I tried publishing something tonight.
It does get publishedé But in the title, it does not like the apostrophe.
C'est quoi le compostage? – what prints
C’est quoi le compostage? – what it should be
Might you have a reason this might happen?
How might I be able to correct it?
It does nto seem to happen in the text, but I have not posted a lot of articles, so I will watch for that.
Thanks for ideas.
Can I use a company page on LinkedIn instead of my personal profile?
I have successfully logged in to my Tumblr account via your plug in. The red inactive button changed to Active.
But, since I set things up and posted 2-3 articles to my blog, nothing gets posted to Tumblr.
I get no errors of any sort that might indicate that something went wrong.
It posts fine for me to:
Thanks for any clues and ideas to get things working!
I see google + listed as a feature of the plug in.
I also see it grayed out in the config area area of the plug in.
Is it ready to be used? Or, is it being developed?
I recently installed your plug in.
I am starting to test it, but the first step is to sign in to my social media acocunts.
Niether my facebook or Linked IN accounts work when I try and log in.
I get a:
result in the window where I entered my username and password.
Twitter and Tumblr work just fine.
Any help with Facebook and LinkedIN errors?
]]>Have tried with a couple versions of wp, and with updates.
“broadcast” button on posts does nothing at all
plugin page (upon broadcast) just spins but never posts a thing (that I have seen anyway).
Uninstalled and removed all permissions from social networks
]]>Should have known by the dead support forum. Anyway, there is no settings page. Shows up as Social Connect in sidemenu but has an invisible link to nowhere and a link to the dashboard. Dashboard is just a list of your posts and some tiny, obscure, unlabeled buttons. When clicking on a button, a popup with some social dialogs boxes comes up but there is nowhere to add a specific account or to post to them or anything. This plugin is half-baked. Will withhold review for now as I don’t want to poison it’s chances. But the developer really needs to get cracking.
]]>Sobald ich auf “Mit LinkedIN verbinden” klicke, erhalte ich im sich ?ffnenden Fenster folgende Fehlermeldung:
Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key.
An was liegt’s?
Got lots of server errors in Server’s error-log file when the plugin is used:
(PHP 5.4 is used)
Any fix?
I discovered another bad behaviour of the plugin:
I use a WP network installation as super-admin.
But for security reasons I do not post (and will not!) with my (super admin name), but I have created another user with only “author rights”.
I am always logged in as super-admin and write as super-admin all posts.
But within a single post at the bottom I switch the author to the other author (name) with lower rights.
But now I cannot see all these postings in the plugins dashboard to post them to the social networks.
Any fix please?
If it’s really the fact, that you need not to register for PR-GATEWAY for a free account to use this plugin, then I must say it does NOT work:
when trying to share with your plugin my posts I only see a blank white empty popup!
I have NOT created a free account as you have suggested in the reviews here, but in the plugin’s settings, it is stated, that it IS necessary!
Using WP 3.9.1 as multisite installation (network + domainmapping / blogs in sub-directories), your plugin NOT network enabled.