Rating: 1 star
Product Image is replace by web site logo
I am not able to selete my store’s facebook page.
Rating: 2 stars
Getting an app for Facebook is not simple at all and requires a review process that keeps kicking you back to add more and more details to the app that are not even necessary for what you are trying to accomplish with the app.
Getting the Twitter and Pinterest app was fine, but not the FB. This plugin requires that I go to each social venue and build or request an app. Waaaaay too much work, time and waiting time just to share on social media.
I’ll find another solution.
]]>Rating: 1 star
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 in /webfolder/wp-content/plugins/product-auto-share/Apis/tumblr/OAuth.php on line 121
PS : Will change the rating once the issue is rectified. ??
]]>Rating: 5 stars
When I upload your plugin and try to manage the settings, it gives me this error:
Fatal error: Base lambda function for closure not found in /home/amaschqadri/public_html/wp-content/plugins/product-auto-share/Apis/Facebook/autoload.php on line 45
Can you tell me what this is about?
]]>Rating: 3 stars
Have completed all steps to create Facebook API and Secret correctly and have submitted the correct url on the OAuth page, but still when I try to share posts to Facebook it says I need a Facebook Token. There is nowhere in the plugin that allows me to submit a token.
The Twitter shares, however, work beautifully.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Thank you for your wonderful plugin.
Only problem on Facebook.
This sharing on my facebook profile and not on my Facebook page.
I try to see on Facebook Developeur without success.
Can you help me ?
I am french.
Thank you