After syncing the json forms to GF > Go to to form edit screen. If Gravity Forms Save button is clicked without making any changes, “inputType” => “” is added to add field data in json.
But if I make even one change on any field, etc. add a space to label or remove one, all “inputType” => “” -lines are removed.
Although the empty inputType doesn’t seem to be doing anything, I hope this will be fixes as it often results in back- and forth pull requests.
]]>Hello All!
For some time now, I have been using your Power Boost for Gravity Forms application (which is really great), but recently I encountered a problem that I cannot resolve.
Specifically: I have two WordPress systems (one is a development environment, and the other is a “production” environment). I use Power Boost to transfer .json files between the instances. However, something happened that I cannot explain—when updating the JSON file (local JSON -> LOAD), the entire section related to the Workflow is removed (all steps like PDF generation, sending notifications, etc., disappear).
I have tried several solutions, but I’m running out of ideas. I would greatly appreciate any guidance on how to resolve this issue.
Thank you in advance
Is it possible to disable the field ID’s when viewing the ‘Compact view’ in gravity forms?
The ID’s are already added here in a nice way, so they are double now.
I was wondering how “gravityforms_local_json_save_path” hook. I’m trying to change the location where the JSON are saved. Any sample will appreciated.
]]>I’m using Power Boost to help build a simple contract. The contract is pulling fields from a previous form page and populating an HTML Block with the final details.
I’d like for a copy of the contract (HTML Block) to be sent via GF email notifications. Unfortunately, HTML Blocks aren’t sent as part of the {all_fields} merge tag.
I found a code snippet (below) that will add it to the {all_fields} merge tag. The new problem is the emails show the merge tags instead of the final processed output. How do I get email notifications to render merge tags in HTML Blocks?
* Include HTML Fields in {all_fields} Merge Tag by Default
add_action( 'gform_merge_tag_filter', function( $value, $tag, $modifiers, $field ) {
if ( $field->type == 'html' && $tag == 'all_fields' ) {
$value = $field->content;
return $value;
}, 10, 4 );
Thanks for your help!
I was looking to add Merge Tags to the HTML field for a summary for user’s and found your original plugin ( which lead me here.
After activating this plugin the Merge Tags are showing up empty now compared to {What kind of pet do you have?:1} but the value is not appearing either.
Is there something I need to do differently?
Thank you!
]]>Hi Corey, the option to automatically save the JSON in a theme-folder would be amazing. That works like a charm with ACF and version-controlling the GF forms with this option would be great.
When using the filter hook to change the default location to the theme instead of the uploads folder, it successfully updates the location in the settings:
File Location
JSON Form Exports Path
But when saving the form it throws this warning:
Warning: file_put_contents(https://{theme-folder}/gf-json\15.json): failed to open stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections in C:\{local-WP-folder}\wp-content\plugins\power-boost-for-gravity-forms\includes\local-json.php on line 109
It’s a local server on my device, set up using Laragon on Windows.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
]]>Just starting to check this plugin out, but if the local json works as expected, it would be a game changer.
Are you planning to continue actively developing?
Could easily be a premium plugin.