This plugin is quite useful. I was wondering if you could please update the plugin’s readme file to indicate that it is tested and works well with WordPress 4.6+
Currently it shows that it hasnt been updated during last two years which will discourage many users from installing it.
]]>Hi! Thanks for making this small, but really useful plugin.
I translated it to Finnish, but I would need a translation editor status for this plugin at for approving it in order to make it available. Could you please request this from polyglots team, thanks!
]]>I think this one is broken with WordPress 4.5. I inherited a project that had Post Type Archive Link plugin. After upgading the metabox does not appear. The archive links do appear but can’t make new ones. Maybe just a small fix needed?
]]>Hello guys,
I have a problem, use the plugin for a long time, but now updated the wordpress version 4.4.2, even before upgrading this function was no longer working, I register an item in a certain category and will not appear when I access the url end of the directory, simply shows nothing, but if I do not register any category and access the url the system informs that there is no registered product in the category.
If you set show_in_nav_menus to ‘true’ when registering your post type, it seems that under Appearance->Menus you can simply click the “View All” tab of your custom post type and add a menu item for “All CPT” to the menu, which does the same thing as this plugin, unless I’m mistaken.
]]>Plugin is working as expected, but if you write some kind of text in the Description field of a Custom Post Type Archive, after saving the text disappear and it doesn’t exist anymore. Guess is something related to some change in nav-menu handling by WordPress 4.4? Any ideas how to make it work?
]]>Now that menus can be managed in the customizer, the post type archive pages don’t appear there. Are there any plans to add support for that to this plugin?
]]>the plugin was working like a charm with earlier versions of WP.
But now, I’ve started a new project with WP 4.3 and the plugin is not working. I’ve try deactivating all other plugin; but no, still not working.
]]>When i add a custom type to menu, this is the result:
Warning: filter_input_array() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in wp-content/plugins/post-type-archive-links/post-type-archive-links.php on line 363
]]>I get this error:
Warning: filter_input_array() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in /home/nazareno/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/post-type-archive-links/post-type-archive-links.php on line 363
]]>I have the Post Type Archives panel with my CPT inside.
I select my CPT and click on Add to Menu,
I see the loading gif one second, and it disapear.
And nothing. No JS error in console.
If I try to open a new section in the admin I have the popup wich say my changes will not be saved
So I tried to save it even if I see nothing changed.
And still nothing new in the menu, in back as well on front.
Tried without accent in CPT, same problem.
Tried on another menu, nothing new.
Tried with all other extensions off.
It do nothing :/
]]>In my theme, editors are allowed to edit theme options.I do this using the following code in my functions using the following code:
function custom_capabilities(){
$editor = get_role( 'editor' );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'custom_capabilities') ;
Unfortunately the archive meta box does not appear in the menu under Appearance> Menu.
However it works fine under admin accounts.
Please help!
]]>The plugin works perfectly but seems to create a before menu items title
<li id=”menu-item-829″ class=”menu-item menu-item-type-post_type_archive menu-item-object-cpt menu-item-829″><i class=”cpt”></i> CPT
Any ideas?
]]>Hi, this plugin looks very usefull as it avoids having to hard code in urls.
I’m using Genesis though and it isn’t working for me. There is no link, I just get:
<a>Menu Item</a>
I hope you can help, thanks
]]>Thanks for this plugin! Solved a huge need I had, but found myself wanting to link to the Posts Archive in the same way. Is there a reason that Posts don’t show up in this list as an option?
]]>Hi ,
in my local site your plugin works perfectly but when i published the website online it stop working. I tried to enable debug mode and get this warning:
Warning: filter_input_array() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in /var/www/clients/client0/web6/web/demo/wp-content/plugins/post-type-archive-links/post-type-archive-links.php on line 363
any idea ?
Maybe this could be added into core of the plugin, so it supports correct translation of CPT slugs via WPML.
// WPML - get translated CPT slug
if ( function_exists( 'icl_translate' ) ) {
$translated_slug = icl_translate('wpml_custom', 'wpml_custom_'.$post_type, $post_type);
if ($translated_slug != '') {
$menu_item->url = home_url( user_trailingslashit( $translated_slug, 'post_type_archive' ) );
]]>Would you mind posting an example of how to use the filter hook?
To force a post type archive to show even if it normally would not
Thanks for the plugin ?? The optional fields are showing even if turned off in screen settings, Not a big deal – but we try to keep the admin center as clean and stripped down as possible for our, um, ‘technically challenged’ clients…lol.
Any ideas how that can be resolved?
Thanks much!
]]>Hi there,
I’ve tried a few different solutions to this problem, but can’t seem to get any of them to work just right. This plugin (and others) show the Post Type Archives options in the menu creation page. However, when I try to add one of the archives to the menu, the “Add To Menu” button is greyed out and not clickable. This has happened with every solution I’ve tried today. Could this be an issue with WP 4.0?
]]>The meta box in appearance > Menu does not appear.
It worked well on the 3.8.3 before i update…
]]>When I navigate to the menus page, the ul that is supposed to contain the post types is empty.
WordPress 3.9.1, not other plugins that I could see having any interference (Just a regenerate thumbnails plugin).
]]>When adding these menu items, the type it shows as is “custom”. I recommend altering this to show as something like “archive”. It can be confusing when glancing at a large menu structure.
]]>I’ve just spend all night trying to find out a way to get custom post types to get highlighted in my menu AND showing the parent siblings in the menu. Untill I found this plugin! Worked great.
I just had one small issue: The plugging focusses solely on custom post types. Although I needed the builtin ones as well. (These also weren’t getting any menu’s or highlighting classes) on single’s.
To fix this I did the following:
On line 38; i took:
$custom_post_types = get_post_types(array('public'=>true,'_builtin'=>false), 'object'); ?>
And replaced that with:
$custom_post_types = get_post_types(array('public'=>true,'_builtin'=>false), 'object');
$builtin_post_types = get_post_types(array('public'=>true,'_builtin'=>true), 'object');
$post_types = (object) array_merge((array) $custom_post_types, (array) $builtin_post_types);
Now I was able to add my blogs as a 3rd level child to my 2nd level blog menu (still following? haha). Anyhow I thought this might be useful to others experiences the same problems, you might want to add that as an option or something ??
]]>Hi. I tried your plugin but after adding the links at the menu and saving it they automatically disappear. I’ve tried with two custom post types without luck.
Do you know what’s happening?