Hello, I have been using this plugin for a long time and it has always worked perfectly, and it was perfect, however after updating WP to 5.2.3 and Woocommmerce to 3.7 it crashed, it indicates a fatal error, is it possible to fix it?
Maybe I’m missing something, but for me, I see the settings, but I can see no other options anywhere else and nothing shows in front or back end ?
IE it doesn’t seem to do anything at all?
]]>Okay, solved the scroling with new upgrade but the product link in the email instead of going to the frontend goes to the admin product manager and the product name in the email dont show the special characters (-?! “) Etc. In the Price Match admin also not of to delete the requests.
Your plugin is great and works very well, I only found two problems,
1 – If the client is not log in made, the email that is sent to the owner of the store the product name does not appear, only appears if the client is to log in done. How do I resolve this?
2 – When I click to send a request to refresh page does and goes down and should stay in place of the form, so the customer gets to see the message. How to solve?