when is posts per cat going to be compatible with WP 4.3.1 ? I installed version
My problem is that in the settings, I can configure nothing. Installed Redux framework
]]>Hi urkekg,
It seems Posts per Cat is still not compatible with WordPress 4.2.2, is that right? I’ve used this plugin before and it works but with WP 4.2.2 now, I don’t think it doesn’t as it returns this error:
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘height’ in /home/moneyuniversity/public_html/copysmartinvestor/wp-content/plugins/posts-per-cat/wp-postspercat.php on line 151
This is even with all my other plugins disabled! (As I wanted to know if I have a plugin that conflicts with Posts per Cat)
Please let me know if I am wrong and/or what I have to do for this to be fixed. Thanks!
]]>This may be a dumb question but I’ve searched for an answer and haven’t been successful. If I write and format my posts so that, for example, an email address is on a line of its own or I separate the paragraphs to make the text readable or embolden a heading – none of this appears on the PPC page. It just appears to ignore any formatting. Have I missed a trick here? Any suggestions will be helpful.
An update to Redux was just released, updating from 1.0.0 to 3.5.1. When I tried to update it, it would not work. WP just said that the update had finished, but it was still showing that an update was available. I tried to disable Posts Per Cat, then process the update. It worked. I was then able to reactivate your plugin. Now everything appears to be working correctly.
I think you’ll need to make some fixes to your plugin to allow for version 1.0.0 of Redux.
]]>Hello I use this shortcode:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[ppc exclude="1"]' ); ?>
I have an error massages:
Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in …/wp-content/plugins/posts-per-cat/wp-postspercat.php on line 113
Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in …/wp-content/plugins/posts-per-cat/wp-postspercat.php on line 113
Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in …/wp-content/plugins/posts-per-cat/wp-postspercat.php on line 117
Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in …/wp-content/plugins/posts-per-cat/wp-postspercat.php on line 117
What can cause the problem?
]]>Hi and thanks for this nice plugin.
Just i want to know how i can display after the more text all categories, not just the parent category? It will be better it shows the sub categories instead of parent.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Where do I need to paste this code <?php do_action(‘ppc’); ?> because I’ve pasted it in index.php, archive.php, but nothing worked for me.
I’m using the columns option. Is there an easy way to make them responsive, whereas they’d stack one on top of the other instead of as it is now where they’re squished on a mobile device?
Is there a way to just show thumbnails and headlines without showing the excerpt? I’d love for it to look something like this… https://dearhandmadelife.com/blog/recipes/ but I’m not sure how to remove the excerpts while keeping the thumbnail.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi there.
It’s strange, but shortcodes not working at all. I just see category name, but not the news.
Used this code:
[ppc columns=3 minh=200 include=5 order=custom posts=10 nosticky=1 excerpts=all excleng=150]
I also checked another same plugins and have the same issue. What was the problem?
]]>Hi Although thumbnails are enabled on my site I can’t get them to display on posts per cat. Also, the category title is showing as the page title even though I’ve unticked “show title on page”. Any help would be very much appreciated.
]]>Hi I have a video tube site and I am trying to use this plugin to replace my current themes post grids which only allow 3 columns. I set the plugin to show 4 columns and when I place the shortcode and view it it always displays just one column alligned far left. I then tried to use the custom shortcode in your instructions to overide and set for number of columns. This still did not work.
Why is this happening? I want the grid to show rows of 4 posts(4 columns)
Thank you in advance
– Steven Minix
]]>Where do I insert the template to display custom formatted output?
i inserted the code into a page . it displays content correctly but at the top of the page i see the error message below in three lines before the output as shown below
Warning mb_substr() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given in /home/onyekat/public_html/www.mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/posts-per-cat/inc/tools.phpparameter error in version 1.4.1 on line 6
Warning mb_substr() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given in /home/onyekat/public_html/www.mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/posts-per-cat/inc/tools.phpparameter error in version 1.4.1 on line 6
Warning mb_substr() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given in /home/onyekat/public_html/www.mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/posts-per-cat/inc/tools.phpparameter error in version 1.4.1 on line 6
any help on how to gelete this error message
]]>I just downloaded this plugin, now I am not sure how to do the setting. This is what I want to do:
1) I want to add three columns vertically in the content part. Later on this column may keep adding below depending on number of posts.
2) I want to add three columns horizontal below each single posts for “related posts”
3) For no.1 I want the latest posts to automatically show on top.
Here is a sample link for no.1
Here is my URL for which I want to make these changes: https://xplor-india.com/
Great plugin! It’s been very helpful for my site!
However, since I upgraded to 1.4.1 though, I couldn’t get the checkboxes in PPC’s plugin settings page on WordPress to work. I have Redux.
When I try to tick the checkbox for the option “Use PPC for styling list?” and click the Save Changes button, it loads and refreshes the page and WP says that the new settings have been updated but the checkbox remains unticked. And when I look at my site (www.pinoyinvestor.com), the PPC boxes don’t get updated and look as if the checkbox remains unticked.
Any help on this please? Don’t know what to do and would appreciate your valuable help!
]]>Thanks for this wonderful plugin. Please how can I add pagination indie the widget.?
I want to use 5 posts from each category but want to make the rest posts appear under the listed posts as 1,2,3 etc pages. Thanks.
My website is https://www.globalruns.com
The plugin documentation gave me the impression that I’d be able to have sticky posts in each category appear at the top of it’s category’s lists. But having installed the plugin, I don’t see where/how that can be done.
Can somebody help (or let me know it can’t be done)?
Scott <><
]]>Is there a way in this new version to make the thumbnail appear above the category title when displaying for first article only??
]]>HI guys!
I love your Plug-in! But I’m having a bit of a hard time here trying to show the thumbnails in the posts list. I just can’t work it out.
Please refer to https://www.algomizer.com/our-blog-2/
From “Inspect Element” I can see the spot where the image is supposed to be. But it’s not showing.
Please help!
Thanks! Judy.
I have qtranslaste plugin version 2.5.39 which works great with posts-per-cat 1.2.1 .
But when I upgraded posts-per-cat to 1.4.1 I get this error:
Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Post could not be converted to string in /home/…./wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/qtranslate_core.php on line 455
]]>Again thanks.
Perfect upgrade by adding the supported macros.
Just want to know if it is possible to add a built in CSS Override area within the plugin’s admin panel so we can edit specific areas of the plugin’s CSS ?
Other than that, great job.
]]>Posts per Cat 1.4.0 needs Redux Framework Plugin to configure. But after install Redux Framework Plugin it is still saying:
“To configure global Posts per Cat options, you need to install and activate Redux Framework Plugin.”
It is impossible to configure PPC 1.4.0 even if Redux Framework Plugin is installed and activated.
Please fix this problemn or tell us what to do to solve this problem.
After upgrading to wordpress 4 I get this error:
Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘POSTS_PER_CAT::echo_shortcode’ was given in C:\inetpub\vhosts\claudiotereso.com\subdomains\work\httpdocs\wp-includes\plugin.php on line 505
I use: <?php do_action(“ppc”); ?>
]]>No matter what number I enter for the minimum height, the box sizes do not change. What am I doing wrong?
]]>Hello Mr. Uro?evi?
I use a plugin posts per cat when first building my website. On the menu A – Z on my website, I display the category based on the first name. each category have many posts. My question, how to add count / number of post behind the category name.
Examples of the category “A”, i want to show: Avenged Sevenfold (17)
how to display “(17)”?
Thank you for the answer. I really love your plugin.
My website : https://www.chordindonesia.com
I’m using post per cat as new user.
1.) Helpfull would be an option to show a horizontal shortcut overview for big lists of catgeories with the (alpha)numeric listing 0–9 and A–Z with anchors to the concerning category headline in the listing.
2.) The listing by default:
should not be the only possibility for the listing, it should also possible to change to:
3.) There should be an option that the headlines are not fixed on the same position. If there is on the left a category with two posts, on the right a category with 50 posts – that means there will be a lot of white space on the left side –, an option is missing that the categories with concerning posts follows each other coherently so that headlines not on the same position and without having white space.
I hope the developers grab some of the ideas for an update of the plugin, I would be delighted.
is it somehow possible to exclude a whole category tree (main and subcat’s). eg. when I give the “Exclude category” field an ID of an category with subcategories?
]]>Looks like that topic keeps getting closed, so why not see if there’s a way around this evil. PPC fails on the index.php template page. Not sure why, but I was wondering if the author can give me some advice about this. Let me know if this is a defect or not. Talk soon.
]]>Is there a way to add the Author’s “Display Name” to the title ?