A client of mine has has your excellent plugin installed on their website for quite a while, but it has suddenly stopped displaying the Twitter share count. Other share counts still seem to be working. Nothing has changed apart from keeping plugins and WP core up to date. Any idea what could have gone wrong? Thanks.
]]>Seems the $services array where objects are supposed to be unset if they are not in the array doe snot match up properly; despite using the ‘show_only’ array, it only always shows facebook and twitter. Even by default.
Any possibility to have the individual counters to each network? I want to call the separately.
]]>Hi, I’ve isntalled your plugin successfully on my blog https://etagnet.com
I’m having trouble with pinterest count. It’s always showing 0. I’ve checked and there are peopl sharing my content on Pinterest and it’s all showing 0. Can you please help me here?
It’s me again;-)
I use your plugin since few days and it works very well.
But he asks me some performance issues because I have 15,000 posts.
I wish to keep the synchronization every 3600 seconds for recent posts (maximum one month). For older articles, I will wish to establish a single synch daily.
Can you help me ?
hello (again)
Would it be possible to add support for transients to increase performance?
Thank you in advance
I want to display the total number of shares, but not the same place as the other counters, how can I do?
Total number of shares = top of the page
Shares on each social network = at the end of the page
thank you
]]>Hello, asked you a while back about how to include @via in the tweet, since then I changed my theme and now I’m using a Genesis like framework( to be honest lots of functionality is similar if not the same) and I have to put my custom stuff using functions.php like this
add_action( 'omega_after_entry', 'omega_entry_footer' );
function ...etc
How do I add your sharing code in a theme functions file? I don’t know too much about this and I’m stuck in all that <?php
thing and I don’t add it correctly. I’m ashamed about my noobiness but I need this and it gives me a lot of headaches ??
Hello and many thanks for this plugin. I was tired of the same standard share buttons, icons and Shereaholic wich is a bit too heavy.
I have a theme that has already integrated the standard share buttons( twitter, facebook, google+) and in the case of twitter I have the option to imput my twitter username in theme admin and when I tweet an article is called with that code <?php echo of_get_option( 'ac_twitter_username' ); ?>
and outputs it as @via( tweet via @testuser ..etc). Is there a way I can add that in your plugin hook or donno, something like that to do the same thing?
Oh, and about the social links they work only called all or I can put as many hooks as I want with let’s say, one just facebook, one just twitter …etc?