I want to use it but see it hasn’t been updated?
]]>Dear team
Notice that this plugin hasnt been updated for a while so I wanted to ask if this plugin is compatible and has been tested with more later versions of WordPress like WP v4.9.2 or v4.9.4?
Please confirm if there will be support available if at all this plugin doesnt work with more recent versions of WordPress.
]]>Hi, thank you for the plugin!
I did everything as described in your installation manual and my Prezi is not showing at all, would you be able to help me please?
This is the link to Prezi I’m trying to show:
Thank you!
]]>It looks like there’s been at least two releases of 2.1, which means that the “later” 2.1 never gets updated by WordPress ??
The “first” 2.1 I have installed says this in readme.txt:
Tested up to: 4.4
Stable tag: 2.1
The “second” 2.1 available by downloading prezi-embedder.2.1.zip from www.ads-software.com right now says this in readme.txt:
Tested up to: 4.7
Stable tag: 2.1
Both first and second “versions” have prezi-embedder.php claiming they’re both version 2.1. My install of the “first” 2.1 is failing WP-CLI’s new “plugin verify-checkums” command and as I said, won’t upgrade to the “second” 2.1.
I think a new 2.2 release with a fixed version number might be order. In the meantime, I’ll edit the version in prezi-embedder.php down to 2.0 and then do an upgrade to the “second” 2.1. This is the second plugin today I’ve found with double-releases like this (“content-links” is the other one) – both on the same site install would you believe it.
]]>Hello, I got my plugin installed and the shortcode pasted like this:
[prezi id=’dCfhLUnchJKPHpaHBj7b’]
But still I can only see an empty iframe…
I also tried with:
[prezi id=”dCfhLUnchJKPHpaHBj7b”]
but nothing…
Can you help me?
I feel dumb since everyone else got it to work…
I input the code exactly as it’s written (and 10 other variations) but to no avail.
My prezi is public so I’m stumped.
Please help ??
]]>My prezi works great on my laptop and desktop but doesn’t work right (at all) on my iPad browsers (chrome or safari). Is there a setting that I need to adjust to work right with iPad?
I am pretty desperate.
I have worked on a Prezi for a while and want to put it on my existing website
Theme: Patricia (modified)
There is NO WAY I can get it to activate. It is listed in the root directory
I have deleted other plugins incase memory is a problem but NOTHING.
can you help?
I have put this on another forum – if this is wrong I am sorry .. as I say I am desperate and so far no advice has been forthcoming
thank you
I used the plugin Prezi Embedder for wordpress.
The page is visible in this address https://kreactiv.fr/presentation-prezi/, I have put in the code the option html5, but the play does not work on smartphones and always offers me update my flashplayer.
Also, my browser (Chrome) consistently crashes when I want to read or advance in the prezi.
[prezi id=”koomtsk5du50″?width=500 height=400 lock_to_path=1 html5=1]
Thank you for your help.
]]>How can I align to center my prezi? When I post the code to the page and upload it, it appers to the left, but i’d like to post it to the center of the page.
]]>Is it possible to have the prezi presentation preload in the wordpress page so the user doesn’t have to see the borrowing greyed out background with the button in the middle that says, “Start Prezi”?
]]>As of version 1.3
, Prezi Embedder will now implement Internationalization, allowing the plugin to be translated into multiple languages.
If you write in a language not currently being provided, your services in providing a translation would be greatly appreciated. The current POT file can be found here: https://plugins.svn.www.ads-software.com/prezi-embedder/trunk/languages/prezi-embedder.pot.
i am wondering if the frame could somehow be resized wherin my prezi appears.
When adding the code to a page and everything works ok I can see the following. There is a homogenous blank frame and my prezi in it. Now I can start adjusting the prezi window with the available features but this means basically that I have to enlarge my prezi to fill out the frame. Is there any chance to size the frame itself or at least to change its color to make it invisible?
Thanks in advance!
This is the link to my prezi:
I believe my prezi id is: rj31juwbjuma
So I wrote this short code in the wordpress post:
[prezi id=”<rj31juwbjuma>” width=500 height=400 lock_to_path=0]
The prezi is set to public.
But I can’t manage to display it in the post.
Could you help me?
Many many thanks.
As used with lock_to_path there is an option in prezi embed code for autoplay the presentación “autoplay=1” or “autoplay=0”
Next version:
$autoplay will be 0 or 1
Best regards
]]>I found a public prezi and am trying to test the plugin on the site. They’re just not displaying, even trying to load all three of these:
[prezi id=”<43958887>”]
[prezi id=”43958887″]
<iframe src=”https://prezi.com/embed/engabseu-6ad/?bgcolor=ffffff&lock_to_path=0&autoplay=0&autohide_ctrls=0&features=undefined&disabled_features=undefined” height=”400″ width=”550″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>
Where is the code supposed to come from? I pulled it from the embed code, but I also tried this “engabseu-6ad” from the iframe, and it still didn’t work. The iframe isn’t showing up either.
I’ve got to be missing something. Help! ??
]]>Hi Prezi Embedder Support,
I’m building out a WP site (REWORK). I’ve downloaded your plugin and have successfully embedded Prezis to a couple of my project pages. The Prezis show up and work beautifully on a mac. However, the Prezis don’t work on the following:
PC running Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari
Mac iPad, iPhone
The message I get is:
“Permission denied. You don’t have the required permission to view this page.”
Appreciate your help,
I’ve followed your installation instructions, but no prezi appears :S Perhaps it’s a compatibility issue with WordPress 3.5.1? Is there anything else I have to do apart from the steps in the installation instructions?
]]>I get this error:
Error: lock_to_path may only be 0 or 1.
What I put in:
[prezi id=”https://prezi.com/kvj8kbcegiho/direction-into-the-future/” width=500 height=400 lock_to_path=0]
this is what i have done, it still doesnt work
Can you please help