’]);
//get the link to the new post,
$url = get_permalink($post_id);
if ( wp_redirect( $url, 200 ) ) {
echo ‘unable to redirect, maybe the post wasn’t published’;
I have these fields setup [select* shares-category], [select* pricerange] and they are both setup here but I am not getting the select options displaying. Am i missing any settings?
View post on imgur.com
I recorded this short video bellow to show the issues I am facing
The biggest issue is that the autofill is not working. even when I am logged in with the same author
first of all thanks a million (even 100 millions!) for this wonderfull plugin!
I am using it together with the Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7 plugin and I’ll love to put a condition on a dynamic field, populated through a taxonomy.
Here it is what I did so far:
It is not working ??
Am I missing something? Is it possible to use conditional logic with dynamically populated selects / radio fields?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’ve a select form field prefilled with the filter wpcf7_form_tag_data_option and the validation message appears and the field is marked invalid.
Because I’ve a second select field that needs the value of the first select to make an AJAX request, I need to disable this because I do all the validation in the wpcf7_validate_select*
I’ve tried to disable the new action introduced in 6.1.0 version, but I can’t. I’ve checked the action name and is registered with this name.
The snippets that I’ve tried
remove_action('wpcf7_init', 'reset_select_enum_rules', 100);
remove_action('wpcf7_init', 'Cf7_2_Post_Public–>reset_select_enum_rules', 100);
There’s a way to disable the Schema-Woven Validation in your plugin?
the category and section settings were working when all of a sudden they stopped. I tried deactivating the plugins and I also watched your instructional video on this topic, but nothing. Better said, somehow the categories and labels suddenly got disconnected. What should I do?
Thank you for the solution and have a nice day!
The plugin is saving the draft in the back end, but it isn’t loading the data when we refresh or revisit the form/page. Any help?
We are trying the plugin on a online portal that is accessible to some specific users/members only. The plugin is saving data for default post fields only, but we have a long list of form fields. We can’t see the post meta-fields in the post type we use to save data. When we refresh or re-login to the website, it isn’t auto filling the data to the form fields as well.
Except this, sometimes we get error message “Notice: Undefined index: menu_position in ../plugins/post-my-contact-form-7/includes/class-cf72post-mapping-factory.php” on line 436 (Sometime the list of error/notice is long).
]]>Hello, I am having trouble modifying the following.
I changed it to post files with reference to number 28 in the FAQ, but when I prepare two file fields and send a file attachment in the first field only, the first attachment is also registered in the second field.
How can I customize this?
add_filter('cf7_2_post_metafield_file', 'change_meta_field_file_format', 10, 6);
function change_meta_field_file_format( $file_format, $attachment_id, $post_id, $post_field, $form_field, $cf7_key ){
* $file_format, default format is url path.
* $attachment_id, file media attachment post id.
* $post_id, form submission mapped to post.
* $post_field, the meta post fields being saved.
* $form_field, the form field from which it was submitted.
* $cf7_key the current form being mapped.
$file_format = $attachment_id;
return $file_format;
I am still using the Post My CF7 Form extension for your plugin and I want to ask how to set up automatic sorting into sections? I have a select field in my form where the user selects the rubric.
Is this possible?? Thank you very much!
I have everything set up on my page, but posts are being saved to newly created “Posts”. I would like them to be saved to the main posts though. Is this somehow possible?
Thank you so much for your help.
]]>Hello! I used post my cf7 to generate all posts on this page. They are all published, but when I click on the link, I am simply redirected to the home page. When I check the panel’s posts page, the button to view the post does not exist. I can just edit the post.
I set the permalinks to use the post name. In the form settings, I set the post type to new post.
I’m out of ideas for possible solutions. Thanks in advance for any help! Thank you for your attention!
]]>I’m in the process of putting together a proposal for a website that allows users to submit poetry which can be reviewed by an internal team and then be pushed live. This Plugin is ideal – thanks for making it!
I just have one question; for accessibility purposes, the client would like to include the option for users to submit an audio file so poems can also be listened to as well as being read.
Am I right in thinking that this can be done my mapping a custom field? And if so, would the audio file be played in a media player, or would there simply be a link which opens the audio file in a new tab?
I’d really appreciate your input and look forward to using the Plugin ??
]]>Hi, I’m using this plugin for a form that creates a post using a CPT. However, when I save a file from the form, it saves it with the file’s URL, while if I create the post from the CMS, the meta_value is an ID. How can I make the plugin also save it as an ID?
I’m using Sunbscribe2 to inform the users about new posts.
Posting directly sends a message to the users with title and link,
messages posted with Post My CF7 Form result in a message with the Title ‘CF7 2 Post’ en al ling …..nl/cf7-2-post.
The post self shows the right title an url, any suggestions how to change this?
I downloaded and activated the Post My CF7 form Plug In and the “Pages” option disappears from the Dashboard.
I am using the Classic Editor.
Does this Plug In only work with the Block Editor?
]]>?I tried to use the “Post My CF7 Form” plug in but don’t understand how it works.
All I want to do is display the names of people who have filled out the Contact Form…immediately above the Contact Form on the same Page.
I don’t understand how to tell the Post My CF7 Form plug in where to insert the list of names. Is there a short code created somewhere that I have missed?
Can I do this on a “Page” rather than on a “Post”?
]]>I would like to post the names of people who fill out my Contact 7 form on a web page…perhaps on the same page as the contact form…to show who has already registered for an event.
Is this plug in the correct way to accomplish this?
]]>Hi there,
In Version 5.9 CF7 added an enum validation added to dropdown menu fields and checkboxes – so dynamicly created values are invalid data for safety reasons.
As a result the select(and probably also checkboxes) prefilled with taxonomy terms won’t get submitted.
I checked https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78101215/contact-form-undefined-value-was-submitted-through-this-field and simply removing the new action does quickly reenable the form submitting but leaves securitiy issues.
remove_action( 'wpcf7_swv_create_schema', 'wpcf7_swv_add_select_enum_rules', 20, 2 );
in the stackoverflow topic answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/78136065/1165121 is a more detailed way to add the dynamicly created values to the valid values so that part could be secured.
add_action( 'wpcf7_init', 'wpwoodo_change_select_validation_rule', 99 );
function wpwoodo_change_select_validation_rule() {
remove_action( 'wpcf7_swv_create_schema', 'wpcf7_swv_add_select_enum_rules', 20, 2 );
add_action( 'wpcf7_swv_create_schema', function( $schema, $contact_form ) {
$valid_values = [ 'value1', 'value2', 'value3' ];
wpcf7_swv_create_rule( 'enum', array(
'field' => 'my_select_field_id',
'accept' => $valid_values,
'error' => $contact_form->filter_message(
__( 'Undefined value was submitted through this field.', 'my-text-domain' )
) )
}, 30, 2 );
maybe thats a feature request here…
After the CF7 Update it looked like that – so something hat to be done:
kind regards
Thank you for providing such a wonderful plugin.
I’m encountering an issue with the plugin functionality. When I fill out the form and press the “SAVE” button that I installed, a draft is successfully created in the custom post item in the admin panel.
However, when I reload the page with the account that filled out the form, the content of the input fields disappears, and I cannot restore the content properly. Also, I watched the video, thank you. However, on my screen, when I press “Quick Edit” for the post, the checkbox for “CF7>>post” is not displayed. Is there any relation to this?
I’m having trouble, please help. Thank you for providing such a great plugin.
]]>hi, after I saved my configuration, the mapping of all the fields I configured contains the text “custom_meta_key”. For example: I enter “name” as custom field and select “name [text*]” as form field, save and the page reloads with “custom_meta_key” instead of “name”.
before saving: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KpWmXFagPT5rTQEKyu7oSfF-C-pRoKIs/view?usp=drive_link
after saving: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TTpex7i9vOXYyWA8Su3VNQA1HIskX5gQ/view?usp=drive_link
I have just been pen testing a dev site I am developing at the moment and I have had it flagged that the version of select2 in your plugin is vulnerable.
Apparently you are using an old v4.0.3 which I believe was released in 2016.
Is it possible for this version to be upgraded to remove the vulnerability?
CVE-2016-10744 is the vulnerability ID apparently.
]]>WordPress: 6.4.2
Contact Form 7: 5.8.5
Post My CF7 Form: 6.0.6
PHP: 7.4 also 8.3
I’ve create custom post type and custom taxonomy with ACF plugin, then I follow the tutorial on YouTube but checkbox not show any taxonomy
the form template I use = [checkbox* form_country use_label_element]
this is the setup before “save”
then after save, taxonomy name disappeared (not sure why)
I’ve insert the contact form shortcode via block editor
but option for this checkbox not show any
please help, thanks
]]>I’m trying to figure out if there is a way to have a contact form 7 field (date) be mapped to the publish date for the new post. I’d like the user to be able to set the date for when the new post goes live when they submit the form. The standard list of default post fields doesn’t have this as an option. Is there a way to do this?