I’m having trouble logging into my account. I’m getting prompted to login on a private access authentication screen, but my credentials are not working. I was able to access everything up until about a month ago. Is there a support phone line to contact? I was not the one who started the WP account, but purchased the business that uses the site.
The URL I’m trying to access: https://rowzone.com/manayunk/wp-admin/
]]>The lack of information about this setting is amazing.
“By default you must approve every single user for a certain time under Users -> Edit and on the user settings page at the bottom.”
If you click on the link to “Users -> Edit,” you are taken to the WordPress All Users page…. okay, now what. If you go into a user profile there isn’t anything that even hints at having anything to do with time.
“user settings page at the bottom.”
What user settings “page?” There is no user settings page at the bottom.
Okay, just check the box “Do not use time based approvement,” and everythins else about this plugin works fine, but how do the time approvment settings work and what is their useful purpose to make that the default setting?
It’s almost like it was put there as a challenge, stating that if you just activate the plugin you may not be able to access your own blog, then telling you to read the descriptions carefully, and then coyly leaving you to figure out why you’ve been locked out of your own blog.
Oh, did I mention that this is a great plugin? ??
]]>Hi! Great plugin! Thanks a lot!
I have a problem because I have additional custom post types and they have categories. After installing Private by default those categories are only accessible for logged in users, now I need to “unhide” everything from those categories but I can’t see it in my settings-> access rights -> categories list. I can see there only all my “normal” categories but not the once from the custom posts. The custom post are working fine, so they can be viewed but the associated categories archive (link) is not possible to manage and give access to not logged in user.
Can you please help with giving access for not logged in users to a custom post category archive?
]]>Is it possible to set a rule for a certain page that a viewer is required to be logged in (as user e.g.) to have access to this page?
Can’t figure it out.
If not possible, which additional, small+simple plugin would be required?
Thank you!
]]>OK it worked too well at first, wouldn’t let anything but administrator to logon, now it doesnt work at all. Allows anyone to view the site.
]]>Hi all!
Please forget my very bad english !
I’ve set the plugin PWACM (private-wordpress-access-control-manager) to allow all posts (and others things), and I’ve also “denied” with PWACM one Categorie (“PRIVE”). It seems to work as I need it when I use the standard roles (Post of categorie “PRIVE” accessible only for any role connected), but with a custom role connected (CapsMan plugin used), the post keeps to be not accessible when connected.
I’ve explored (I’m a very newbie) the code of PWACM, and I’ve seen that some lines (only 2) have the standard roles writed in it… Is the plugin PWACM compatible with custom roles of the CapsMan plugin? If not, can we change those PWACM lines with our customized roles ?
My goal is to have a blog with 3 levels of view:
1) Not connected (but more than only the front page and Home page, PWACM plugin used)
2) Connected (But with customized named roles, CapsMan plugin used)
3) Connected and member of a group (UAM plugin used)
When a post is published, it is by default for the middle level (category PRIVE by default, but not affected to UAM groups)
Any idea ?
Best regards,
]]>What I would have expected was to be presented with the login screen.
]]>This plugin works well for me! Am using it with Sidebar Login – anyone can see my homepage; you must log in to see the rest of the site. It does take a little work to configure it.
Question: My site is running on the slow side and I wondered if there was a caching plugin that worked well with Private! WordPress Access Control Manager for public and private areas–I guess it would have to use encryption?
]]>Hello XBlogs and ddean,
I use this on a Multisite installation and everything going smooth with out any issues. But there is a problem with ‘Subscribe to blog’ option if I use ‘ Networks for wordpress ‘ plugin
That plugin asks us to comment a directive ‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE ‘. If I comment out this, I lose ‘Subscribe to blog’ option
I would like to know if there is any fix for this issue.
However, I love the plugin and hope there would be a latest version for 3.2 WordPress versions
Thank you!
I’ve setted up Private! to deny access to everything except the front page (a static one, not the one with the posts) and the tag public
In the static page there’s a link to the blog posts. When a user click on it, he goes to the login page where the message that Private! shows has a link to /tag/public
But the problem is that should the post have other tags (such as private
), the user can click them and navigate the whole tag tree.
Is there anything wrong with my settings or is the actual code wrong? Any way to solve this?
Also, is there any way to show a special page to unregistered users and the blog posts to registered ones?
My settings in Access Rights
√ Allow access to the front page of your blog
√ Show feeds for not logged in users
(so they can grab a feed for /tag/public
√ Allow users to access your feeds with special keys
Private -> Standard
Public -> Allow
√ Hide forbidden posts on posts list
Thank you.
]]>In lib/xfw_private.class.js
line 447:
echo '<script src="'.get_bloginfo('url').'/'.XFW_PATH.'/js/secure.login.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
This expands to something like https://www.example.com//home/username/public_html/wp-content/plugins/…
It should be:
echo '<script src="'.XFW_URL.'/js/secure.login.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
Firefox 5 and latest IE browsers cache redirects, therefore, if you hit https://www.domain.com and get redirect to https://www.domain.com/login.html
Then everytime you try and go to https://www.domain.com you will be redirected automatically to the login.html regardless as the browser makes the decision the redirect still stands without rechecking with the server.
i.e. it caches the redirect for speed.
You need to modify the script to include no cache headers before the redirect. I detailed this in your comments at:
Just in case others needed the info, and or the developer is not checking their comments. N
]]>This is a great plugin, thank you, but I have come across a problem. The setup assistant appears to just tick/check all of the boxes while using WordPress 3.2 for me. It works in 3.1.3, admittedly on a different server. I got around it by copying the settings manually from the 3.1.3 setup to the 3.2 one.
I used the plugin version 1.7.0 on both.
Has anyone else noticed this? Perhaps it a JavaScript problem.
]]>I love your plugin!
However – the is not much documentation for setting up “Use feed keys”. And I have noticed that several people have asked the same question(s).
How are these “feed keys” generated? Where are they located? Can GoogleReader still be used? If so, how?
Also – when I reset the “Use feed keys” sometimes it doesn’t “take”. The feeds are still accessible.
Thanks in advance,
Warning: file_put_contents(/is/htdocs/wpxxxxx/www/wp-includes/index.php) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /is/htdocs/wpxxxxx/www/wp-content/plugins/private-wordpress-access-control-manager/lib/xfw_private.class.php on line 1347
at line 1347 I find:
file_put_contents($path.’/index.php’, ‘<?PHP /* Private! */ ?>’);
Does anyone has some hint?
]]>I just found a problem when trying to add new user to a subsite. A new user gets the activation link by email, but when he clicks the link, he’ll be directed to the login page with a message: “Sorry, you have to log in to see the content of the page.”
I can’t find an option for disable this.
Hi X-Blogs,
Thank you for this plugin!
I want to know how to block the direct access to the image urls.
I can block accesses to the blogs like https://001.example.com/ but direct link (like https://001.example.com/files/2011/05/sample-img.jpg) is still visible to everyone and I want to control it.
Is it possible??
I want to make a private diary site and it’s neccesary..
Thank you for the plugin.
If you know something about the problem please let me know how to fix it.
I want to make a tag “open” so that you can make the post open when it’s tagged as “open”.
So I added a tag “open”.
But it doesn’t appear on “User>Private! Settings>Access Rights”.
It says “There are no tags.
Please chose from the list, if you want to overide the tags settings above.”
What can I do for this problem?
Maybe I’m missing something?
Thank you for the wonderful plugin.
I found a bug and fixed it on my own. I report that.
(I’m a Japanese and there might be wrong English)
The bug was like this:
When the plugin is activated, you get a error message below.
Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.7 with no alternative available. in /var/www/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3389
And this unables ajax on the tags/category admin pages.
When you add tag or category, nothing happens on the page while you can see the tag/category added when you reload the page.
So, I comment outed private!/xfw.class.php line 26
Now it works very well.
Thank you for your pluguin!
]]>Once the user is logged, where can I change the settings in order to redirect them to my homepage instead of the user profile?
]]>I’ve activated “Use feed keys”, and searched a whole lot where to create/find the feed keys, but without great success.. ??
Can some kind soul tell me where I find this?
]]>Enabling the plugin – Logins fail with administrator login.
]]>I have re-activated the plugin(On version 3.0.5 – multi-site installation) after a long time.But I am unable to access the settings.I am redirecting to dashboard when I click on settings menu.
I have tried re-installing the plguin too.But the same problem persists.Could anybody tell me if I am missing some thing?
I have installed it on other wordpress multisite installation(version 3.0.4) and successfully able to access it.Does any body have Idea about the usage of this plugin on ver 3.0.5?
]]>Hi all,
when trying to save changes after setting parameters, I get this error
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/private-wordpress-access-control-manager/lib/xfw_private.class.php on line 489
at line 489 I find a ‘XFW_TMP_PATH’ variable but I can’t understand wich one is the folder I have to set as writable.
Anyway the plugin works and protects the site from public access.
Does anyone has some hint?
]]>I cant set the “Private! options” in the user profile. Regardless what I enter and save the value is changed to the current timestamp when i open the profil again and my own pages get hidden.
One more thing: It seems the plugin creates a “_*” folder inside the plugin directory. I had to give write access to the web server to the plugin folder to get rid of error messages. The created folder is empty.
Thanks for help
]]>No Settings is working on WP 3.0.4
]]>Can I disable some options on plugin configuration page for Sub-site admins?So that they can control only the options which I need them to control
Thanks !
]]>On a sub site I am trying to use this option :Subscribe to a blog
I want to test it As a normal user account on a subsite-test1.mysite.com.
I have entered a sub-site address (test2.mysite.com)at that option field.But it says
This blog does not allow you to subscribe directly! Please contact the blog admin
How to configure the blog to allow any users to subscribe?
]]>I have activated the plugin and configured it successfully.Also edited the private.php as instructed .
But when a user clicks on register link/login link on a sub-site, he is still redirecting to his own site .He could access Main site.But what should I do if he need register on sub-site which he wants?
What I need is… if a new User visits a sub-site and want to signin.He should be able to register/login directly on that sub-site.Some plugins like theme-my-login can help with this.But it doesn’t work with multisite installation some times and not at all on buddypress enabled site
Also would you please look at this post and let me know if I can do like something like that?
Thanks !
]]>After I activate the plugin, I go the Private! Settings and enable the functionality. I don’t alter any other setting, and it does not work at all. It seems every setting has no effect. I am running a multisite and just want a subsite (configured by sub-directory) protected.
Unfortunately, I have no other information to give as there are no error messages or anything; it just doesn’t work ??