Notice: Undefined index: wordpress_homepage in /../www/blog/wp-content/plugins/prestashop-integration/prestashop-integration.php on line 121
Notice: Undefined index: use_prestashop_frontpage in /../www/blog/wp-content/plugins/prestashop-integration/prestashop-integration.php on line 122
Could it be fixed ? is this plugin still maintained ?
– Arnaud
]]>PS vz.: 5.7.2
module Vz.: 0.9.13
lang module: polylang
PrestaShopIntegration::psLang() – php NOTICE
$lang is not defined, if defined( ‘ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE’ ) OR function_exists( ‘pll_current_language’ )
Need to be defined before.
function psLang() {
if ( $this->id_lang )
return $this->id_lang;
+ $lang = '';
if ( defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) )
$iso_code = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
elseif ( function_exists( 'pll_current_language' ) )
$iso_code = pll_current_language();
elseif ( $lang = get_bloginfo('language') )
$iso_code = substr( $lang, 0, 2 );
if ( $iso_code ) {
if ($this->psdb) {
$id_lang = $this->psdb->get_var( '
SELECT <code>id_lang</code>
FROM <code>'.$this->psprefix.'lang</code>
WHERE <code>active</code> = 1 AND (<code>iso_code</code> = "'.$iso_code.'" OR <code>iso_code</code> = "'.$lang.'")' );
if ( $id_lang > 0 )
return ( $this->id_lang = $id_lang );
return ( $this->id_lang = $this->psConfiguration( 'PS_LANG_DEFAULT' ) );
Hello aytechnet,
Thx for your incredible work ??
We managed to make your module work with PrestaShop 1.7, very nice.
I have a question regarding the translations… If we change the language of PrestaShop then accessing the blog the header and footer are translated but not the blog content, do you know why?
Also, how to allow the user to change the language when he is on the blog? The PrestaShop language switcher is not working ??
]]>Hi! My client wants a basic website on wordpress and at the same time an online store to do dropshipping via a prestashop module. Any recommendations on how to maintain both? Is it possible?
]]>So it looks like there’s an issue with redeclaration in the prestashop revslider module. I think they might have just used the same function names when integrating revslider with prestashop and then those that are missing in prestashop and default in wordpress, they just added.. is there any workaround for this?
[31-Jul-2020 15:28:56 US/Hawaii] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_localize_script() (previously declared in /home/ in /home/public_html/modules/revsliderprestashop/revslider-loader.php on line 1467
Tout est dans le titre, quand le plugin est actif, cela cause problème vis à vis des sliders sur le site. Le message ce dégageant est donc: Uncaughted Referenceerror: pswp_ajax_url is not defined
Auriez-vous une piste sur comment régler ce désagrément ?
Merci beaucoup.
I configure the plugin successfully however when I call this function I don’t see the number of products in the cart
ps_include ( ‘modules / ps_shoppingcart / ps_shoppingcart.tpl’);
Prestashop is in the same hosting, the same domain but it’s under different 3° level domain.
When I set up plugin correctly (version 0.9.12), i see ‘
The actual value “../ps/shop” refers to a PrestaShop installation version named …’, but my wordpress frontpage is always prestashop frontpage, whathever ‘PrestaShop frontpage us WordPress frontpage’ is checked or unchecked.
Bonjour Fran?ois et merci pour le plugin.
J’ai une install neuve de presta 1.7.3, et le plugin installé sous WordPress 5.3.2. Php 1.7.2
Quoique je rentre dans le champ, je n’arrive pas à me connecter.
Il s’agira d’installer ?a sur un domaine et un sous-domaine. et Possible ?
Une idée ? Merci beaucoup
Le message d’erreur
PrestaShop path:
The actual value “” does not refer to a PrestaShop installation !
Please check your installation or this plugin will not work !
Bonjour Fran?ois,
Je vous remercie une nouvelle fois pour votre aide précieuse de la dernière fois.
Sans avoir touché à quoi que ce soit il se trouve que désormais l’option “Use PrestaShop frontpage for WordPress frontpage:” est toujours active que la case soit cochée ou non. Je souhaite que WordPress soit la home page du site et du coup la redirection vers Presta est permanente.
D’avance merci beaucoup.
Jean David
J’utilise WordPress 5.2.3 et Prestashop avec Prestashop en sous-rep /store.
J’ai patché Shop.php pour éviter la redirirection systématique vers la home de Prestashop, ?a fonctionne avec les modifs des FAQ pour Presta 1.6
En revanche pas moyen d’afficher quoi que ce soit, le shortcode et les widget affichent toujours le même message d’erreur :
Ce site rencontre des difficultés techniques.
[ps_product_list id_category=3 n=3 p=1 tpl=product-list.tpl]
D’avance merci pour votre aide, je veux seulement afficher une sélection de produits en home page de WP.
Jean David
[email protected]
J’ai besoin de faire une mise à jour des données précédemment importées depuis Prestashop vers WordPress avant mise en ligne de notre projet. Je souhaite ajouter les dernières commandes et clients mais quels que soient mes efforts de compréhension l’import des commendes est toujours limité à mai 2018.
Avez-vous une explication svp ?
D’avance merci, c’est très urgent pour nous, notre mis en ligne est retardé par ce point.
D’avance merci,
Jean David
[email protected]
My client has a store in PrestaShop Prestashop integrated with a Wodpress 5.2 . When he updated the wordpress to version 5.2.2, somethig happend with CSS and scripts. Any help?
]]>Hi have been tring this on a test server and all seems to be going OK apart from one thing.
I have successfully changed the price format & currency from Euro and a , separator to £ and a . separator
Currency format for Euro places the currency symbol after the price, whereas Currency format places symbol before the price. i.e £25.99
Seems ti need changing in the following:
if ($dto!=”){
$txt_dto=number_format($dto, 2, ‘.’, ”).” £”;
Can you show me how to get the £ in front?
If I active plugin and insert URL (Absolute URL (/home/xxxxx/ when I go to I redirect automatic in Is Correct it?
I don’t want IT!
For this module works with PS1.7, into class PrestaShopIntegration, replace if conditon ‘if ( file_exists( $this->psabspath . ‘config/’ ) )’ by this condition :
if ( file_exists( $this->psabspath . 'app/config/parameters.php' ) ) {
try {
$ps_db_params = include( $this->psabspath . 'app/config/parameters.php' );
$ps_db_params = $ps_db_params['parameters'];
if ( DB_HOST == $ps_db_params['database_host'] &&
DB_NAME == $ps_db_params['database_name'] &&
DB_USER == $ps_db_params['database_user'] &&
DB_PASSWORD == $ps_db_params['database_password'] ) {
global $wpdb;
$this->psdb = $wpdb;
} else {
$this->psdb = new wpdb( $ps_db_params['database_user'], $ps_db_params['database_password'], $ps_db_params['database_name'], $ps_db_params['database_host']);
$this->psprefix = $ps_db_params['database_prefix'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
error_log("PrestaShop Integration: exception: ".$e->getMessage());
Will give :
‘The actual value “../” refers to a PrestaShop installation version named “My New Shop”‘
my client is thinking about change her into She has a shop in prestashop also. We will migrate prestashop in using this plugin.
My client has a doubt, in case in the future she wanted to return to and had prestashop separetly from wordpress, she could migrate the content from this plugin to prestashop.
Please, I don’t know what I have to put in prestashop path. Can you explain how to configure?
What I have to put here?: You need to enter here the relative path to your PrestaShop installation
]]>Hello. I’m trying to make the patch modifications work on my shop.php but it doesn’t work, i’m desperate.
I am using Prestashop and WordPress 4.7.3, the line numbers mentionned in the patch don’t match to the ones in my shop.php and I think that could be the reason of my mistakes when trying to apply the patch.
Could anyone help me with that ?
Thanks in advance !
I try to get the current number of products in cart calling the blockcart module, without success.
I call the prestashop like this in WP
<?php ps_include('./modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl'); ?>
And i call this module like this in Prestashop
{include file='./modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl'}
When i add some product to the cart, this work well in Prestashop side, but the cart is not updated in WP side…can you please help me ?
thank you
Je rencontre un petit souci à l’utilisation de ce plugin.
lorsque j’invoque
<?php echo do_shortcode('[ps_product_list id_product=6 n=1 p=1 tpl=product-list.tpl]'); ?>
Le produit est retourné plusieurs fois (4 fois en l’occurrence, pour certain produit c’est 2..)
Comment régler ce souci ?
Pour info mon prestashop est en multiboutiques (b2b et b2c)
merci beaucoup pour ton aide
I’m using cornerstone/ x theme and trying to use prestashop integration with it. When i put the shortcode into the text area the product shows up on the page, but it is sitting on the left. I have tried centering it using css as well as page options (center element etc), but it’s refusing to move at all. Any ideas?
Quick video of the behaviour:
In the source code of PrestaShop, prestashop/themes/default-bootstrap/js/global.js:382 has:
$(document).on('click', function(e){
This prevents listening to all click events on the document, since stopPropagation prevents the event from reaching other attached event listeners.
I have a wordpress site on main domain and a prestashop on subdomain.
In wordpress I use the Ultimate Member plugin for user management.
Now is there a way that
1. Users who register on the wordpress site, can log in to prestashop site as well with the same credentials?
2. User who are logged in wordpress remain logged in on prestashop?
3. And vice versa?
]]>Good morning,
I tried to Install the plug, but I have a redirection to PrestaShop when i visit my wordpress site. I tried to patch Shop.php and I get an error 500. I read again and again how to patch Shop.php but it’s not clear, did I have to past the code provided on the top of my Shop.php file? and close the “}” at the end of the script?
Best regards.
After the upgrade to wp 4.5.2, if the plugin prestashop intagration is active it is impossible to access to the pages where are prestashop integration shortcodes.
Error 500.
can someone please tell me, how exactly do I patch Shop.php, for PetraShop and WordPress to work side-by-side if WordPress is installed in the website root (i.e. “www.{domain}/”) and PrestaShop in “/shop” (i.e. “www.{domain}/shop/”)
I’m running WordPress + PrestaShop.
So far I have tried the following:
Yet when I access https://www.{domain} I’m still redirected to https://www.{domain}/shop.
Can someone please give me some exact instructions on how to fix this?
]]>Hello !
I have a problem since I’m using a subdomain for my WordPress only like that :
I apply the patch but the CSS and JS from Prestashop contains the subdomain, so they can’t be found…
Thank you in advance,
Cedric C.
did anyone tried to use the plugin with WPML ?
How ? ??
]]>Hi, I have a WP domain ( and PS in a subdomain ( I tried several path and the only one working is: ‘/home/user/domains/’
It redirects myweb to shop.myweb. I tried to patch shop.php with the code on FAQ and its all white, nothing loads. Maybe I’m not patching correctly…
Thank you!