I’m going through all the plugins I use in more WordPress-sites to check if they comply with the GDPR.
Is PostMash Custom saving or processing any data (like IP-addresses) from people who visit sites that use the Plugin?
Thank you so much!
first of all great work!
I have a feature request.
Can you add the possibility to order your posts only for a specific category or tag?
Now, when I order in “all categories” like this:
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
it works for the homepage.
But when i reorder the posts in a specific category, which i have chosen first in the Listbox it destroys the original order for my Homepage. This works vice versa (order in specific category, reorder on all categories)
Please add this function.
]]>I can’t follow the installation instructions. I’m a WP user (not a developer) who regularly has to jump in and edit code via Dreamweaver / FTP.
Even still, I can’t tell by the instructions which code has to be added. I gather that it’s not enough just to install and activate the plugin (because it doesn’t work). I added the first bit of code, but beyond that it’s pretty unclear.
Just an FYI. Try adding language like “Step 1: Add the highlighted code after <….>… Step 2: Then, add…”
Good luck,
]]>When using this under 3.3.1 it says ‘updated successfully’ but then all pages on the site throw a 404 and wp-admin is inaccessible.
Deleted and restored database to get out of this, and repeated to confirm.
]]>In the orderlist compare also drafted and deleted posts. And if I delete these, in the orderlist compare these again
]]>Like the plugin idea and it worked, but it set a reverse chronological order on all my posts…I’m not changing them all.
]]>I am using the PostMash Custom plugin on my portfolio site, and it is very useful for reordering content in my “Project” custom post type, but the suggested next_post_link_menu() and previous_post_link_menu() links do not work when used in my single project display template. They do not appear at all.
I do not use “categories” for my project post type, only a variety of custom taxonomies. If I alter the plugin code to set “in_same_cat” to false, the links do appear, but they then link to blog posts rather than projects.
Is there a way to get the PostMash Custom next and previous post links to work with a custom post type in custom post single display template?
]]>I move the selected posts to the order I want, press the update button, the plugin responds the database has been updated. But returning to my home page and refreshing it shows my posted articles remain in the same order in which I posted them.
]]>Works great! Is there a way to get it to work with category view? Such as anything that shows up on the archive.php file?
]]>the initial view of the posts is in the wrong order the first time you use the plugin because there are no values in menu_order. A solution to this would be to order the posts by date as the first variable, then by menu_order. Once you save the menu_order will always be dominant. LIke so.
ORDER BY post_date DESC, menu_order ASC”
hope this helps.
here is the new if statement:
foreach($res as $r) {
$psql .= " $sep post_type ='$r' ";
$sep = "OR";
$psql = "($psql)";
// use this if you just want posts
//$psql = " post_type = 'post' ";
$date = $_GET['m'];
$mmonth = substr($date, -2);
$yyear = substr($date, 0, 4);
//get posts from database
$query_post .= "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts ";
if (isset($_GET['cat']) && $_GET['cat'] != '0') {
$query_post .= "INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships ON($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->term_relationships.object_id)
INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy ON($wpdb->term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id)
WHERE $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_id = " . $_GET['cat'] ;
$query_post .= " AND $psql";
} else {
$query_post .= "WHERE $psql ";
if (isset($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] != '0') {
$query_post .= " AND YEAR($wpdb->posts.post_date) = " . $yyear ." AND MONTH($wpdb->posts.post_date) = " . $mmonth ;
$query_post .= " AND post_status = 'publish'";
$query_post .= " ORDER BY post_date DESC, menu_order ASC" ;
]]>1. Using filter on the Reorder posts page, takes you to an invalid URL (a slash is replaced by %2F in the URL)
2. When clicking the Update button, there is a Timeout error mes-sage. Reor-de-ring is not saved.