Wordfence alerted me that this plugin has been removed from the directory. Does anyone know why? Is there a security vulnerability to be worried about? I wasn’t sure if it was safe to keep the plugin installed or not. The notice on the plugin page says:
This plugin has been closed as of January 19, 2024 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.
]]>Not working under new WordPress release has this been abandoned?
]]>Absolutely love this plugin, but obviously, it’s not getting updated so I’m a little concerned.
If I remove it what will become of all the post thumbnails that I’ve edited with it? Will they stay cropped?
I know this plugin has not been worked on in ages but I am just now having a problem with it which is a huge testament to how awesome it is! Thank you!!! But as of the last few updates to wordpress I haven’t been able to get it to work. I’ll crop the thumbnail and save but it still shows the full photo on the front page. I tried regenerating thumbnails and everything. This is the only plugin i can find that does what I need it to ?? please help!
]]>Hello, I notice this plugin hasn’t been updated in a while and I’m offering to co-develop this plugin so that it has been tested with the latest WordPress version.
Please contact me here if interested: https://mediaron.com/contact/
]]>Steps to reproduce:
1. Update to WordPress 5.0.x
1. Create a new post
1. Add a classic block
1. Add a few paragraphs of text and a YouTube link such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6CyTF32K2w
on it’s own line into the classic block
1. Save and publish, then close the post
1. Install and activate the Post Thumbnail Editor plugin (I tested with version 2.4.8)
1. Re-open the post
Result: the classic block is blank when a YouTube video is part of the content and the following error appears in the console:
TypeError: wp.shortcode is not a constructor
Screenshot: https://cloudup.com/c6DN2Comvz6
/hat tip hexagongirl for the original report on GitHub at https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/12678#issuecomment-453159948
]]>I know this plugin hasn’t been updated in two years, but I have continued to find it useful, and it didn’t have any obvious security flaws to make me stop. However, when I upgraded today to 5.0, I discovered this plugin and Gutenberg do not play nice. Unless I deactivate Post Thumbnail Editor, I get a blank screen when I try to edit a post or page using the block editor (aka only way to edit if not using Classic Editor plugin).
Would love to see an update for this plugin!
]]>Was having a problem with PTE and WordPress 4.9.8: cropped thumbnails stopped showing in front end due to file renaming by PTE.
Changed templates to get_the_post_thumbnail_url(get_the_ID(),'thumbnail');
instead of the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail');
and that restored the cropped images to the front end.
If a thumbnail’s crop region extends beyond the borders of the original image, PTE saves a thumbnail in PNG format, even if the source is a JPEG.
Over time, the disk and bandwidth penalties from silently converting JPEGs to PNGs can really add up. On just one of my client’s sites, this reached a staggering 4GB after just a couple years! Haha.
I would love to see a configuration option for preserving image formats in such cases, perhaps using solid white for the void region (or a user-selected color).
i have a few important questions about the plugin.
Does the plugin store any personal data in the wordpress data or others?
Does the plugin use google webfonts?
Does the plugin send any data to third party servers?
Does the plugin use cookies?
The reason is the EU GDPR and whether the plugin is compliant with it.
Thank you!
I thought it would be helpful to recommend alternatives to PTE given that the plugin has not been updated in a long time. I have had mixed experiences with other crop plugins in the community so would be good to hear what other plugins people are using to crop their thumbnails manually. I’ve switched over to YoImages for now but it comes with extra features you might never user, ie the SEO feature or the stock image search… Otherwise I found Image Focus which uses image focus points as a basis for cropping rather than allowing a manual crop.
]]>Custom crops using this plugins are discarded when regenerating the thumbnails using a plugin. Can this be mitigated by using different/better hooks?
When using Post Thumbnail Editor, it seems to me that the function wp_get_attachment_image() doesn’t include the generated thumbnail of that specific size anymore. Am I the only one with this issue and might I be doing something wrong? This is the code I use to generate the image:
<img src="<?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail_url('', 'thumbnail'); ?>" srcset="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image_srcset( get_post_thumbnail_id(), ''); ?>" sizes="(max-width: 478px) 447px, (min-width: 479px) and (max-width: 767px) 353px, (max-width: 991px) 220px, (min-width: 992px) 204px" alt="">
Advanced Custom Fields PRO Version 5.6.1 has a conflict with this plugin.
Opening the Post Thumbnail Editor page for a particular media file results just in navigation and blank main page area.
Error console:
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at A (require.js?ver=2.4.8:8)
at K (require.js?ver=2.4.8:15)
at Object.h [as require] (require.js?ver=2.4.8:26)
at requirejs (require.js?ver=2.4.8:31)
at main.js:1
A @ require.js?ver=2.4.8:8
K @ require.js?ver=2.4.8:15
h @ require.js?ver=2.4.8:26
requirejs @ require.js?ver=2.4.8:31
(anonymous) @ main.js:1
Hi @sewpafly,
We want to use this plugin on many sites we are building. Are you still actively supporting it? We could offer resources to help support it going forward if that would help?
when i try to use the thumbnail editor with a user that has role “Author” it is not working.
the link is openening the “uploads” Page to add media files.
Doing the same with an admin user everything is ok.
also tried to disable all other plugins – same problem.
using wordpress 4.7.5 and Avada Template
Does anyone have an idea how we can solve this? or is it not possible to crop an image as author?
]]>I’m looking for a quick way to easily set the aspect ratio of feature images in custon posts.
I can see that there is an aspect ratio but only the width shows as a horizontal line on the image.
I tick my custom size (400 x 300) but nothing seems to happen.
Should I expect a box to sit over the top of the image with these dimensions?
HI, with the 4.7.3 update the plugin wont work, the link provide a lib display in the dialog, no more resizing. Who ca help ? Any update version soon ?
Thanks for this useful plugin.
Wonderful tool!
But I seem to have a problem with saving the cropped thumbnail.
The image did not show up on the page after cropping and I checked from ftp that the thumbnail is saved indeed but it has now different name from the original.
For example, if the image was named first “somekindofname-272×182.jpg” then now it has some additional numbers in the end, looks like this: “somekindofname-272×182-1482822828.jpg”.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this happening?
I’m using PTE from years but it seem it doesn’t work anymore.
When I try to edit a pic, there is a shot “loading moment” (less than 1sec).
(see here https://www.dropbox.com/s/1z9ff35km2jtlha/002.png?dl=0 )
Then the tool apairs with no pic.
(see here https://www.dropbox.com/s/ww244ycokfa7dx0/003.png?dl=0 )
I cannot edit nothing.
Could you help me ? Is there any solution ? (sorry for my english)
I’m having difficulty generating a WordPress gallery from the post thumbnail editor.
I’m using the gallery shortcode do_shortcode('[gallery ids="'.$ids.'" size="medium"]')
using a list of ids. I understand that the id list will correspond to the actual images rather than the cropped version. How can I get the id of the cropped version(assuming it’s saved as an image) and if the id doesn’t exist does a way exist to save the cropped version as its own image before loading into the gallery?
Thank You
]]>When you open the Post Thumbnail editor from the Media Library there is no way to back to the Media Library. Can you please give us a button to back?
A couple of situations where this happens:
– Open Media Library > Choose image > open post thumbnail image. Can’t go back to media library from here.
– When in a post/page: Add featured image > media library opens > choose image > open post thumbnail image. Can’t go back to media library from here.
Hi, this plugin works great so thanks for that! We noticed that the most recent version is rendering a broken button if you drill down into the media file by clicking Edit More Details then click Edit Image and then click the Post Thumbnail Editor button. What I’m seeing is the href on that button is set to: “function (n){return o.call(this,n,m)}”
I suspect this is a pretty easy fix. Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi!, thank you for a great plugin!
When i’m insert new images directly into a post (not feature image), i select a thumbnail size in the dropdown menu. On that page i can see a link to “Post thumbnail editor”.
If i insert the image, highlight it, and click edit. I can only edit the original image, and the changes does not change the thumbnail, so nothing happens in my post.
Could you make a button next to edit original, with an “Edit thumbnail”, so i can edit the select thumbnail within your post thumbnail editor?.
Thanks again!
I like my feature image which is of size 200×200 but not shown entirely (for what other stupid reason) ever to shown correctly as promised by this plugin.
But once installed, you can select crop and image and what ever, but when saving nothing happens.
Really nothing.
Great, amzing, awesome tool. Thank you for wasting my time.
Suddenly Post Thumbnail Editor stopped working in Firefox. The page just sort of never loads. Any idea what could be going on?
]]>[DEBUG ][2016-09-09T11:52:00+00:00][ PARAMETERS: Array
[action] => pte_ajax
[pte-action] => iframe
[pte-id] => 9016
) ]
[DEBUG ][2016-09-09T11:52:00+00:00][ PTE-VERSION: 2.4.8
USER-AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36
WORDPRESS: 4.5.3 ]
[DEBUG ][2016-09-09T11:52:06+00:00][ PARAMETERS: Array
[action] => pte_ajax
[id] => 9016
[pte-action] => get-thumbnail-info
) ]
[WARNING][2016-09-09T11:52:10+00:00][ Couldn’t find or generate metadata for image: 9016-medium ]
[WARNING][2016-09-09T11:52:10+00:00][ Couldn’t find or generate metadata for image: 9016-medium_large ]
[WARNING][2016-09-09T11:52:17+00:00][ Couldn’t find or generate metadata for image: 9016-large ]
Since I migrate my webserver to PHP7, Post Thumbnail Editor is not working… It doesn’t show up the image in the crop window and don’t generate automatically those thumbnails.
Any one facing this too?
I had to revert to PHP 5.6 and now it’s working again.
We are using “WP Offload S3 Lite” to upload all our images to amazon sever, but when I try to edit image and crop them by using the this plugin, do not save the new crop.
Any ideas?
]]>Steps to reproduce:
I’ve noticed the “post-thumbnail” option has “false” in the “C” column and is not listed in the “…aspect ratio set:” list – is it because of that? If so, what shall I write to Fluida theme developers to change in the theme?
Thanks a lot!
plugin version 2.4.8
issue posted also here: https://github.com/sewpafly/post-thumbnail-editor/issues/127