Hello Team,
We are using the PowerPack for LearnDash plugin, and it is causing an issue with the course content. We enabled the “Display Course Content Below Prerequisite Message” option in the plugin settings, but the content displayed below the message appears to be corrupted.
Please check the attached loom video and assist us in resolving this issue.
When I set the site to php 8.0, I get the following error:
Deprecated: Required parameter $post follows optional parameter $comment_status in MY_SITE/wp-content/plugins/powerpack-for-learndash/includes/ld_classes/learndash-powerpack-enable-comments-on-focus-mode.php on line 42
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at MY_SITE/wp-content/plugins/powerpack-for-learndash/includes/ld_classes/learndash-powerpack-enable-comments-on-focus-mode.php:42) in MY_SITE/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6880
Reverting to 7.4 removes the issue.
]]>Hi – getting this fatal error after updating today.
Warning: require_once(/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/powerpack-for-learndash/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/powerpack-for-learndash/learndash-powerpack.php on line 24
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/powerpack-for-learndash/vendor/autoload.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/php/7.4/lib/php’) in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/powerpack-for-learndash/learndash-powerpack.php on line 24
]]>Had to deactivate the plugin. Says:
Warning: require_once(/home/www/melodyenglish.cz/www/online.melodyenglish.cz/wp-content/plugins/powerpack-for-learndash/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/melodyenglish.cz/www/online.melodyenglish.cz/wp-content/plugins/powerpack-for-learndash/learndash-powerpack.php on line 24
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/www/melodyenglish.cz/www/online.melodyenglish.cz/wp-content/plugins/powerpack-for-learndash/vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.') in /home/www/melodyenglish.cz/www/online.melodyenglish.cz/wp-content/plugins/powerpack-for-learndash/learndash-powerpack.php on line 24
What can I do? Or will there be a fix soon?
]]>Hello, I have no options visible on settings tab of PowerPack for LD.
Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/1vunwr1
WP version: 5.8.1
LearnDash version: 3.5.1
What could be the reason?
]]>Enabling Certificate shortcode link to open in a new window disables the [ld_certificate course_id=”xxx”] button.
The button just disappears. Disabling Certificate shortcode link to open in a new window brings the button back.
]]>If you translate the name “Learndash” the control panel does not appear. Not sure the root of the issue but test using the snipped below.
function translate_text( $translated ) {
// The first parameter is the original text, the second parameter is the changed text.
$translated = str_ireplace( 'LearnDash', 'Something Else', $translated );
// Returns the translated text
return $translated;
add_filter( 'gettext', 'translate_text' );
add_filter( 'ngettext', 'translate_text' );
Dear developer. I inform you that today I tried to install your plugin on my site hosted in siteground and this activated the security system (Sucuri) of the server causing my site to be taken out of service for 2 hours until I could delete all the files of your plugin.
As reported by SG support technicians, the plugin contains files that introduce vulnerabilities on our site that threaten the security of the entire server.
I recommend that you investigate why your plugin files are reported as a security threat by Siteground and Sucuri. Greetings
]]>In dashboard a gray rectangle area is covering the top on the screen.
Inspect element shows this:
<div id=”learndash-powerpack-modal” class=”modal”>
<!– Modal content –>
<div class=”learndash-powerpack-modal-content”>
<form action=”” name=”learndash_save_class_data” class=”form_learndash_save_class_data”>
<div class=”imm-bg-gray-200 imm-p-5 imm-rounded-t”>
<h2 class=”model_data_title imm-my-0 imm-font-semibold imm-text-lg imm-pr-10″></h2>
<span class=”learndash-powerpack-close imm-absolute imm-top-6 imm-right-5″>×</span>
<div class=”learndash-powerpack-modal-body imm-bg-white imm-py-10 imm-px-6 imm-font-semibold imm-leading-8″></div>
<div class=”learndash_success_message”></div>
<div class=”learndash-powerpack-modal-footer imm-bg-gray-200 imm-p-6 imm-rounded-b”></div>
When I activated plugin and went as user to course page, I got log off. When I logged in back, I still got log off at course page.
I have a question about the last item on your list of features: “Unenroll the user from all common groups when the course access is expired.”
Can you confirm that I’m understanding this feature correctly: A user enrolls in a course, which automatically adds them to a group. When the course access expires, the user will now be unenrolled from both the course and removed from the group – is that correct? (I don’t know what “common group” means.)
(The way it is now, and which I don’t want but can’t figure out how to change, is: the user enrolls in a course/is added to group. When the course access expires the user still remains “Enrolled” in the course, the course progress is reset to 0%, and the user is still in the group. And the course grid still shows the user as “Enrolled.”)
I have not installed this plugin yet, but am very interested in this feature if it does what I hope it does. Thanks!
Can you please explain what is
Bypass WooCommerce background enrolment so save cron hassle!?
]]>Hi, when I activate the plugin, and keep your welcome_name function disabled, the user_nicename disappears in focus mode. I Solved this with this change in Your Plugin Code:
public function ld_focus_mode_welcome_name_func( $display_name, $user_info ) {
$option_active_status = if_current_class_is_active( $this->current_class );
if ( ‘active’ !== $option_active_status ) {
return $user_info->user_nicename; // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THIS CHANGE *______*
return $user_info->first_name; }
My change was just a test, I don’t know if you think it can be good. I remain available for clarification.
I have found one error.
With the plugin installed (and all snippets disabled) the “details” button of the courses is hidden from the wordpress users screen (this is the button that shows all the steps of the course and also shows those that the user has completed). It is solved when deactivating the plugin. Here an image:
]]>Just a question. Is your Learndash plugin compatible with Elementor?
]]>The plugin gives me the warning:
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘LearnDash_PowerPack_Disable_Transients_For_All_Selective_Data’ does not have a method ‘learndash_transients_disabled_func’ in /home/customer/www/xxxxxxx/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 292